@ -2858,6 +2858,18 @@ end
TrimString = {Params = "string", Return = "string", Notes = "Trims whitespace at both ends of the string"},
md5 = {Params = "string", Return = "string", Notes = "<b>OBSOLETE</b>, use the {{cCryptoHash}} functions instead.<br>Converts a string to a raw binary md5 hash."},
Constants =
esBed = { Notes = "A bed explosion. The SourceData param is the {{Vector3i|position}} of the bed." },
esEnderCrystal = { Notes = "An ender crystal entity explosion. The SourceData param is the {{cEntity|ender crystal entity}} object." },
esGhastFireball = { Notes = "A ghast fireball explosion. The SourceData param is the {{cGhastFireballEntity|ghast fireball entity}} object." },
esMonster = { Notes = "A monster explosion (creeper). The SourceData param is the {{cMonster|monster entity}} object." },
esOther = { Notes = "Any other explosion. The SourceData param is unused." },
esPlugin = { Notes = "An explosion started by a plugin, without any further information. The SourceData param is unused. "},
esPrimedTNT = { Notes = "A TNT explosion. The SourceData param is the {{cTNTEntity|TNT entity}} object."},
esWitherBirth = { Notes = "An explosion at a wither's birth. The SourceData param is the {{cMonster|wither entity}} object." },
esWitherSkull = { Notes = "A wither skull explosion. The SourceData param is the {{cWitherSkullEntity|wither skull entity}} object." },
ConstantGroups =
BlockTypes =
@ -2961,7 +2973,7 @@ end
These constants are used to differentiate the various sources of explosions. They are used in
the {{OnExploded|HOOK_EXPLODED}} hook, {{OnExploding|HOOK_EXPLODING}} hook and in the
{{cWorld}}:DoExplosionAt() function. These constants also dictate the type of the additional
data provided with the explosions, such as the exploding {{cCreeper|creeper}} entity or the
data provided with the explosions, such as the exploding creeper {{cEntity|entity}} or the
{{Vector3i|coords}} of the exploding bed.
@ -3037,6 +3049,7 @@ end
"Globals._CuberiteInternal_.*", -- Ignore all internal Cuberite constants
IgnoreVariables =
@ -11,20 +11,7 @@ return
The explosion carries with it the type of its source - whether it's a creeper exploding, or TNT,
etc. It also carries the identification of the actual source. The exact type of the identification
depends on the source kind:
<tr><th>Source</th><th>SourceData Type</th><th>Notes</th></tr>
<tr><td>esPrimedTNT</td><td>{{cTNTEntity}}</td><td>An exploding primed TNT entity</td></tr>
<tr><td>esCreeper</td><td>{{cCreeper}}</td><td>An exploding creeper or charged creeper</td></tr>
<tr><td>esBed</td><td>{{Vector3i}}</td><td>A bed exploding in the Nether or in the End. The bed coords are given.</td></tr>
<tr><td>esEnderCrystal</td><td>{{Vector3i}}</td><td>An ender crystal exploding upon hit. The block coords are given.</td></tr>
<tr><td>esGhastFireball</td><td>{{cGhastFireballEntity}}</td><td>A ghast fireball hitting ground or an {{cEntity|entity}}.</td></tr>
<tr><td>esWitherSkullBlack</td><td><i>TBD</i></td><td>A black wither skull hitting ground or an {{cEntity|entity}}.</td></tr>
<tr><td>esWitherSkullBlue</td><td><i>TBD</i></td><td>A blue wither skull hitting ground or an {{cEntity|entity}}.</td></tr>
<tr><td>esWitherBirth</td><td><i>TBD</i></td><td>A wither boss being created</td></tr>
<tr><td>esOther</td><td><i>TBD</i></td><td>Any other previously unspecified type.</td></tr>
<tr><td>esPlugin</td><td>object</td><td>An explosion created by a plugin. The plugin may specify any kind of data.</td></tr>
depends on the source kind, see the {{Globals#ExplosionSource|esXXX}} constants' descriptions for details.
Params =
@ -35,7 +22,7 @@ return
{ Name = "Y", Type = "number", Notes = "Y-coord of the explosion center" },
{ Name = "Z", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the explosion center" },
{ Name = "Source", Type = "eExplosionSource", Notes = "Source of the explosion. See the table above." },
{ Name = "SourceData", Type = "varies", Notes = "Additional data for the source. The exact type varies by the source. See the table above." },
{ Name = "SourceData", Type = "varies", Notes = "Additional data for the source. The exact type varies by the source. See the {{Globals#ExplosionSource|esXXX}} constants' descriptions." },
Returns = [[
If the function returns false or no value, the next plugin's callback is called. If the function
@ -11,20 +11,7 @@ return
The explosion carries with it the type of its source - whether it's a creeper exploding, or TNT,
etc. It also carries the identification of the actual source. The exact type of the identification
depends on the source kind:
<tr><th>Source</th><th>SourceData Type</th><th>Notes</th></tr>
<tr><td>esPrimedTNT</td><td>{{cTNTEntity}}</td><td>An exploding primed TNT entity</td></tr>
<tr><td>esCreeper</td><td>{{cCreeper}}</td><td>An exploding creeper or charged creeper</td></tr>
<tr><td>esBed</td><td>{{Vector3i}}</td><td>A bed exploding in the Nether or in the End. The bed coords are given.</td></tr>
<tr><td>esEnderCrystal</td><td>{{Vector3i}}</td><td>An ender crystal exploding upon hit. The block coords are given.</td></tr>
<tr><td>esGhastFireball</td><td>{{cGhastFireballEntity}}</td><td>A ghast fireball hitting ground or an {{cEntity|entity}}.</td></tr>
<tr><td>esWitherSkullBlack</td><td><i>TBD</i></td><td>A black wither skull hitting ground or an {{cEntity|entity}}.</td></tr>
<tr><td>esWitherSkullBlue</td><td><i>TBD</i></td><td>A blue wither skull hitting ground or an {{cEntity|entity}}.</td></tr>
<tr><td>esWitherBirth</td><td><i>TBD</i></td><td>A wither boss being created</td></tr>
<tr><td>esOther</td><td><i>TBD</i></td><td>Any other previously unspecified type.</td></tr>
<tr><td>esPlugin</td><td>object</td><td>An explosion created by a plugin. The plugin may specify any kind of data.</td></tr>
depends on the source kind, see the {{Globals#ExplosionSource|esXXX}} constants' descriptions for details
Params =
@ -35,12 +22,16 @@ return
{ Name = "Y", Type = "number", Notes = "Y-coord of the explosion center" },
{ Name = "Z", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the explosion center" },
{ Name = "Source", Type = "eExplosionSource", Notes = "Source of the explosion. See the table above." },
{ Name = "SourceData", Type = "varies", Notes = "Additional data for the source. The exact type varies by the source. See the table above." },
{ Name = "SourceData", Type = "varies", Notes = "Additional data for the source. The exact type varies by the source. See the {{Globals#ExplosionSource|esXXX}} constants' description." },
Returns = [[
If the function returns false or no value, the next plugin's callback is called, and finally
Cuberite will process the explosion - destroy blocks and push + hurt entities. If the function
returns true, no other callback is called for this event and the explosion will not occur.
returns true, no other callback is called for this event and the explosion will not occur.</p>
The hook handler may return up to two more values after the initial bool. The second returned value
overrides the CanCauseFire parameter for subsequent hook calls and the final explosion, the third
returned value overrides the ExplosionSize parameter for subsequent hook calls and the final explosion.
@ -209,10 +209,11 @@ function Explode(Split, Player)
-- Create a callback ExplodePlayer with parameter Explodee, which Cuberite calls for every player on the server
local HasExploded = false
local ExplodePlayer = function(Explodee)
-- If the player we are currently at is the one we specified as the parameter
-- If the player name matches exactly
if (Explodee:GetName() == Split[2]) then
-- Create an explosion at the same position as they are; see <a href="cWorld.html">API docs</a> for further details of this function
Player:GetWorld():DoExplosionAt(Explodee:GetPosX(), Explodee:GetPosY(), Explodee:GetPosZ(), false, esPlugin)
-- Create an explosion of force level 2 at the same position as they are
-- see <a href="cWorld.html">API docs</a> for further details of this function
Player:GetWorld():DoExplosionAt(2, Explodee:GetPosX(), Explodee:GetPosY(), Explodee:GetPosZ(), false, esPlugin)
Player:SendMessageSuccess(Split[2] .. " was successfully exploded")
HasExploded = true;
return true -- Signalize to Cuberite that we do not need to call this callback for any more players
@ -786,7 +786,7 @@ local function WriteHtmlClass(a_ClassAPI, a_ClassMenu)
cf:write("<a name='", group.Name, "'><p>");
cf:write(LinkifyString(group.TextBefore or "", Source));
WriteConstantTable(group.Constants, a_InheritedName or a_ClassAPI.Name);
cf:write(LinkifyString(group.TextAfter or "", Source), "</a></p>");
cf:write(LinkifyString(group.TextAfter or "", Source), "</a></p><hr/>");
@ -807,25 +807,6 @@ void cLuaState::Push(UInt32 a_Value)
void cLuaState::Push(void * a_Ptr)
// Investigate the cause of this - what is the callstack?
// One code path leading here is the OnHookExploding / OnHookExploded with exotic parameters. Need to decide what to do with them
LOGWARNING("Lua engine: attempting to push a plain pointer, pushing nil instead.");
LOGWARNING("This indicates an unimplemented part of MCS bindings");
m_NumCurrentFunctionArgs += 1;
void cLuaState::Push(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Value)
@ -838,20 +819,6 @@ void cLuaState::Push(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Value)
void cLuaState::PushUserType(void * a_Object, const char * a_Type)
tolua_pushusertype(m_LuaState, a_Object, a_Type);
m_NumCurrentFunctionArgs += 1;
bool cLuaState::GetStackValue(int a_StackPos, AString & a_Value)
size_t len = 0;
@ -1197,6 +1164,39 @@ bool cLuaState::CheckParamNumber(int a_StartParam, int a_EndParam)
bool cLuaState::CheckParamBool(int a_StartParam, int a_EndParam)
if (a_EndParam < 0)
a_EndParam = a_StartParam;
tolua_Error tolua_err;
for (int i = a_StartParam; i <= a_EndParam; i++)
if (tolua_isboolean(m_LuaState, i, 0, &tolua_err))
// Not the correct parameter
lua_Debug entry;
VERIFY(lua_getstack(m_LuaState, 0, &entry));
VERIFY(lua_getinfo (m_LuaState, "n", &entry));
AString ErrMsg = Printf("#ferror in function '%s'.", ( != nullptr) ? : "?");
tolua_error(m_LuaState, ErrMsg.c_str(), &tolua_err);
return false;
} // for i - Param
// All params checked ok
return true;
bool cLuaState::CheckParamString(int a_StartParam, int a_EndParam)
@ -259,7 +259,6 @@ public:
void Push(int a_Value);
void Push(long a_Value);
void Push(const UInt32 a_Value);
void Push(void * a_Ptr);
void Push(std::chrono::milliseconds a_time);
// GetStackValue() retrieves the value at a_StackPos, if it is a valid type. If not, a_Value is unchanged.
@ -375,6 +374,9 @@ public:
/** Returns true if the specified parameters on the stack are numbers; also logs warning if not */
bool CheckParamNumber(int a_StartParam, int a_EndParam = -1);
/** Returns true if the specified parameters on the stack are bools; also logs warning if not */
bool CheckParamBool(int a_StartParam, int a_EndParam = -1);
/** Returns true if the specified parameters on the stack are strings; also logs warning if not */
bool CheckParamString(int a_StartParam, int a_EndParam = -1);
@ -110,6 +110,99 @@ static int tolua_cWorld_ChunkStay(lua_State * tolua_S)
static int tolua_cWorld_DoExplosionAt(lua_State * tolua_S)
/* Function signature:
World:DoExplosionAt(ExplosionSize, BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ, CanCauseFire, SourceType, [SourceData])
cLuaState L(tolua_S);
if (
!L.CheckParamUserType (1, "cWorld") ||
!L.CheckParamNumber (2, 5) ||
!L.CheckParamBool (6) ||
!L.CheckParamNumber (7) ||
!L.CheckParamEnd (9)
return 0;
// Read the params:
cWorld * World;
double ExplosionSize;
int BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ;
bool CanCauseFire;
int SourceTypeInt;
if (!L.GetStackValues(1, World, ExplosionSize, BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ, CanCauseFire, SourceTypeInt))
LOGWARNING("World:DoExplosionAt(): invalid parameters");
return 0;
if ((SourceTypeInt < 0) || (SourceTypeInt >= esMax))
LOGWARNING("World:DoExplosionAt(): Invalid source type");
return 0;
eExplosionSource SourceType;
void * SourceData;
switch (SourceTypeInt)
case esBed:
// esBed receives a Vector3i SourceData param:
Vector3i * pos = nullptr;
L.GetStackValue(8, pos);
SourceType = esBed;
SourceData = pos;
case esEnderCrystal:
case esGhastFireball:
case esMonster:
case esPrimedTNT:
case esWitherBirth:
case esWitherSkull:
// These all receive a cEntity descendant SourceData param:
cEntity * ent = nullptr;
L.GetStackValue(8, ent);
SourceType = static_cast<eExplosionSource>(SourceTypeInt);
SourceData = ent;
case esOther:
case esPlugin:
// esOther and esPlugin ignore their SourceData params
SourceType = static_cast<eExplosionSource>(SourceTypeInt);
SourceData = nullptr;
LOGWARNING("cWorld:DoExplosionAt(): invalid SourceType parameter: %d", SourceTypeInt);
return 0;
// Create the actual explosion:
World->DoExplosionAt(ExplosionSize, BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ, CanCauseFire, SourceType, SourceData);
return 0;
static int tolua_cWorld_ForEachLoadedChunk(lua_State * tolua_S)
// Exported manually, because tolua doesn't support converting functions to functor types.
@ -576,41 +669,42 @@ void cManualBindings::BindWorld(lua_State * tolua_S)
tolua_beginmodule(tolua_S, nullptr);
tolua_beginmodule(tolua_S, "cWorld");
tolua_function(tolua_S, "BroadcastParticleEffect", tolua_cWorld_BroadcastParticleEffect);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "ChunkStay", tolua_cWorld_ChunkStay);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "DoWithBlockEntityAt", DoWithXYZ<cWorld, cBlockEntity, &cWorld::DoWithBlockEntityAt>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "DoWithBeaconAt", DoWithXYZ<cWorld, cBeaconEntity, &cWorld::DoWithBeaconAt>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "DoWithBrewingstandAt", DoWithXYZ<cWorld, cBrewingstandEntity, &cWorld::DoWithBrewingstandAt>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "DoWithChestAt", DoWithXYZ<cWorld, cChestEntity, &cWorld::DoWithChestAt>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "DoWithDispenserAt", DoWithXYZ<cWorld, cDispenserEntity, &cWorld::DoWithDispenserAt>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "DoWithDropSpenserAt", DoWithXYZ<cWorld, cDropSpenserEntity, &cWorld::DoWithDropSpenserAt>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "DoWithDropperAt", DoWithXYZ<cWorld, cDropperEntity, &cWorld::DoWithDropperAt>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "DoWithEntityByID", DoWithID< cWorld, cEntity, &cWorld::DoWithEntityByID>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "DoWithFurnaceAt", DoWithXYZ<cWorld, cFurnaceEntity, &cWorld::DoWithFurnaceAt>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "DoWithNoteBlockAt", DoWithXYZ<cWorld, cNoteEntity, &cWorld::DoWithNoteBlockAt>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "DoWithCommandBlockAt", DoWithXYZ<cWorld, cCommandBlockEntity, &cWorld::DoWithCommandBlockAt>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "DoWithMobHeadAt", DoWithXYZ<cWorld, cMobHeadEntity, &cWorld::DoWithMobHeadAt>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "DoWithFlowerPotAt", DoWithXYZ<cWorld, cFlowerPotEntity, &cWorld::DoWithFlowerPotAt>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "DoWithPlayer", DoWith< cWorld, cPlayer, &cWorld::DoWithPlayer>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "FindAndDoWithPlayer", DoWith< cWorld, cPlayer, &cWorld::FindAndDoWithPlayer>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "DoWithPlayerByUUID", DoWith< cWorld, cPlayer, &cWorld::DoWithPlayerByUUID>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "ForEachBlockEntityInChunk", ForEachInChunk<cWorld, cBlockEntity, &cWorld::ForEachBlockEntityInChunk>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "BroadcastParticleEffect", tolua_cWorld_BroadcastParticleEffect);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "ChunkStay", tolua_cWorld_ChunkStay);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "DoExplosionAt", tolua_cWorld_DoExplosionAt);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "DoWithBeaconAt", DoWithXYZ<cWorld, cBeaconEntity, &cWorld::DoWithBeaconAt>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "DoWithBlockEntityAt", DoWithXYZ<cWorld, cBlockEntity, &cWorld::DoWithBlockEntityAt>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "DoWithBrewingstandAt", DoWithXYZ<cWorld, cBrewingstandEntity, &cWorld::DoWithBrewingstandAt>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "DoWithChestAt", DoWithXYZ<cWorld, cChestEntity, &cWorld::DoWithChestAt>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "DoWithCommandBlockAt", DoWithXYZ<cWorld, cCommandBlockEntity, &cWorld::DoWithCommandBlockAt>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "DoWithDispenserAt", DoWithXYZ<cWorld, cDispenserEntity, &cWorld::DoWithDispenserAt>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "DoWithDropSpenserAt", DoWithXYZ<cWorld, cDropSpenserEntity, &cWorld::DoWithDropSpenserAt>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "DoWithDropperAt", DoWithXYZ<cWorld, cDropperEntity, &cWorld::DoWithDropperAt>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "DoWithEntityByID", DoWithID< cWorld, cEntity, &cWorld::DoWithEntityByID>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "DoWithFlowerPotAt", DoWithXYZ<cWorld, cFlowerPotEntity, &cWorld::DoWithFlowerPotAt>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "DoWithFurnaceAt", DoWithXYZ<cWorld, cFurnaceEntity, &cWorld::DoWithFurnaceAt>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "DoWithMobHeadAt", DoWithXYZ<cWorld, cMobHeadEntity, &cWorld::DoWithMobHeadAt>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "DoWithNoteBlockAt", DoWithXYZ<cWorld, cNoteEntity, &cWorld::DoWithNoteBlockAt>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "DoWithPlayer", DoWith< cWorld, cPlayer, &cWorld::DoWithPlayer>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "DoWithPlayerByUUID", DoWith< cWorld, cPlayer, &cWorld::DoWithPlayerByUUID>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "FindAndDoWithPlayer", DoWith< cWorld, cPlayer, &cWorld::FindAndDoWithPlayer>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "ForEachBlockEntityInChunk", ForEachInChunk<cWorld, cBlockEntity, &cWorld::ForEachBlockEntityInChunk>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "ForEachBrewingstandInChunk", ForEachInChunk<cWorld, cBrewingstandEntity, &cWorld::ForEachBrewingstandInChunk>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "ForEachChestInChunk", ForEachInChunk<cWorld, cChestEntity, &cWorld::ForEachChestInChunk>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "ForEachEntity", ForEach< cWorld, cEntity, &cWorld::ForEachEntity>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "ForEachEntityInBox", ForEachInBox< cWorld, cEntity, &cWorld::ForEachEntityInBox>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "ForEachEntityInChunk", ForEachInChunk<cWorld, cEntity, &cWorld::ForEachEntityInChunk>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "ForEachFurnaceInChunk", ForEachInChunk<cWorld, cFurnaceEntity, &cWorld::ForEachFurnaceInChunk>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "ForEachPlayer", ForEach< cWorld, cPlayer, &cWorld::ForEachPlayer>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "ForEachLoadedChunk", tolua_cWorld_ForEachLoadedChunk);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "GetBlockInfo", tolua_cWorld_GetBlockInfo);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "GetBlockTypeMeta", tolua_cWorld_GetBlockTypeMeta);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "GetSignLines", tolua_cWorld_GetSignLines);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "PrepareChunk", tolua_cWorld_PrepareChunk);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "QueueTask", tolua_cWorld_QueueTask);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "ScheduleTask", tolua_cWorld_ScheduleTask);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "SetSignLines", tolua_cWorld_SetSignLines);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "TryGetHeight", tolua_cWorld_TryGetHeight);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "ForEachChestInChunk", ForEachInChunk<cWorld, cChestEntity, &cWorld::ForEachChestInChunk>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "ForEachEntity", ForEach< cWorld, cEntity, &cWorld::ForEachEntity>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "ForEachEntityInBox", ForEachInBox< cWorld, cEntity, &cWorld::ForEachEntityInBox>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "ForEachEntityInChunk", ForEachInChunk<cWorld, cEntity, &cWorld::ForEachEntityInChunk>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "ForEachFurnaceInChunk", ForEachInChunk<cWorld, cFurnaceEntity, &cWorld::ForEachFurnaceInChunk>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "ForEachLoadedChunk", tolua_cWorld_ForEachLoadedChunk);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "ForEachPlayer", ForEach< cWorld, cPlayer, &cWorld::ForEachPlayer>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "GetBlockInfo", tolua_cWorld_GetBlockInfo);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "GetBlockTypeMeta", tolua_cWorld_GetBlockTypeMeta);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "GetSignLines", tolua_cWorld_GetSignLines);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "PrepareChunk", tolua_cWorld_PrepareChunk);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "QueueTask", tolua_cWorld_QueueTask);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "ScheduleTask", tolua_cWorld_ScheduleTask);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "SetSignLines", tolua_cWorld_SetSignLines);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "TryGetHeight", tolua_cWorld_TryGetHeight);
@ -667,16 +667,20 @@ bool cPluginLua::OnExploded(cWorld & a_World, double a_ExplosionSize, bool a_Can
switch (a_Source)
case esOther: m_LuaState.Call(static_cast<int>(**itr), &a_World, a_ExplosionSize, a_CanCauseFire, a_X, a_Y, a_Z, a_Source, a_SourceData, cLuaState::Return, res); break;
case esPrimedTNT: m_LuaState.Call(static_cast<int>(**itr), &a_World, a_ExplosionSize, a_CanCauseFire, a_X, a_Y, a_Z, a_Source, reinterpret_cast<cTNTEntity *>(a_SourceData), cLuaState::Return, res); break;
case esMonster: m_LuaState.Call(static_cast<int>(**itr), &a_World, a_ExplosionSize, a_CanCauseFire, a_X, a_Y, a_Z, a_Source, reinterpret_cast<cMonster *>(a_SourceData), cLuaState::Return, res); break;
case esBed: m_LuaState.Call(static_cast<int>(**itr), &a_World, a_ExplosionSize, a_CanCauseFire, a_X, a_Y, a_Z, a_Source, reinterpret_cast<Vector3i *>(a_SourceData), cLuaState::Return, res); break;
case esEnderCrystal: m_LuaState.Call(static_cast<int>(**itr), &a_World, a_ExplosionSize, a_CanCauseFire, a_X, a_Y, a_Z, a_Source, reinterpret_cast<Vector3i *>(a_SourceData), cLuaState::Return, res); break;
case esGhastFireball: m_LuaState.Call(static_cast<int>(**itr), &a_World, a_ExplosionSize, a_CanCauseFire, a_X, a_Y, a_Z, a_Source, a_SourceData, cLuaState::Return, res); break;
case esWitherSkullBlack:
case esWitherSkullBlue: m_LuaState.Call(static_cast<int>(**itr), &a_World, a_ExplosionSize, a_CanCauseFire, a_X, a_Y, a_Z, a_Source, a_SourceData, cLuaState::Return, res); break;
case esWitherBirth: m_LuaState.Call(static_cast<int>(**itr), &a_World, a_ExplosionSize, a_CanCauseFire, a_X, a_Y, a_Z, a_Source, a_SourceData, cLuaState::Return, res); break;
case esPlugin: m_LuaState.Call(static_cast<int>(**itr), &a_World, a_ExplosionSize, a_CanCauseFire, a_X, a_Y, a_Z, a_Source, a_SourceData, cLuaState::Return, res); break;
case esBed: m_LuaState.Call(static_cast<int>(**itr), &a_World, a_ExplosionSize, a_CanCauseFire, a_X, a_Y, a_Z, a_Source, reinterpret_cast<Vector3i *> (a_SourceData), cLuaState::Return, res); break;
case esEnderCrystal: m_LuaState.Call(static_cast<int>(**itr), &a_World, a_ExplosionSize, a_CanCauseFire, a_X, a_Y, a_Z, a_Source, reinterpret_cast<cEntity *> (a_SourceData), cLuaState::Return, res); break;
case esGhastFireball: m_LuaState.Call(static_cast<int>(**itr), &a_World, a_ExplosionSize, a_CanCauseFire, a_X, a_Y, a_Z, a_Source, reinterpret_cast<cGhastFireballEntity *>(a_SourceData), cLuaState::Return, res); break;
case esMonster: m_LuaState.Call(static_cast<int>(**itr), &a_World, a_ExplosionSize, a_CanCauseFire, a_X, a_Y, a_Z, a_Source, reinterpret_cast<cMonster *> (a_SourceData), cLuaState::Return, res); break;
case esOther: m_LuaState.Call(static_cast<int>(**itr), &a_World, a_ExplosionSize, a_CanCauseFire, a_X, a_Y, a_Z, a_Source, cLuaState::Return, res); break;
case esPlugin: m_LuaState.Call(static_cast<int>(**itr), &a_World, a_ExplosionSize, a_CanCauseFire, a_X, a_Y, a_Z, a_Source, cLuaState::Return, res); break;
case esPrimedTNT: m_LuaState.Call(static_cast<int>(**itr), &a_World, a_ExplosionSize, a_CanCauseFire, a_X, a_Y, a_Z, a_Source, reinterpret_cast<cTNTEntity *> (a_SourceData), cLuaState::Return, res); break;
case esWitherBirth: m_LuaState.Call(static_cast<int>(**itr), &a_World, a_ExplosionSize, a_CanCauseFire, a_X, a_Y, a_Z, a_Source, reinterpret_cast<cMonster *> (a_SourceData), cLuaState::Return, res); break;
case esWitherSkull: m_LuaState.Call(static_cast<int>(**itr), &a_World, a_ExplosionSize, a_CanCauseFire, a_X, a_Y, a_Z, a_Source, reinterpret_cast<cWitherSkullEntity *> (a_SourceData), cLuaState::Return, res); break;
case esMax:
ASSERT(!"Invalid explosion source");
return false;
if (res)
@ -703,16 +707,20 @@ bool cPluginLua::OnExploding(cWorld & a_World, double & a_ExplosionSize, bool &
switch (a_Source)
case esOther: m_LuaState.Call(static_cast<int>(**itr), &a_World, a_ExplosionSize, a_CanCauseFire, a_X, a_Y, a_Z, a_Source, a_SourceData, cLuaState::Return, res, a_CanCauseFire, a_ExplosionSize); break;
case esPrimedTNT: m_LuaState.Call(static_cast<int>(**itr), &a_World, a_ExplosionSize, a_CanCauseFire, a_X, a_Y, a_Z, a_Source, reinterpret_cast<cTNTEntity *>(a_SourceData), cLuaState::Return, res, a_CanCauseFire, a_ExplosionSize); break;
case esMonster: m_LuaState.Call(static_cast<int>(**itr), &a_World, a_ExplosionSize, a_CanCauseFire, a_X, a_Y, a_Z, a_Source, reinterpret_cast<cMonster *>(a_SourceData), cLuaState::Return, res, a_CanCauseFire, a_ExplosionSize); break;
case esBed: m_LuaState.Call(static_cast<int>(**itr), &a_World, a_ExplosionSize, a_CanCauseFire, a_X, a_Y, a_Z, a_Source, reinterpret_cast<Vector3i *>(a_SourceData), cLuaState::Return, res, a_CanCauseFire, a_ExplosionSize); break;
case esEnderCrystal: m_LuaState.Call(static_cast<int>(**itr), &a_World, a_ExplosionSize, a_CanCauseFire, a_X, a_Y, a_Z, a_Source, reinterpret_cast<Vector3i *>(a_SourceData), cLuaState::Return, res, a_CanCauseFire, a_ExplosionSize); break;
case esGhastFireball: m_LuaState.Call(static_cast<int>(**itr), &a_World, a_ExplosionSize, a_CanCauseFire, a_X, a_Y, a_Z, a_Source, a_SourceData, cLuaState::Return, res, a_CanCauseFire, a_ExplosionSize); break;
case esWitherSkullBlack:
case esWitherSkullBlue: m_LuaState.Call(static_cast<int>(**itr), &a_World, a_ExplosionSize, a_CanCauseFire, a_X, a_Y, a_Z, a_Source, a_SourceData, cLuaState::Return, res, a_CanCauseFire, a_ExplosionSize); break;
case esWitherBirth: m_LuaState.Call(static_cast<int>(**itr), &a_World, a_ExplosionSize, a_CanCauseFire, a_X, a_Y, a_Z, a_Source, a_SourceData, cLuaState::Return, res, a_CanCauseFire, a_ExplosionSize); break;
case esPlugin: m_LuaState.Call(static_cast<int>(**itr), &a_World, a_ExplosionSize, a_CanCauseFire, a_X, a_Y, a_Z, a_Source, a_SourceData, cLuaState::Return, res, a_CanCauseFire, a_ExplosionSize); break;
case esBed: m_LuaState.Call(static_cast<int>(**itr), &a_World, a_ExplosionSize, a_CanCauseFire, a_X, a_Y, a_Z, a_Source, reinterpret_cast<Vector3i *> (a_SourceData), cLuaState::Return, res, a_CanCauseFire, a_ExplosionSize); break;
case esEnderCrystal: m_LuaState.Call(static_cast<int>(**itr), &a_World, a_ExplosionSize, a_CanCauseFire, a_X, a_Y, a_Z, a_Source, reinterpret_cast<cEntity *> (a_SourceData), cLuaState::Return, res, a_CanCauseFire, a_ExplosionSize); break;
case esGhastFireball: m_LuaState.Call(static_cast<int>(**itr), &a_World, a_ExplosionSize, a_CanCauseFire, a_X, a_Y, a_Z, a_Source, reinterpret_cast<cGhastFireballEntity *>(a_SourceData), cLuaState::Return, res, a_CanCauseFire, a_ExplosionSize); break;
case esMonster: m_LuaState.Call(static_cast<int>(**itr), &a_World, a_ExplosionSize, a_CanCauseFire, a_X, a_Y, a_Z, a_Source, reinterpret_cast<cMonster *> (a_SourceData), cLuaState::Return, res, a_CanCauseFire, a_ExplosionSize); break;
case esOther: m_LuaState.Call(static_cast<int>(**itr), &a_World, a_ExplosionSize, a_CanCauseFire, a_X, a_Y, a_Z, a_Source, cLuaState::Return, res, a_CanCauseFire, a_ExplosionSize); break;
case esPlugin: m_LuaState.Call(static_cast<int>(**itr), &a_World, a_ExplosionSize, a_CanCauseFire, a_X, a_Y, a_Z, a_Source, cLuaState::Return, res, a_CanCauseFire, a_ExplosionSize); break;
case esPrimedTNT: m_LuaState.Call(static_cast<int>(**itr), &a_World, a_ExplosionSize, a_CanCauseFire, a_X, a_Y, a_Z, a_Source, reinterpret_cast<cTNTEntity *> (a_SourceData), cLuaState::Return, res, a_CanCauseFire, a_ExplosionSize); break;
case esWitherBirth: m_LuaState.Call(static_cast<int>(**itr), &a_World, a_ExplosionSize, a_CanCauseFire, a_X, a_Y, a_Z, a_Source, reinterpret_cast<cMonster *> (a_SourceData), cLuaState::Return, res, a_CanCauseFire, a_ExplosionSize); break;
case esWitherSkull: m_LuaState.Call(static_cast<int>(**itr), &a_World, a_ExplosionSize, a_CanCauseFire, a_X, a_Y, a_Z, a_Source, reinterpret_cast<cWitherSkullEntity *> (a_SourceData), cLuaState::Return, res, a_CanCauseFire, a_ExplosionSize); break;
case esMax:
ASSERT(!"Invalid explosion source");
return false;
if (res)
@ -1051,18 +1051,30 @@ enum eDamageType
/** The source of an explosion.
Also dictates the type of the additional data passed to the explosion handlers:
| esBed | Vector3i * | Bed exploding in the Nether or in the End
| esEnderCrystal | cEnderCrystal * |
| esGhastFireball | cGhastFireballEntity * |
| esMonster | cMonster * |
| esOther | nullptr | Any other explosion unaccounted for
| esPlugin | nullptr | Explosion primarily attributed to a plugin
| esPrimedTNT | cTNTEntity * |
| esWitherBirth | cMonster * |
| esWitherSkull | cProjectileEntity * |
enum eExplosionSource
} ;
@ -517,20 +517,11 @@ public:
/** Calls the callback for each furnace in the specified chunk; returns true if all furnaces processed, false if the callback aborted by returning true */
bool ForEachFurnaceInChunk(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cFurnaceCallback & a_Callback); // Exported in ManualBindings.cpp
/** Does an explosion with the specified strength at the specified coordinate
a_SourceData exact type depends on the a_Source:
| esOther | void * |
| esPrimedTNT | cTNTEntity * |
| esMonster | cMonster * |
| esBed | cVector3i * |
| esEnderCrystal | Vector3i * |
| esGhastFireball | cGhastFireball * |
| esWitherSkullBlack | TBD |
| esWitherSkullBlue | TBD |
| esWitherBirth | cMonster * |
| esPlugin | void * |
virtual void DoExplosionAt(double a_ExplosionSize, double a_BlockX, double a_BlockY, double a_BlockZ, bool a_CanCauseFire, eExplosionSource a_Source, void * a_SourceData) override; // tolua_export
/** Does an explosion with the specified strength at the specified coordinates.
Executes the HOOK_EXPLODING and HOOK_EXPLODED hooks as part of the processing.
a_SourceData exact type depends on the a_Source, see the declaration of the esXXX constants in BlockID.h for details.
Exported to Lua manually in ManualBindings_World.cpp in order to support the variable a_SourceData param. */
virtual void DoExplosionAt(double a_ExplosionSize, double a_BlockX, double a_BlockY, double a_BlockZ, bool a_CanCauseFire, eExplosionSource a_Source, void * a_SourceData) override;
/** Calls the callback for the block entity at the specified coords; returns false if there's no block entity at those coords, true if found */
virtual bool DoWithBlockEntityAt(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, cBlockEntityCallback & a_Callback) override; // Exported in ManualBindings.cpp
Reference in New Issue
Block a user