2013-07-29 12:13:03 +01:00
// ToLuaDoxy.cpp
// Implements the main app entrypoint
#include "Globals.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
typedef std::vector<AString> AStrings;
class cProcessor
cProcessor(const AString & a_FileOut) :
m_Out(a_FileOut.c_str(), std::ios::out),
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bool IsGood(void) const
return !m_Out.fail();
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void ProcessFile(const AString & a_FileIn)
std::ifstream In(a_FileIn.c_str());
if (In.fail())
std::cerr << "Cannot open input file " << a_FileIn << "." << std::endl;
while (!In.eof())
AString Line;
std::getline(In, Line);
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std::ofstream m_Out;
bool m_IsInToLua; ///< Set to true if inside a tolua_begin .. tolua_end block
bool m_IsInComment; ///< Set to true if previous line has started a multiline comment; only outside tolua blocks
AString m_LastComment; ///< Accumulator for a multiline comment preceding a tolua block
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void PushLine(const AString & a_Line)
if (m_IsInToLua)
// Inside a tolua block
if (TrimString(a_Line) == "// tolua_end")
// End of a tolua block
m_IsInToLua = false;
m_Out << a_Line << std::endl;
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if (m_IsInComment)
// Inside a multiline comment block, outside of a tolua block; accumulate m_LastComment
m_LastComment += a_Line + "\n";
m_IsInComment = (a_Line.find("*/") == AString::npos);
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AString Trimmed(TrimString(a_Line));
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if (Trimmed == "// tolua_begin")
// Beginning of a tolua block
m_IsInToLua = true;
if (!m_LastComment.empty())
m_Out << m_LastComment << std::endl;
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size_t CommentBegin = a_Line.find("/*");
if (CommentBegin != AString::npos)
m_IsInComment = (a_Line.find("*/", CommentBegin) == AString::npos);
m_LastComment = a_Line;
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size_t ExportIdx = a_Line.find("// tolua_export");
if (ExportIdx != AString::npos)
// Single-line tolua block
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// Strip the export comment and right-trim the line:
AString Stripped(a_Line.substr(0, ExportIdx));
int End = Stripped.length() - 1;
while ((End > 0) && (Stripped[End] <= 32))
Stripped.erase(End + 1);
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if (!m_LastComment.empty())
m_Out << m_LastComment << std::endl;
m_Out << Stripped << std::endl;
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if (!m_IsInComment)
} ;
/** Parses the specified package file into a list of $cfile-included files and all the other contents
Returns true if successful.
Returns false and prints error if unsuccessful
bool ParsePackageFile(const AString & a_FileName, AStrings & a_CFiles, AStrings & a_DirectContentsLines)
std::ifstream PkgFile(a_FileName.c_str());
if (PkgFile.fail())
std::cerr << "Cannot open the package file " << a_FileName << "." << std::endl;
return false;
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while (!PkgFile.eof())
AString Line;
std::getline(PkgFile, Line);
Line = TrimString(Line);
if (strncmp(Line.c_str(), "$cfile \"", 8) == 0)
a_CFiles.push_back(Line.substr(8, Line.length() - 9));
return true;
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/** Processes the specified input header file into the output file */
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void ProcessCFile(const AString & a_CFileIn, const AString & a_CFileOut)
cProcessor p(a_CFileOut);
if (!p.IsGood())
std::cerr << "Cannot open output file " << a_CFileOut << "." << std::endl;
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
AString BaseDir = (argc > 1) ? argv[1] : ".";
AString OutDir = (argc > 2) ? argv[2] : "Out";
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// Create the output directory:
#ifdef _WIN32
CreateDirectory(OutDir.c_str(), NULL);
mkdir(OutDir.c_str(), S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO);
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// Parse the package file
AStrings CFiles;
AStrings DirectLines;
if (!ParsePackageFile(Printf("%s/AllToLua.pkg", BaseDir.c_str()), CFiles, DirectLines))
return 1;
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// Process header files:
for (AStrings::const_iterator itr = CFiles.begin(), end = CFiles.end(); itr != end; ++itr)
static int cnt = 0;
AString In = Printf("%s/%s", BaseDir.c_str(), itr->c_str());
AString Out = Printf("%s/%04x.h", OutDir.c_str(), cnt++);
ProcessCFile(In, Out);
} // for itr - CFiles[]
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return 0;