2013-05-26 19:20:49 +00:00
-- PlayerAreas.lua
-- Implements the cPlayerAreas class representing the per-player area storage object
Each player instance is expected to have a separate object of type cPlayerAreas.
Each object has an array of {cuboid, IsAllowed} tables, one for each area that is "within reach"
The code can then ask each object, whether the player can interact with a certain block or not.
A player can interact with a block if either one of these is true:
1, There are no areas covering the block
2, There is at least one area covering the block with IsAllowed set to true
2013-06-10 07:21:52 +00:00
The object also has a m_SafeCuboid object that specified the area within which the player may move
without the PlayerAreas needing a re-query.
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2013-06-04 21:05:33 +00:00
Also, a global table g_PlayerAreas is the actual map of PlayerID -> cPlayerAreas
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cPlayerAreas = {};
g_PlayerAreas = {};
2013-06-10 07:21:52 +00:00
function cPlayerAreas:new(a_SafeMinX, a_SafeMinZ, a_SafeMaxX, a_SafeMaxZ)
local obj = {};
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setmetatable(obj, self);
self.__index = self;
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self.m_SafeCuboid = cCuboid(a_SafeMinX, 0, a_SafeMinZ, a_SafeMaxX, 255, a_SafeMaxZ);
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return obj;
-- Adds a new cuboid to the area list, where the player is either allowed or not, depending on the IsAllowed param
function cPlayerAreas:AddArea(a_Cuboid, a_IsAllowed)
2013-06-07 16:28:37 +00:00
table.insert(self, {m_Cuboid = a_Cuboid, m_IsAllowed = a_IsAllowed});
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--- returns true if the player owning this object can interact with the specified block
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function cPlayerAreas:CanInteractWithBlock(a_BlockX, a_BlockZ)
2013-06-10 07:21:52 +00:00
2013-05-26 19:20:49 +00:00
-- iterate through all the stored areas:
local IsInsideAnyArea = false;
for idx, Area in ipairs(self) do
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if (Area.m_Cuboid:IsInside(a_BlockX, 1, a_BlockZ)) then -- We don't care about Y coords, so use a dummy value
if (Area.m_IsAllowed) then
2013-05-26 19:20:49 +00:00
return true;
-- The coords are inside a cuboid for which the player doesn't have access, take a note of it
IsInsideAnyArea = true;
if (IsInsideAnyArea) then
-- The specified coords are inside at least one area, but none of them allow the player to interact
return false;
-- The coords are not inside any area
2013-06-10 12:41:05 +00:00
return cConfig.m_AllowInteractNoArea;
2013-05-26 19:20:49 +00:00
2013-06-07 16:28:37 +00:00
--- Calls the specified callback for each area contained within
-- a_Callback has a signature: function(a_Cuboid, a_IsAllowed)
-- Returns true if all areas have been enumerated, false if the callback has aborted by returning true
function cPlayerAreas:ForEachArea(a_Callback)
2013-06-10 07:21:52 +00:00
2013-06-07 16:28:37 +00:00
for idx, Area in ipairs(self) do
if (a_Callback(Area.m_Cuboid, Area.m_IsAllowed)) then
return false;
return true;
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--- Returns true if the player is withing the safe cuboid (no need to re-query the areas)
function cPlayerAreas:IsInSafe(a_BlockX, a_BlockZ)
return self.m_SafeCuboid:IsInside(a_BlockX, 0, a_BlockZ);