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2015-12-10 18:32:46 +02:00
# This file describes the crafting recipes that Cuberite knows.
# The syntax is as follows:
# <Line> = <Recipe>#<Comment>
# <Recipe> = <Result> = <Ingredient1> | <Ingredient2> | ... | <IngredientN>
# <IngredientN> = <ItemID>, <X1> : <Y1>, <X2> : <Y2>, ..., <Xn> : <Yn>
# <ItemID> = <ItemType> [^<DamageValue>]
# <Xn>, <Yn> = "1" .. "3", or "*" for any value. "*:*" can be replaced by a single "*".
# <Result> = <ItemType> [^<DamageValue>] [, <Count>]
# The Xn, Yn coordinates are a reference to the crafting grid:
# 1:1 | 2:1 | 3:1
# 1:2 | 2:2 | 3:2
# 1:3 | 2:3 | 3:3
# <ItemType> can be either a number, or an item name (checked against items.ini)
# ^<DamageValue> is optional, if not present, the default damage for the given item is used
# If the DamageValue in the ingredients list is set to -1, the ingredient matches the specified item with any DamageValue.
# This is used e. g. for "any planks -> sticks", or beds using any color wool etc.
# Ingredients with an asterisk for a coord will not match already matched crafting grid items. This enables simplifying some of the recipes,
# e. g. hoe: "Iron, 2:1, *:1"
# -- this means "one iron at 2:1, and another one at either 1:1 or 3:1"
# To require multiple items of the same type in a slot, specify the slot number several times:
# "Iron, 1:1, 2:2, 2:2"
# -- this means "take one iron from slot 1:1 and two irons from slot 2:2"
# Note that asterisked items cannot require multiple items in a single slot.
# Note that due to technical problems, it is NOT advised to use asterisked ingredients in crossing directions, such as "*:1, "2:*".
# The parser may be unable to match such a recipe to the crafting grid!
# Whitespace is optional. Use it reasonably. Please do NOT use Tabs in the middle of lines!
# Basic Crafts
# Need to list each of the four log types, otherwise all logs would get converted into apple planks (^0)
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
acacia_planks: AcaciaPlanks, 4 = AcaciaLog, *
birch_planks: BirchPlanks, 4 = BirchLog, *
chest: Chest = Planks^-1, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3
dark_oak_planks: DarkOakPlanks, 4 = DarkOakLog, *
ender_chest: EnderChest = EyeOfEnder, 2:2 | Obsidian, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3
furnace: Furnace = Cobblestone, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3
jungle_planks: JunglePlanks, 4 = JungleLog, *
oak_planks: OakPlanks, 4 = OakLog, *
spruce_planks: SprucePlanks, 4 = SpruceLog, *
stick: Stick, 4 = Planks^-1, 2:2, 2:3
torch: Torch, 4 = Stick, 1:2 | Coal^-1, 1:1
trapped_chest: TrappedChest = TripWireHook, * | Chest, *
crafting_table: Workbench = Planks^-1, 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 2:2
# Blocks
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
andesite: Andesite, 2 = Diorite, * | Cobblestone, *
bone_block: BoneBlock = BoneMeal, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:2, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3
bookshelf: BookShelf = Planks^-1, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 1:3, 2:3, 3:3 | Book, 1:2, 2:2, 3:2
bricks: BrickBlock = Brick, 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 2:2
chiseled_quartz_block: ChiseledQuartzBlock = QuartzSlab, 1:1, 1:2
chiseled_red_sandstone: ChiseledRedSandstone = RedSandstoneSlab, 1:1, 1:2
chiseled_stone_bricks: ChiseledStoneBrick = StoneBrickSlab, 1:1, 1:2
clay: ClayBlock = Clay, 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 2:2
coal_block: CoalBlock = Coal, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:2, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3
coarse_dirt: CoarsedDirt, 4 = Dirt, 1:1, 2:2 | Gravel, 1:2, 2:1
CoarsedDirt, 4 = Gravel, 1:1, 2:2 | Dirt, 1:2, 2:1
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
dark_prismarine: DarkPrismarine = PrismarineShard, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3 | Inksac, 2:2
diamond_block: DiamondBlock = Diamond, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:2, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3
diorite: Diorite, 2 = Cobblestone, * | NetherQuartz, *
emerald_block: EmeraldBlock = Emerald, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:2, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3
end_stone_bricks: EndstoneBrick, 4 = Endstone, 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 2:2
glowstone: Glowstone = GlowstoneDust, 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 2:2
gold_block: GoldBlock = GoldIngot, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:2, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3
granite: Granite, 2 = Diorite, * | NetherQuartz, *
hay_block: HayBale = Wheat, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:2, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3
iron_block: IronBlock = IronIngot, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:2, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3
jack_o_lantern: JackOLantern = Pumpkin, 1:1 | Torch, 1:2
lapis_block: LapisBlock = LapisLazuli, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:2, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3
leather: Leather = RabbitHide, 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 2:2
mossy_cobblestone: MossyCobblestone = Cobblestone, * | Vines, *
mossy_stone_bricks: MossyStoneBrick = Stonebrick, * | Vines, *
nether_bricks: NetherBrickBlock = NetherBrick, 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 2:2
nether_wart_block: NetherWartBlock = NetherWart, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:2, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3
chiseled_sandstone: OrnamentSandstone = SandstoneSlab, 1:1, 1:2
quartz_pillar: PillarQuartzBlock, 2 = QuartzBlock, 1:1, 1:2
polished_andesite: PolishedAndesite, 4 = Andesite, 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 2:2
polished_diorite: PolishedDiorite, 4 = Diorite, 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 2:2
polished_granite: PolishedGranite, 4 = Granite, 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 2:2
prismarine: Prismarine = PrismarineShard, 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 2:2
prismarine_bricks: PrismarineBricks = PrismarineShard, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:2, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3
purpur_block: PurpurBlock, 4 = PoppedChorusFruit, 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 2:2
purpur_pillar: PurpurPillar, 1 = PurpurSlab, 1:1, 1:2
quartz_block: QuartzBlock = NetherQuartz, 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 2:2
red_nether_bricks: RedNetherBrick = NetherBrick, 1:1, 2:2 | NetherWart, 1:2, 2:1
2016-11-12 01:41:22 +02:00
RedNetherBrick = NetherWart, 1:1, 2:2 | NetherBrick, 1:2, 2:1
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
red_sandstone: RedSandstone = RedSand, 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 2:2
redstone_block: RedstoneBlock = RedstoneDust, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:2, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3
sandstone: Sandstone = Sand, 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 2:2
sea_lantern: SeaLantern = PrismarineShard, 1:1, 1:3, 3:1, 3:3 | PrismarineCrystals, 1:2, 2:1, 2:2, 2:3, 3:2
slime_block: SlimeBlock = Slimeball, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:2, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3
smooth_red_sandstone: SmoothRedSandstone, 4 = RedSandstone, 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 2:2
smooth_sandstone: SmoothSandstone, 4 = Sandstone, 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 2:2
snow_block: SnowBlock = SnowBall, 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 2:2
stone_bricks: StoneBrick, 4 = Stone, 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 2:2
tnt: TNT = Gunpowder, 1:1, 3:1, 2:2, 1:3, 3:3 | Sand, 2:1, 1:2, 3:2, 2:3
Wool = String, 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 2:2
# Slabs:
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
acacia_slab: AcaciaWoodSlab, 6 = AcaciaPlanks, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1
birch_slab: BirchWoodSlab, 6 = BirchPlanks, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1
brick_slab: BrickSlab, 6 = BrickBlock, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1
cobblestone_slab: CobblestoneSlab, 6 = Cobblestone, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1
dark_oak_slab: DarkOakWoodSlab, 6 = DarkOakPlanks, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1
jungle_slab: JungleWoodSlab, 6 = JunglePlanks, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1
nether_brick_slab: NetherBrickSlab, 6 = NetherBrickBlock, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1
oak_slab: OakWoodSlab, 6 = OakPlanks, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1
purpur_slab: PurpurSlab, 6 = PurpurBlock, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1
quartz_slab: Quartzslab, 6 = QuartzBlock, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1
red_sandstone_slab: RedSandstoneSlab, 6 = RedSandstone^-1, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1
sandstone_slab: SandstoneSlab, 6 = OrnamentSandstone, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1
SandstoneSlab, 6 = Sandstone, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1
SandstoneSlab, 6 = SmoothSandstone, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
snow: SnowLayer, 6 = SnowBlock, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1
spruce_slab: SpruceWoodSlab, 6 = SprucePlanks, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1
stone_brick_slab: StonebrickSlab, 6 = StoneBrick, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1
stone_slab: StoneSlab, 6 = Stone, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1
# Stairs:
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
acacia_stairs: AcaciaWoodStairs, 4 = AcaciaPlanks, 1:1, 1:2, 2:2, 1:3, 2:3, 3:3
AcaciaWoodStairs, 4 = AcaciaPlanks, 3:1, 2:2, 3:2, 1:3, 2:3, 3:3
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
birch_stairs: BirchWoodStairs, 4 = BirchPlanks, 1:1, 1:2, 2:2, 1:3, 2:3, 3:3
BirchWoodStairs, 4 = BirchPlanks, 3:1, 2:2, 3:2, 1:3, 2:3, 3:3
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
brick_stairs: BrickStairs, 4 = BrickBlock, 1:1, 1:2, 2:2, 1:3, 2:3, 3:3
BrickStairs, 4 = BrickBlock, 3:1, 2:2, 3:2, 1:3, 2:3, 3:3
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
stone_stairs: cobblestoneStairs, 4 = Cobblestone, 1:1, 1:2, 2:2, 1:3, 2:3, 3:3
cobblestoneStairs, 4 = Cobblestone, 3:1, 2:2, 3:2, 1:3, 2:3, 3:3
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
dark_oak_stairs: DarkOakWoodStairs, 4 = DarkOakPlanks, 1:1, 1:2, 2:2, 1:3, 2:3, 3:3
DarkOakWoodStairs, 4 = DarkOakPlanks, 3:1, 2:2, 3:2, 1:3, 2:3, 3:3
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
jungle_stairs: JungleWoodStairs, 4 = JunglePlanks, 1:1, 1:2, 2:2, 1:3, 2:3, 3:3
JungleWoodStairs, 4 = JunglePlanks, 3:1, 2:2, 3:2, 1:3, 2:3, 3:3
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
nether_brick_stairs: NetherBrickStairs, 4 = NetherBrickBlock, 1:1, 1:2, 2:2, 1:3, 2:3, 3:3
NetherBrickStairs, 4 = NetherBrickBlock, 3:1, 2:2, 3:2, 1:3, 2:3, 3:3
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
purpur_stairs: PurpurStairs, 4 = PurpurBlock, 1:1, 1:2, 2:2, 1:3, 2:3, 3:3
PurpurStairs, 4 = PurpurBlock, 3:1, 2:2, 3:2, 1:3, 2:3, 3:3
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
quartz_stairs: QuartzStairs, 4 = QuartzBlock, 1:1, 1:2, 2:2, 1:3, 2:3, 3:3
QuartzStairs, 4 = QuartzBlock, 3:1, 2:2, 3:2, 1:3, 2:3, 3:3
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
red_sandstone_stairs: RedSandstoneStairs, 4 = RedSandstone^-1, 1:1, 1:2, 2:2, 1:3, 2:3, 3:3
RedSandstoneStairs, 4 = RedSandstone^-1, 3:1, 2:2, 3:2, 1:3, 2:3, 3:3
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
sandstone_stairs: SandstoneStairs, 4 = OrnamentSandstone, 1:1, 1:2, 2:2, 1:3, 2:3, 3:3
SandstoneStairs, 4 = OrnamentSandstone, 3:1, 2:2, 3:2, 1:3, 2:3, 3:3
SandstoneStairs, 4 = Sandstone, 1:1, 1:2, 2:2, 1:3, 2:3, 3:3
SandstoneStairs, 4 = Sandstone, 3:1, 2:2, 3:2, 1:3, 2:3, 3:3
SandstoneStairs, 4 = SmoothSandstone, 1:1, 1:2, 2:2, 1:3, 2:3, 3:3
SandstoneStairs, 4 = SmoothSandstone, 3:1, 2:2, 3:2, 1:3, 2:3, 3:3
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
spruce_stairs: SpruceWoodStairs, 4 = SprucePlanks, 1:1, 1:2, 2:2, 1:3, 2:3, 3:3
SpruceWoodStairs, 4 = SprucePlanks, 3:1, 2:2, 3:2, 1:3, 2:3, 3:3
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
stone_brick_stairs: StoneBrickStairs, 4 = StoneBrick, 1:1, 1:2, 2:2, 1:3, 2:3, 3:3
StoneBrickStairs, 4 = StoneBrick, 3:1, 2:2, 3:2, 1:3, 2:3, 3:3
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
oak_stairs: WoodStairs, 4 = OakPlanks, 1:1, 1:2, 2:2, 1:3, 2:3, 3:3
WoodStairs, 4 = OakPlanks, 3:1, 2:2, 3:2, 1:3, 2:3, 3:3
# Tools
# Axes:
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
diamond_axe: DiamondAxe = Stick, 2:2, 2:3 | Diamond, 2:1, 1:1, 1:2
DiamondAxe = Stick, 2:2, 2:3 | Diamond, 2:1, 3:1, 3:2
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
golden_axe: GoldenAxe = Stick, 2:2, 2:3 | GoldIngot, 2:1, 1:1, 1:2
GoldenAxe = Stick, 2:2, 2:3 | GoldIngot, 2:1, 3:1, 3:2
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
iron_axe: IronAxe = Stick, 2:2, 2:3 | IronIngot, 2:1, 1:1, 1:2
IronAxe = Stick, 2:2, 2:3 | IronIngot, 2:1, 3:1, 3:2
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
stone_axe: StoneAxe = Stick, 2:2, 2:3 | Cobblestone, 2:1, 1:1, 1:2
StoneAxe = Stick, 2:2, 2:3 | Cobblestone, 2:1, 3:1, 3:2
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
wooden_axe: WoodenAxe = Stick, 2:2, 2:3 | Planks^-1, 2:1, 1:1, 1:2
WoodenAxe = Stick, 2:2, 2:3 | Planks^-1, 2:1, 3:1, 3:2
# Pickaxes:
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
diamond_pickaxe: DiamondPickaxe = Stick, 2:2, 2:3 | Diamond, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1
golden_pickaxe: GoldenPickaxe = Stick, 2:2, 2:3 | GoldIngot, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1
iron_pickaxe: IronPickaxe = Stick, 2:2, 2:3 | IronIngot, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1
stone_pickaxe: StonePickaxe = Stick, 2:2, 2:3 | Cobblestone, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1
wooden_pickaxe: WoodenPickaxe = Stick, 2:2, 2:3 | Planks^-1, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1
# Shovels:
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
diamond_shovel: DiamondShovel = Stick, 2:2, 2:3 | Diamond, 2:1
golden_shovel: GoldenShovel = Stick, 2:2, 2:3 | GoldIngot, 2:1
iron_shovel: IronShovel = Stick, 2:2, 2:3 | IronIngot, 2:1
stone_shovel: StoneShovel = Stick, 2:2, 2:3 | Cobblestone, 2:1
wooden_shovel: WoodenShovel = Stick, 2:2, 2:3 | Planks^-1, 2:1
# Hoes:
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
diamond_hoe: DiamondHoe = Stick, 2:2, 2:3 | Diamond, 2:1, *:1
golden_hoe: GoldenHoe = Stick, 2:2, 2:3 | GoldIngot, 2:1, *:1
iron_hoe: IronHoe = Stick, 2:2, 2:3 | IronIngot, 2:1, *:1
stone_hoe: StoneHoe = Stick, 2:2, 2:3 | Cobblestone, 2:1, *:1
wooden_hoe: WoodenHoe = Stick, 2:2, 2:3 | Planks^-1, 2:1, *:1
bucket: Bucket = IronIngot, 1:1, 2:2, 3:1
compass: Compass = IronIngot, 2:1, 1:2, 3:2, 2:3 | RedstoneDust, 2:2
map: EmptyMap = Paper, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3 | Compass, 2:2
fire_charge: FireCharge, 3 = BlazePowder, * | Coal, * | Gunpowder, *
fishing_rod: FishingRod = Stick, 1:3, 2:2, 3:1 | String, 3:2, 3:3
FishingRod = Stick, 3:3, 2:2, 1:1 | String, 1:2, 1:3
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
lead: Lead, 2 = String, 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 3:3 | Slimeball, 2:2
flint_and_steel: Lighter = IronIngot, * | Flint, *
shears: Shears = IronIngot, 1:1, 2:2
Shears = IronIngot, 2:1, 1:2
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
clock: Watch = GoldIngot, 2:1, 1:2, 3:2, 2:3 | RedstoneDust, 2:2
# Weapons
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
arrow: Arrow, 4 = Flint, 1:1 | Stick, 1:2 | Feather, 1:3
bow: Bow = Stick, 2:1, 1:2, 2:3 | String, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3
Bow = Stick, 2:1, 3:2, 2:3 | String, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
diamond_sword: DiamondSword = Stick, 2:3 | Diamond, 2:1, 2:2
golden_sword: GoldenSword = Stick, 2:3 | GoldIngot, 2:1, 2:2
iron_sword: IronSword = Stick, 2:3 | IronIngot, 2:1, 2:2
spectral_arrow: SpectralArrow, 2 = Arrow, 2:2 | GlowstoneDust, 1:2, 2:1, 2:3, 3:2
stone_sword: StoneSword = Stick, 2:3 | Cobblestone, 2:1, 2:2
wooden_sword: WoodenSword = Stick, 2:3 | Planks^-1, 2:1, 2:2
# Armor
# Helmets:
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
diamond_helmet: DiamondHelmet = Diamond, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 1:2, 3:2
golden_helmet: GoldenHelmet = GoldIngot, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 1:2, 3:2
iron_helmet: IronHelmet = IronIngot, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 1:2, 3:2
leather_helmet: LeatherHelmet = Leather, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 1:2, 3:2
# Chestplates:
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
diamond_chestplate: DiamondChestplate = Diamond, 1:1, 3:1, 1:2, 2:2, 3:2, 1:3, 2:3, 3:3
golden_chestplate: GoldenChestplate = GoldIngot, 1:1, 3:1, 1:2, 2:2, 3:2, 1:3, 2:3, 3:3
iron_chestplate: IronChestplate = IronIngot, 1:1, 3:1, 1:2, 2:2, 3:2, 1:3, 2:3, 3:3
leather_chestplate: LeatherChestplate = Leather, 1:1, 3:1, 1:2, 2:2, 3:2, 1:3, 2:3, 3:3
# Leggings:
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
diamond_leggings: DiamondLeggings = Diamond, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 1:2, 3:2, 1:3, 3:3
golden_leggings: GoldenLeggings = GoldIngot, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 1:2, 3:2, 1:3, 3:3
iron_leggings: IronLeggings = IronIngot, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 1:2, 3:2, 1:3, 3:3
leather_leggings: LeatherPants = Leather, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 1:2, 3:2, 1:3, 3:3
# Boots:
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
diamond_boots: DiamondBoots = Diamond, 1:1, 3:1, 1:2, 3:2
golden_boots: GoldenBoots = GoldIngot, 1:1, 3:1, 1:2, 3:2
iron_boots: IronBoots = IronIngot, 1:1, 3:1, 1:2, 3:2
leather_boots: LeatherBoots = Leather, 1:1, 3:1, 1:2, 3:2
# Shield:
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
shield: Shield = IronIngot, 2:1 | Planks^-1, 1:1, 3:1, 1:2, 2:2, 3:2, 2:3
# Transportation
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
acacia_boat: AcaciaBoat = AcaciaPlanks, 1:1, 3:1, 1:2, 2:2, 3:2
activator_rail: ActivatorRail, 6 = IronIngot, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3 | Stick, 2:1, 2:3 | RedstoneTorchon, 2:2
birch_boat: BirchBoat = BirchPlanks, 1:1, 3:1, 1:2, 2:2, 3:2
carrot_on_a_stick: CarrotOnAStick = FishingRod, 1:2 | Carrot, 2:3
dark_oak_boat: DarkOakBoat = DarkOakPlanks, 1:1, 3:1, 1:2, 2:2, 3:2
detector_rail: DetectorRail, 6 = IronIngot, 1:1, 3:1, 1:2, 3:2, 1:3, 3:3 | StonePlate, 2:2 | RedstoneDust, 2:3
hopper_minecart: hopperminecart = Minecart, * | Hopper, *
jungle_boat: JungleBoat = JunglePlanks, 1:1, 3:1, 1:2, 2:2, 3:2
minecart: Minecart = IronIngot, 1:1, 3:1, 1:2, 2:2, 3:2
oak_boat: OakBoat = OakPlanks, 1:1, 3:1, 1:2, 2:2, 3:2
furnace_minecart: PoweredMinecart = Minecart, * | Furnace, *
powered_rail: PoweredRail, 6 = GoldIngot, 1:1, 3:1, 1:2, 3:2, 1:3, 3:3 | Stick, 2:2 | RedstoneDust, 2:3
rail: Rails, 16 = IronIngot, 1:1, 3:1, 1:2, 3:2, 1:3, 3:3 | Stick, 2:2
spruce_boat: SpruceBoat = SprucePlanks, 1:1, 3:1, 1:2, 2:2, 3:2
chest_minecart: StorageMinecart = Minecart, * | Chest, *
tnt_minecart: TNTMinecart = Minecart, * | TNT, *
# Mechanisms
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
acacia_door: AcaciaDoor, 3 = AcaciaPlanks, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:2, 2:3
birch_door: BirchDoor, 3 = BirchPlanks, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:2, 2:3
comparator: Comparator = RedstoneTorchOn, 2:1, 1:2, 3:2 | NetherQuartz, 2:2 | Stone, 1:3, 2:3, 3:3
dark_oak_door: DarkOakDoor, 3 = DarkOakPlanks, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:2, 2:3
daylight_detector: DaylightSensor = Glass, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1 | NetherQuartz, 1:2, 2:2, 3:2 | WoodenSlab^-1, 1:3, 2:3, 3:3
dispenser: Dispenser = Cobblestone, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3 | RedstoneDust, 2:3 | Bow, 2:2
dropper: Dropper = Cobblestone, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 1:2, 1:3, 3:2, 3:3 | RedstoneDust, 2:3
heavy_weighted_pressure_plate: heavyweightedpressureplate = IronIngot, 1:1, 2:1
hopper: Hopper = IronIngot, 1:1, 3:1, 1:2, 3:2, 2:3 | Chest, 2:2
iron_door: IronDoor, 3 = IronIngot, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:2, 2:3
iron_trapdoor: IronTrapDoor = IronIngot, 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 2:2
jukebox: Jukebox = Planks^-1, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3 | Diamond, 2:2
jungle_door: JungleDoor, 3 = JunglePlanks, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:2, 2:3
lever: Lever = Cobblestone, 1:2 | Stick, 1:1
light_weighted_pressure_plate: lightweightedpressureplate = GoldIngot, 1:1, 2:1
note_block: NoteBlock = Planks^-1, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3 | RedstoneDust, 2:2
observer: Observer = Cobblestone, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 1:3, 2:3, 3:3 | RedstoneDust, 1:2, 2:2 | NetherQuartz, 3:2
Observer = Cobblestone, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 1:3, 2:3, 3:3 | RedstoneDust, 3:2, 2:2 | NetherQuartz, 1:2
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
piston: Piston = Planks^-1, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1 | RedstoneDust, 2:3 | Cobblestone, 1:2, 3:2, 1:3, 3:3 | IronIngot, 2:2
redstone_lamp: RedstoneLamp = RedstoneDust, 2:1, 1:2, 3:2, 2:3 | Glowstone, 2:2
redstone_torch: RedstoneTorchOn = Stick, 1:2 | RedstoneDust, 1:1
repeater: Repeater = Stone, 1:2, 2:2, 3:2 | RedstoneTorchOn, 1:1, 3:1 | RedstoneDust, 2:1
purpur_shulker_box: PurpleShulkerBox = ShulkerShell, 2:1, 2:3 | Chest, 2:2
spruce_door: SpruceDoor, 3 = SprucePlanks, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:2, 2:3
sticky_piston: StickyPiston = Piston, * | SlimeBall, *
stone_button: StoneButton = Stone, 1:1
stone_pressure_plate: StonePlate = Stone, 1:1, 2:1
oak_trapdoor: TrapDoor, 2 = Planks^-1, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 1:2, 2:2, 3:2
tripwire_hook: TripwireHook, 2 = Planks^-1, 2:3 | stick, 2:2 | IronIngot, 2:1
WoodenButton = Planks^-1, 1:1
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
oak_button: WoodenDoor, 3 = OakPlanks, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:2, 2:3
WoodPlate = Planks^-1, 1:1, 2:1
# Food
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
bowl: Bowl, 4 = Planks^-1, 1:1, 2:2, 3:1
bread: Bread = Wheat, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1
cake: Cake = MilkBucket, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1 | Sugar, 1:2, 3:2 | Egg, 2:2 | Wheat, 1:3, 2:3, 3:3
cookie: Cookie, 8 = Wheat, *, * | CocoaBeans, *
golden_apple: GoldenApple = RedApple, 2:2 | GoldIngot, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3
melon: MelonBlock = MelonSlice, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:2, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3
melon_seeds: MelonSeeds = MelonSlice, *
mushroom_stew: MushroomStew = Bowl, * | BrownMushroom, * | RedMushroom, *
beetroot_soup: BeetrootSoup = Bowl, 2:3 | Beetroot, 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 2:2, 3:1, 3:2
pumpkin_pie: PumpkinPie = Pumpkin, * | Sugar, * | egg, *
pumpkin_seeds: PumpkinSeeds, 4 = Pumpkin, *
rabbit_stew_from_brown_mushroom: RabbitStew = Cooked Rabbit, 2:1 | Carrot, 1:2 | BakedPotato, 2:2 | BrownMushroom, 3:2 | Bowl, 2:3
rabbit_stew_from_red_mushroom: RabbitStew = Cooked Rabbit, 2:1 | Carrot, 1:2 | BakedPotato, 2:2 | RedMushroom, 3:2 | Bowl, 2:3
sugar: Sugar = Sugarcane, *
wheat: Wheat, 9 = Haybale, *
# Miscellaneous
# Minerals:
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
terracotta: Clay, 4 = ClayBlock, *
coal: Coal, 9 = CoalBlock, *
diamond: Diamond, 9 = DiamondBlock, *
emerald: Emerald, 9 = EmeraldBlock, *
gold_ingot_from_gold_block: GoldIngot, 9 = GoldBlock, *
iron_ingot_from_nuggets: IronIngot = IronNugget, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:2, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3
iron_ingot_from_iron_block: IronIngot, 9 = IronBlock, *
lapis_lazuli: LapisLazuli, 9 = LapisBlock, *
redstone: RedstoneDust, 9 = RedstoneBlock, *
slime_ball: SlimeBall, 9 = SlimeBlock, *
acacia_fence: AcaciaFence, 3 = AcaciaPlanks, 1:1, 1:2, 3:1, 3:2 | Stick, 2:1, 2:2
acacia_fence_gate: AcaciaFenceGate = Stick, 1:1, 1:2, 3:1, 3:2 | AcaciaPlanks, 2:1, 2:2
anvil: Anvil = IronBlock, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1 | IronIngot, 2:2, 1:3, 2:3, 3:3
armor_stand: ArmorStand = Stick, 1:1, 1:3, 2:1, 2:2, 3:1, 3:3 | StoneSlab, 2:3
beacon: Beacon = Glass, 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 3:1, 3:2 | Obsidian, 1:3, 2:3, 3:3 | NetherStar, 2:2
birch_fence: BirchFence, 3 = BirchPlanks, 1:1, 1:2, 3:1, 3:2 | Stick, 2:1, 2:2
birch_fence_gate: BirchFenceGate = Stick, 1:1, 1:2, 3:1, 3:2 | BirchPlanks, 2:1, 2:2
writable_book: Bookandquill = Book, * | feather, * | inksac, *
book: Book = Paper, *, *, * | leather, *
cobblestone_wall: Cobblestonewall, 6 = cobblestone, 1:2, 1:3, 2:2, 2:3, 3:2, 3:3
dark_oak_fence: DarkOakFence, 3 = DarkOakPlanks, 1:1, 1:2, 3:1, 3:2 | Stick, 2:1, 2:2
dark_oak_fence_gate: DarkOakFenceGate = Stick, 1:1, 1:2, 3:1, 3:2 | DarkOakPlanks, 2:1, 2:2
end_crystal: EndCrystal = Glass, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3 | EyeOfEnder, 2:2 | GhastTear, 2:3
end_rod: EndRod, 4 = BlazeRod, 1:1 | PoppedChorusFruit, 1:2
ender_eye: EyeOfEnder = EnderPearl, * | BlazePowder, *
oak_fence: Fence, 3 = OakPlanks, 1:1, 1:2, 3:1, 3:2 | Stick, 2:1, 2:2
oak_fence_gate: FenceGate = Stick, 1:1, 1:2, 3:1, 3:2 | OakPlanks, 2:1, 2:2
flower_pot: FlowerPot = Brick, 1:2, 2:3, 3:2
glass_pane: GlassPane, 16 = Glass, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 1:2, 2:2, 3:2
gold_ingot: GoldIngot = GoldNugget, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:2, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3
iron_bars: IronBars, 16 = IronIngot, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 1:2, 2:2, 3:2
iron_nugget: IronNugget, 9 = IronIngot, *
item_frame: ItemFrame = Stick, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3 | Leather, 2:2
jungle_fence: JungleFence, 3 = JunglePlanks, 1:1, 1:2, 3:1, 3:2 | Stick, 2:1, 2:2
jungle_fence_gate: JungleFenceGate = Stick, 1:1, 1:2, 3:1, 3:2 | JunglePlanks, 2:1, 2:2
ladder: Ladder, 3 = Stick, 1:1, 3:1, 1:2, 2:2, 3:2, 1:3, 3:3
mossy_cobblestone_wall: mossycobblestonewall, 6 = mossycobblestone, 1:2, 1:3, 2:2, 2:3, 3:2, 3:3
nether_brick_fence: NetherBrickFence, 6 = NetherBrickBlock, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 1:2, 2:2, 3:2
painting: Painting = Stick, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3 | Wool^-1, 2:2
paper: Paper, 3 = Sugarcane, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1
oak_sign: Sign, 3 = Planks^-1, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 1:2, 2:2, 3:2 | Stick, 2:3
spruce_fence: SpruceFence, 3 = SprucePlanks, 1:1, 1:2, 3:1, 3:2 | Stick, 2:1, 2:2
spruce_fence_gate: SpruceFenceGate = Stick, 1:1, 1:2, 3:1, 3:2 | SprucePlanks, 2:1, 2:2
2014-08-31 16:25:12 +02:00
# These are just the basic ones, you can add various shapes and stuff to each of them
# ToDo: Add the various shapes (saved in NBT-Tags, not in meta)
# Banners:
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
black_banner: BlackBanner = Stick, 2:3 | BlackWool, 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 2:2, 2:1, 2:2
blue_banner: BlueBanner = Stick, 2:3 | BlueWool, 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 2:2, 2:1, 2:2
brown_banner: BrownBanner = Stick, 2:3 | BrownWool, 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 2:2, 2:1, 2:2
cyan_banner: CyanBanner = Stick, 2:3 | CyanWool, 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 2:2, 2:1, 2:2
gray_banner: GrayBanner = Stick, 2:3 | GrayWool, 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 2:2, 2:1, 2:2
green_banner: GreenBanner = Stick, 2:3 | GreenWool, 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 2:2, 2:1, 2:2
light_blue_banner: LightBlueBanner = Stick, 2:3 | LightBlueWool, 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 2:2, 2:1, 2:2
light_gray_banner: LightGrayBanner = Stick, 2:3 | LightGrayWool, 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 2:2, 2:1, 2:2
lime_banner: LimeBanner = Stick, 2:3 | LimeWool, 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 2:2, 2:1, 2:2
magenta_banner: MagentaBanner = Stick, 2:3 | MagentaWool, 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 2:2, 2:1, 2:2
orange_banner: OrangeBanner = Stick, 2:3 | OrangeWool, 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 2:2, 2:1, 2:2
pink_banner: PinkBanner = Stick, 2:3 | PinkWool, 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 2:2, 2:1, 2:2
purple_banner: PurpleBanner = Stick, 2:3 | PurpleWool, 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 2:2, 2:1, 2:2
red_banner: RedBanner = Stick, 2:3 | RedWool, 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 2:2, 2:1, 2:2
white_banner: WhiteBanner = Stick, 2:3 | WhiteWool, 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 2:2, 2:1, 2:2
yellow_banner: YellowBanner = Stick, 2:3 | YellowWool, 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 2:2, 2:1, 2:2
# Dyes
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
red_dye_from_beetroot: RedDye, 1 = Beetroot, *
red_dye_from_rose_bush: RedDye, 2 = Rose, *
WhiteDye, 3 = Bone, *
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
yellow_dye_from_dandelion: YellowDye, 2 = Dandelion, *
# Color mixing, duals:
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
cyan_dye: CyanDye, 2 = GreenDye, * | BlueDye, *
gray_dye: GrayDye, 2 = BlackDye, * | WhiteDye, *
lime_dye: LimeDye, 2 = GreenDye, * | WhiteDye, *
light_blue_dye_from_blue_white_dye: LtBlueDye, 2 = BlueDye, * | WhiteDye, *
light_gray_dye_from_gray_white_dye: LtGrayDye, 2 = GrayDye, * | WhiteDye, *
magenta_dye_from_purple_and_pink: MagentaDye, 2 = PurpleDye, * | PinkDye, *
orange_dye_from_red_yellow: OrangeDye, 2 = YellowDye, * | RedDye, *
pink_dye_from_red_white_dye: PinkDye, 2 = RedDye, * | WhiteDye, *
purple_dye: PurpleDye, 2 = RedDye, * | BlueDye, *
# triplets:
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
light_gray_dye_from_black_white_dye: LtGrayDye, 3 = BlackDye, * | WhiteDye, *, *
magenta_dye_from_blue_red_pink: MagentaDye, 3 = BlueDye, * | PinkDye, * | RedDye, *
# quads:
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
magenta_dye_from_blue_red_white_dye: MagentaDye, 4 = BlueDye, * | WhiteDye, * | RedDye, *, *
2017-06-30 10:46:58 +02:00
# Concrete Powder:
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
white_concrete_powder: White_Concrete_Powder = Sand, 1:1, 3:1, 1:3, 3:3 | Gravel, 2:1, 1:2, 3:2, 2:3 | BoneMeal, 2:2
orange_concrete_powder: Orange_Concrete_Powder = Sand, 1:1, 3:1, 1:3, 3:3 | Gravel, 2:1, 1:2, 3:2, 2:3 | OrangeDye, 2:2
magenta_concrete_powder: Magenta_Concrete_Powder = Sand, 1:1, 3:1, 1:3, 3:3 | Gravel, 2:1, 1:2, 3:2, 2:3 | MagentaDye, 2:2
light_blue_concrete_powder: Light_Blue_Concrete_Powder = Sand, 1:1, 3:1, 1:3, 3:3 | Gravel, 2:1, 1:2, 3:2, 2:3 | LightBlueDye, 2:2
yellow_concrete_powder: Yellow_Concrete_Powder = Sand, 1:1, 3:1, 1:3, 3:3 | Gravel, 2:1, 1:2, 3:2, 2:3 | YellowDye, 2:2
lime_concrete_powder: Lime_Concrete_Powder = Sand, 1:1, 3:1, 1:3, 3:3 | Gravel, 2:1, 1:2, 3:2, 2:3 | LimeDye, 2:2
pink_concrete_powder: Pink_Concrete_Powder = Sand, 1:1, 3:1, 1:3, 3:3 | Gravel, 2:1, 1:2, 3:2, 2:3 | PinkDye, 2:2
gray_concrete_powder: Gray_Concrete_Powder = Sand, 1:1, 3:1, 1:3, 3:3 | Gravel, 2:1, 1:2, 3:2, 2:3 | GrayDye, 2:2
light_gray_concrete_powder: Light_Gray_Concrete_Powder = Sand, 1:1, 3:1, 1:3, 3:3 | Gravel, 2:1, 1:2, 3:2, 2:3 | LightGrayDye, 2:2
cyan_concrete_powder: Cyan_Concrete_Powder = Sand, 1:1, 3:1, 1:3, 3:3 | Gravel, 2:1, 1:2, 3:2, 2:3 | CyanDye, 2:2
blue_concrete_powder: Blue_Concrete_Powder = Sand, 1:1, 3:1, 1:3, 3:3 | Gravel, 2:1, 1:2, 3:2, 2:3 | BlueDye, 2:2
brown_concrete_powder: Brown_Concrete_Powder = Sand, 1:1, 3:1, 1:3, 3:3 | Gravel, 2:1, 1:2, 3:2, 2:3 | BrownDye, 2:2
green_concrete_powder: Green_Concrete_Powder = Sand, 1:1, 3:1, 1:3, 3:3 | Gravel, 2:1, 1:2, 3:2, 2:3 | GreenDye, 2:2
red_concrete_powder: Red_Concrete_Powder = Sand, 1:1, 3:1, 1:3, 3:3 | Gravel, 2:1, 1:2, 3:2, 2:3 | RedDye, 2:2
black_concrete_powder: Black_Concrete_Powder = Sand, 1:1, 3:1, 1:3, 3:3 | Gravel, 2:1, 1:2, 3:2, 2:3 | BlackDye, 2:2
# Colored shulker boxes:
BlackShulkerBox = BlackShulkerBox, * | BlackDye, *
BlackShulkerBox = BlueShulkerBox, * | BlackDye, *
BlackShulkerBox = BrownShulkerBox, * | BlackDye, *
BlackShulkerBox = CyanShulkerBox, * | BlackDye, *
BlackShulkerBox = GrayShulkerBox, * | BlackDye, *
BlackShulkerBox = GreenShulkerBox, * | BlackDye, *
BlackShulkerBox = LightBlueShulkerBox, * | BlackDye, *
BlackShulkerBox = LightGrayShulkerBox, * | BlackDye, *
BlackShulkerBox = LimeShulkerBox, * | BlackDye, *
BlackShulkerBox = MagentaShulkerBox, * | BlackDye, *
BlackShulkerBox = OrangeShulkerBox, * | BlackDye, *
BlackShulkerBox = PinkShulkerBox, * | BlackDye, *
BlackShulkerBox = PurpleShulkerBox, * | BlackDye, *
BlackShulkerBox = RedShulkerBox, * | BlackDye, *
BlackShulkerBox = WhiteShulkerBox, * | BlackDye, *
BlackShulkerBox = YellowShulkerBox, * | BlackDye, *
BlueShulkerBox = BlackShulkerBox, * | BlueDye, *
BlueShulkerBox = BlueShulkerBox, * | BlueDye, *
BlueShulkerBox = BrownShulkerBox, * | BlueDye, *
BlueShulkerBox = CyanShulkerBox, * | BlueDye, *
BlueShulkerBox = GrayShulkerBox, * | BlueDye, *
BlueShulkerBox = GreenShulkerBox, * | BlueDye, *
BlueShulkerBox = LightBlueShulkerBox, * | BlueDye, *
BlueShulkerBox = LightGrayShulkerBox, * | BlueDye, *
BlueShulkerBox = LimeShulkerBox, * | BlueDye, *
BlueShulkerBox = MagentaShulkerBox, * | BlueDye, *
BlueShulkerBox = OrangeShulkerBox, * | BlueDye, *
BlueShulkerBox = PinkShulkerBox, * | BlueDye, *
BlueShulkerBox = PurpleShulkerBox, * | BlueDye, *
BlueShulkerBox = RedShulkerBox, * | BlueDye, *
BlueShulkerBox = WhiteShulkerBox, * | BlueDye, *
BlueShulkerBox = YellowShulkerBox, * | BlueDye, *
BrownShulkerBox = BlackShulkerBox, * | BrownDye, *
BrownShulkerBox = BlueShulkerBox, * | BrownDye, *
BrownShulkerBox = BrownShulkerBox, * | BrownDye, *
BrownShulkerBox = CyanShulkerBox, * | BrownDye, *
BrownShulkerBox = GrayShulkerBox, * | BrownDye, *
BrownShulkerBox = GreenShulkerBox, * | BrownDye, *
BrownShulkerBox = LightBlueShulkerBox, * | BrownDye, *
BrownShulkerBox = LightGrayShulkerBox, * | BrownDye, *
BrownShulkerBox = LimeShulkerBox, * | BrownDye, *
BrownShulkerBox = MagentaShulkerBox, * | BrownDye, *
BrownShulkerBox = OrangeShulkerBox, * | BrownDye, *
BrownShulkerBox = PinkShulkerBox, * | BrownDye, *
BrownShulkerBox = PurpleShulkerBox, * | BrownDye, *
BrownShulkerBox = RedShulkerBox, * | BrownDye, *
BrownShulkerBox = WhiteShulkerBox, * | BrownDye, *
BrownShulkerBox = YellowShulkerBox, * | BrownDye, *
CyanShulkerBox = BlackShulkerBox, * | CyanDye, *
CyanShulkerBox = BlueShulkerBox, * | CyanDye, *
CyanShulkerBox = BrownShulkerBox, * | CyanDye, *
CyanShulkerBox = CyanShulkerBox, * | CyanDye, *
CyanShulkerBox = GrayShulkerBox, * | CyanDye, *
CyanShulkerBox = GreenShulkerBox, * | CyanDye, *
CyanShulkerBox = LightBlueShulkerBox, * | CyanDye, *
CyanShulkerBox = LightGrayShulkerBox, * | CyanDye, *
CyanShulkerBox = LimeShulkerBox, * | CyanDye, *
CyanShulkerBox = MagentaShulkerBox, * | CyanDye, *
CyanShulkerBox = OrangeShulkerBox, * | CyanDye, *
CyanShulkerBox = PinkShulkerBox, * | CyanDye, *
CyanShulkerBox = PurpleShulkerBox, * | CyanDye, *
CyanShulkerBox = RedShulkerBox, * | CyanDye, *
CyanShulkerBox = WhiteShulkerBox, * | CyanDye, *
CyanShulkerBox = YellowShulkerBox, * | CyanDye, *
GrayShulkerBox = BlackShulkerBox, * | GrayDye, *
GrayShulkerBox = BlueShulkerBox, * | GrayDye, *
GrayShulkerBox = BrownShulkerBox, * | GrayDye, *
GrayShulkerBox = CyanShulkerBox, * | GrayDye, *
GrayShulkerBox = GrayShulkerBox, * | GrayDye, *
GrayShulkerBox = GreenShulkerBox, * | GrayDye, *
GrayShulkerBox = LightBlueShulkerBox, * | GrayDye, *
GrayShulkerBox = LightGrayShulkerBox, * | GrayDye, *
GrayShulkerBox = LimeShulkerBox, * | GrayDye, *
GrayShulkerBox = MagentaShulkerBox, * | GrayDye, *
GrayShulkerBox = OrangeShulkerBox, * | GrayDye, *
GrayShulkerBox = PinkShulkerBox, * | GrayDye, *
GrayShulkerBox = PurpleShulkerBox, * | GrayDye, *
GrayShulkerBox = RedShulkerBox, * | GrayDye, *
GrayShulkerBox = WhiteShulkerBox, * | GrayDye, *
GrayShulkerBox = YellowShulkerBox, * | GrayDye, *
GreenShulkerBox = BlackShulkerBox, * | GreenDye, *
GreenShulkerBox = BlueShulkerBox, * | GreenDye, *
GreenShulkerBox = BrownShulkerBox, * | GreenDye, *
GreenShulkerBox = CyanShulkerBox, * | GreenDye, *
GreenShulkerBox = GrayShulkerBox, * | GreenDye, *
GreenShulkerBox = GreenShulkerBox, * | GreenDye, *
GreenShulkerBox = LightBlueShulkerBox, * | GreenDye, *
GreenShulkerBox = LightGrayShulkerBox, * | GreenDye, *
GreenShulkerBox = LimeShulkerBox, * | GreenDye, *
GreenShulkerBox = MagentaShulkerBox, * | GreenDye, *
GreenShulkerBox = OrangeShulkerBox, * | GreenDye, *
GreenShulkerBox = PinkShulkerBox, * | GreenDye, *
GreenShulkerBox = PurpleShulkerBox, * | GreenDye, *
GreenShulkerBox = RedShulkerBox, * | GreenDye, *
GreenShulkerBox = WhiteShulkerBox, * | GreenDye, *
GreenShulkerBox = YellowShulkerBox, * | GreenDye, *
LightBlueShulkerBox = BlackShulkerBox, * | LightBlueDye, *
LightBlueShulkerBox = BlueShulkerBox, * | LightBlueDye, *
LightBlueShulkerBox = BrownShulkerBox, * | LightBlueDye, *
LightBlueShulkerBox = CyanShulkerBox, * | LightBlueDye, *
LightBlueShulkerBox = GrayShulkerBox, * | LightBlueDye, *
LightBlueShulkerBox = GreenShulkerBox, * | LightBlueDye, *
LightBlueShulkerBox = LightBlueShulkerBox, * | LightBlueDye, *
LightBlueShulkerBox = LightGrayShulkerBox, * | LightBlueDye, *
LightBlueShulkerBox = LimeShulkerBox, * | LightBlueDye, *
LightBlueShulkerBox = MagentaShulkerBox, * | LightBlueDye, *
LightBlueShulkerBox = OrangeShulkerBox, * | LightBlueDye, *
LightBlueShulkerBox = PinkShulkerBox, * | LightBlueDye, *
LightBlueShulkerBox = PurpleShulkerBox, * | LightBlueDye, *
LightBlueShulkerBox = RedShulkerBox, * | LightBlueDye, *
LightBlueShulkerBox = WhiteShulkerBox, * | LightBlueDye, *
LightBlueShulkerBox = YellowShulkerBox, * | LightBlueDye, *
LightGrayShulkerBox = BlackShulkerBox, * | LightGrayDye, *
LightGrayShulkerBox = BlueShulkerBox, * | LightGrayDye, *
LightGrayShulkerBox = BrownShulkerBox, * | LightGrayDye, *
LightGrayShulkerBox = CyanShulkerBox, * | LightGrayDye, *
LightGrayShulkerBox = GrayShulkerBox, * | LightGrayDye, *
LightGrayShulkerBox = GreenShulkerBox, * | LightGrayDye, *
LightGrayShulkerBox = LightBlueShulkerBox, * | LightGrayDye, *
LightGrayShulkerBox = LightGrayShulkerBox, * | LightGrayDye, *
LightGrayShulkerBox = LimeShulkerBox, * | LightGrayDye, *
LightGrayShulkerBox = MagentaShulkerBox, * | LightGrayDye, *
LightGrayShulkerBox = OrangeShulkerBox, * | LightGrayDye, *
LightGrayShulkerBox = PinkShulkerBox, * | LightGrayDye, *
LightGrayShulkerBox = PurpleShulkerBox, * | LightGrayDye, *
LightGrayShulkerBox = RedShulkerBox, * | LightGrayDye, *
LightGrayShulkerBox = WhiteShulkerBox, * | LightGrayDye, *
LightGrayShulkerBox = YellowShulkerBox, * | LightGrayDye, *
LimeShulkerBox = BlackShulkerBox, * | LimeDye, *
LimeShulkerBox = BlueShulkerBox, * | LimeDye, *
LimeShulkerBox = BrownShulkerBox, * | LimeDye, *
LimeShulkerBox = CyanShulkerBox, * | LimeDye, *
LimeShulkerBox = GrayShulkerBox, * | LimeDye, *
LimeShulkerBox = GreenShulkerBox, * | LimeDye, *
LimeShulkerBox = LightBlueShulkerBox, * | LimeDye, *
LimeShulkerBox = LightGrayShulkerBox, * | LimeDye, *
LimeShulkerBox = LimeShulkerBox, * | LimeDye, *
LimeShulkerBox = MagentaShulkerBox, * | LimeDye, *
LimeShulkerBox = OrangeShulkerBox, * | LimeDye, *
LimeShulkerBox = PinkShulkerBox, * | LimeDye, *
LimeShulkerBox = PurpleShulkerBox, * | LimeDye, *
LimeShulkerBox = RedShulkerBox, * | LimeDye, *
LimeShulkerBox = WhiteShulkerBox, * | LimeDye, *
LimeShulkerBox = YellowShulkerBox, * | LimeDye, *
MagentaShulkerBox = BlackShulkerBox, * | MagentaDye, *
MagentaShulkerBox = BlueShulkerBox, * | MagentaDye, *
MagentaShulkerBox = BrownShulkerBox, * | MagentaDye, *
MagentaShulkerBox = CyanShulkerBox, * | MagentaDye, *
MagentaShulkerBox = GrayShulkerBox, * | MagentaDye, *
MagentaShulkerBox = GreenShulkerBox, * | MagentaDye, *
MagentaShulkerBox = LightBlueShulkerBox, * | MagentaDye, *
MagentaShulkerBox = LightGrayShulkerBox, * | MagentaDye, *
MagentaShulkerBox = LimeShulkerBox, * | MagentaDye, *
MagentaShulkerBox = MagentaShulkerBox, * | MagentaDye, *
MagentaShulkerBox = OrangeShulkerBox, * | MagentaDye, *
MagentaShulkerBox = PinkShulkerBox, * | MagentaDye, *
MagentaShulkerBox = PurpleShulkerBox, * | MagentaDye, *
MagentaShulkerBox = RedShulkerBox, * | MagentaDye, *
MagentaShulkerBox = WhiteShulkerBox, * | MagentaDye, *
MagentaShulkerBox = YellowShulkerBox, * | MagentaDye, *
OrangeShulkerBox = BlackShulkerBox, * | OrangeDye, *
OrangeShulkerBox = BlueShulkerBox, * | OrangeDye, *
OrangeShulkerBox = BrownShulkerBox, * | OrangeDye, *
OrangeShulkerBox = CyanShulkerBox, * | OrangeDye, *
OrangeShulkerBox = GrayShulkerBox, * | OrangeDye, *
OrangeShulkerBox = GreenShulkerBox, * | OrangeDye, *
OrangeShulkerBox = LightBlueShulkerBox, * | OrangeDye, *
OrangeShulkerBox = LightGrayShulkerBox, * | OrangeDye, *
OrangeShulkerBox = LimeShulkerBox, * | OrangeDye, *
OrangeShulkerBox = MagentaShulkerBox, * | OrangeDye, *
OrangeShulkerBox = OrangeShulkerBox, * | OrangeDye, *
OrangeShulkerBox = PinkShulkerBox, * | OrangeDye, *
OrangeShulkerBox = PurpleShulkerBox, * | OrangeDye, *
OrangeShulkerBox = RedShulkerBox, * | OrangeDye, *
OrangeShulkerBox = WhiteShulkerBox, * | OrangeDye, *
OrangeShulkerBox = YellowShulkerBox, * | OrangeDye, *
PinkShulkerBox = BlackShulkerBox, * | PinkDye, *
PinkShulkerBox = BlueShulkerBox, * | PinkDye, *
PinkShulkerBox = BrownShulkerBox, * | PinkDye, *
PinkShulkerBox = CyanShulkerBox, * | PinkDye, *
PinkShulkerBox = GrayShulkerBox, * | PinkDye, *
PinkShulkerBox = GreenShulkerBox, * | PinkDye, *
PinkShulkerBox = LightBlueShulkerBox, * | PinkDye, *
PinkShulkerBox = LightGrayShulkerBox, * | PinkDye, *
PinkShulkerBox = LimeShulkerBox, * | PinkDye, *
PinkShulkerBox = MagentaShulkerBox, * | PinkDye, *
PinkShulkerBox = OrangeShulkerBox, * | PinkDye, *
PinkShulkerBox = PinkShulkerBox, * | PinkDye, *
PinkShulkerBox = PurpleShulkerBox, * | PinkDye, *
PinkShulkerBox = RedShulkerBox, * | PinkDye, *
PinkShulkerBox = WhiteShulkerBox, * | PinkDye, *
PinkShulkerBox = YellowShulkerBox, * | PinkDye, *
PurpleShulkerBox = BlackShulkerBox, * | PurpleDye, *
PurpleShulkerBox = BlueShulkerBox, * | PurpleDye, *
PurpleShulkerBox = BrownShulkerBox, * | PurpleDye, *
PurpleShulkerBox = CyanShulkerBox, * | PurpleDye, *
PurpleShulkerBox = GrayShulkerBox, * | PurpleDye, *
PurpleShulkerBox = GreenShulkerBox, * | PurpleDye, *
PurpleShulkerBox = LightBlueShulkerBox, * | PurpleDye, *
PurpleShulkerBox = LightGrayShulkerBox, * | PurpleDye, *
PurpleShulkerBox = LimeShulkerBox, * | PurpleDye, *
PurpleShulkerBox = MagentaShulkerBox, * | PurpleDye, *
PurpleShulkerBox = OrangeShulkerBox, * | PurpleDye, *
PurpleShulkerBox = PinkShulkerBox, * | PurpleDye, *
PurpleShulkerBox = PurpleShulkerBox, * | PurpleDye, *
PurpleShulkerBox = RedShulkerBox, * | PurpleDye, *
PurpleShulkerBox = WhiteShulkerBox, * | PurpleDye, *
PurpleShulkerBox = YellowShulkerBox, * | PurpleDye, *
RedShulkerBox = BlackShulkerBox, * | RedDye, *
RedShulkerBox = BlueShulkerBox, * | RedDye, *
RedShulkerBox = BrownShulkerBox, * | RedDye, *
RedShulkerBox = CyanShulkerBox, * | RedDye, *
RedShulkerBox = GrayShulkerBox, * | RedDye, *
RedShulkerBox = GreenShulkerBox, * | RedDye, *
RedShulkerBox = LightBlueShulkerBox, * | RedDye, *
RedShulkerBox = LightGrayShulkerBox, * | RedDye, *
RedShulkerBox = LimeShulkerBox, * | RedDye, *
RedShulkerBox = MagentaShulkerBox, * | RedDye, *
RedShulkerBox = OrangeShulkerBox, * | RedDye, *
RedShulkerBox = PinkShulkerBox, * | RedDye, *
RedShulkerBox = PurpleShulkerBox, * | RedDye, *
RedShulkerBox = RedShulkerBox, * | RedDye, *
RedShulkerBox = WhiteShulkerBox, * | RedDye, *
RedShulkerBox = YellowShulkerBox, * | RedDye, *
WhiteShulkerBox = BlackShulkerBox, * | BoneMeal, *
WhiteShulkerBox = BlueShulkerBox, * | BoneMeal, *
WhiteShulkerBox = BrownShulkerBox, * | BoneMeal, *
WhiteShulkerBox = CyanShulkerBox, * | BoneMeal, *
WhiteShulkerBox = GrayShulkerBox, * | BoneMeal, *
WhiteShulkerBox = GreenShulkerBox, * | BoneMeal, *
WhiteShulkerBox = LightBlueShulkerBox, * | BoneMeal, *
WhiteShulkerBox = LightGrayShulkerBox, * | BoneMeal, *
WhiteShulkerBox = LimeShulkerBox, * | BoneMeal, *
WhiteShulkerBox = MagentaShulkerBox, * | BoneMeal, *
WhiteShulkerBox = OrangeShulkerBox, * | BoneMeal, *
WhiteShulkerBox = PinkShulkerBox, * | BoneMeal, *
WhiteShulkerBox = PurpleShulkerBox, * | BoneMeal, *
WhiteShulkerBox = RedShulkerBox, * | BoneMeal, *
WhiteShulkerBox = WhiteShulkerBox, * | BoneMeal, *
WhiteShulkerBox = YellowShulkerBox, * | BoneMeal, *
YellowShulkerBox = BlackShulkerBox, * | YellowDye, *
YellowShulkerBox = BlueShulkerBox, * | YellowDye, *
YellowShulkerBox = BrownShulkerBox, * | YellowDye, *
YellowShulkerBox = CyanShulkerBox, * | YellowDye, *
YellowShulkerBox = GrayShulkerBox, * | YellowDye, *
YellowShulkerBox = GreenShulkerBox, * | YellowDye, *
YellowShulkerBox = LightBlueShulkerBox, * | YellowDye, *
YellowShulkerBox = LightGrayShulkerBox, * | YellowDye, *
YellowShulkerBox = LimeShulkerBox, * | YellowDye, *
YellowShulkerBox = MagentaShulkerBox, * | YellowDye, *
YellowShulkerBox = OrangeShulkerBox, * | YellowDye, *
YellowShulkerBox = PinkShulkerBox, * | YellowDye, *
YellowShulkerBox = PurpleShulkerBox, * | YellowDye, *
YellowShulkerBox = RedShulkerBox, * | YellowDye, *
YellowShulkerBox = WhiteShulkerBox, * | YellowDye, *
YellowShulkerBox = YellowShulkerBox, * | YellowDye, *
# Colored wool:
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
black_wool: BlackWool = WhiteWool, * | BlackDye, *
blue_wool: BlueWool = WhiteWool, * | BlueDye, *
brown_wool: BrownWool = WhiteWool, * | BrownDye, *
cyan_wool: CyanWool = WhiteWool, * | CyanDye, *
gray_wool: GrayWool = WhiteWool, * | GrayDye, *
green_wool: GreenWool = WhiteWool, * | GreenDye, *
light_blue_wool: LightBlueWool = WhiteWool, * | LightBlueDye, *
light_gray_wool: LightGrayWool = WhiteWool, * | LightGrayDye, *
lime_wool: LimeWool = WhiteWool, * | LimeDye, *
magenta_wool: MagentaWool = WhiteWool, * | MagentaDye, *
orange_wool: OrangeWool = WhiteWool, * | OrangeDye, *
pink_wool: PinkWool = WhiteWool, * | PinkDye, *
purple_wool: PurpleWool = WhiteWool, * | PurpleDye, *
red_wool: RedWool = WhiteWool, * | RedDye, *
WhiteWool = Wool^-1, * | BoneMeal, *
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
yellow_wool: YellowWool = WhiteWool, * | YellowDye, *
black_carpet: BlackCarpet, 3 = BlackWool, 1:1, 2:1
blue_carpet: BlueCarpet, 3 = BlueWool, 1:1, 2:1
brown_carpet: BrownCarpet, 3 = BrownWool, 1:1, 2:1
cyan_carpet: CyanCarpet, 3 = CyanWool, 1:1, 2:1
gray_carpet: GrayCarpet, 3 = GrayWool, 1:1, 2:1
green_carpet: GreenCarpet, 3 = GreenWool, 1:1, 2:1
light_blue_carpet: LightBlueCarpet, 3 = LightBlueWool, 1:1, 2:1
light_gray_carpet: LightGrayCarpet, 3 = LightGrayWool, 1:1, 2:1
lime_carpet: LimeCarpet, 3 = LimeWool, 1:1, 2:1
magenta_carpet: MagentaCarpet, 3 = MagentaWool, 1:1, 2:1
orange_carpet: OrangeCarpet, 3 = OrangeWool, 1:1, 2:1
pink_carpet: PinkCarpet, 3 = PinkWool, 1:1, 2:1
purple_carpet: PurpleCarpet, 3 = PurpleWool, 1:1, 2:1
red_carpet: RedCarpet, 3 = RedWool, 1:1, 2:1
white_carpet: WhiteCarpet, 3 = WhiteWool, 1:1, 2:1
yellow_carpet: YellowCarpet, 3 = YellowWool, 1:1, 2:1
2014-09-02 21:36:59 +02:00
# Stained Glass:
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
black_stained_glass: BlackStainedGlass, 8 = Glass, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3 | BlackDye, 2:2
blue_stained_glass: BlueStainedGlass, 8 = Glass, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3 | BlueDye, 2:2
brown_stained_glass: BrownStainedGlass, 8 = Glass, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3 | BrownDye, 2:2
cyan_stained_glass: CyanStainedGlass, 8 = Glass, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3 | CyanDye, 2:2
gray_stained_glass: GrayStainedGlass, 8 = Glass, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3 | GrayDye, 2:2
green_stained_glass: GreenStainedGlass, 8 = Glass, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3 | GreenDye, 2:2
light_blue_stained_glass: LightBlueStainedGlass, 8 = Glass, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3 | LightBlueDye, 2:2
light_gray_stained_glass: LightGrayStainedGlass, 8 = Glass, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3 | LightGrayDye, 2:2
lime_stained_glass: LimeStainedGlass, 8 = Glass, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3 | LimeDye, 2:2
magenta_stained_glass: MagentaStainedGlass, 8 = Glass, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3 | MagentaDye, 2:2
orange_stained_glass: OrangeStainedGlass, 8 = Glass, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3 | OrangeDye, 2:2
pink_stained_glass: PinkStainedGlass, 8 = Glass, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3 | PinkDye, 2:2
red_stained_glass: RedStainedGlass, 8 = Glass, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3 | RedDye, 2:2
purple_stained_glass: VioletStainedGlass, 8 = Glass, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3 | VioletDye, 2:2
white_stained_glass: WhiteStainedGlass, 8 = Glass, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3 | BoneMeal, 2:2
yellow_stained_glass: YellowStainedGlass, 8 = Glass, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3 | YellowDye, 2:2
# Stained Glass Pane:
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
black_stained_glass_pane: BlackStainedGlassPane , 16 = BlackStainedGlass, 1:2, 1:3, 2:2, 2:3, 3:2, 3:3
blue_stained_glass_pane: BlueStainedGlassPane, 16 = BlueStainedGlass, 1:2, 1:3, 2:2, 2:3, 3:2, 3:3
brown_stained_glass_pane: BrownStainedGlassPane, 16 = BrownStainedGlass, 1:2, 1:3, 2:2, 2:3, 3:2, 3:3
cyan_stained_glass_pane: CyanStainedGlassPane, 16 = CyanStainedGlass, 1:2, 1:3, 2:2, 2:3, 3:2, 3:3
gray_stained_glass_pane: GrayStainedGlassPane, 16 = GrayStainedGlass, 1:2, 1:3, 2:2, 2:3, 3:2, 3:3
green_stained_glass_pane: GreenStainedGlassPane, 16 = GreenStainedGlass, 1:2, 1:3, 2:2, 2:3, 3:2, 3:3
light_blue_stained_glass_pane: LightBlueStainedGlassPane, 16 = LightBlueStainedGlass, 1:2, 1:3, 2:2, 2:3, 3:2, 3:3
light_gray_stained_glass_pane: LightGrayStainedGlassPane, 16 = LightGrayStainedGlass, 1:2, 1:3, 2:2, 2:3, 3:2, 3:3
lime_stained_glass_pane: LimeStainedGlassPane, 16 = LimeStainedGlass, 1:2, 1:3, 2:2, 2:3, 3:2, 3:3
magenta_stained_glass_pane: MagentaStainedGlassPane, 16 = MagentaStainedGlass, 1:2, 1:3, 2:2, 2:3, 3:2, 3:3
orange_stained_glass_pane: OrangeStainedGlassPane, 16 = OrangeStainedGlass, 1:2, 1:3, 2:2, 2:3, 3:2, 3:3
pink_stained_glass_pane: PinkStainedGlassPane, 16 = PinkStainedGlass, 1:2, 1:3, 2:2, 2:3, 3:2, 3:3
red_stained_glass_pane: RedStainedGlassPane, 16 = RedStainedGlass, 1:2, 1:3, 2:2, 2:3, 3:2, 3:3
purple_stained_glass_pane: VioletStainedGlassPane, 16 = VioletStainedGlass, 1:2, 1:3, 2:2, 2:3, 3:2, 3:3
white_stained_glass_pane: WhiteStainedGlassPane, 16 = WhiteStainedGlass, 1:2, 1:3, 2:2, 2:3, 3:2, 3:3
yellow_stained_glass_pane: YellowStainedGlassPane, 16 = YellowStainedGlass, 1:2, 1:3, 2:2, 2:3, 3:2, 3:3
# Stained Clay:
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
black_terracotta: BlackStainedClay, 8 = HardenedClay, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3 | BlackDye, 2:2
blue_terracotta: BlueStainedClay, 8 = HardenedClay, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3 | BlueDye, 2:2
brown_terracotta: BrownStainedClay, 8 = HardenedClay, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3 | BrownDye, 2:2
cyan_terracotta: CyanStainedClay, 8 = HardenedClay, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3 | CyanDye, 2:2
gray_terracotta: GrayStainedClay, 8 = HardenedClay, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3 | GrayDye, 2:2
green_terracotta: GreenStainedClay, 8 = HardenedClay, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3 | GreenDye, 2:2
light_blue_terracotta: LightBlueStainedClay, 8 = HardenedClay, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3 | LightBlueDye, 2:2
light_gray_terracotta: LightGrayStainedClay, 8 = HardenedClay, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3 | LightGrayDye, 2:2
lime_terracotta: LimeStainedClay, 8 = HardenedClay, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3 | LimeDye, 2:2
magenta_terracotta: MagentaStainedClay, 8 = HardenedClay, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3 | MagentaDye, 2:2
orange_terracotta: OrangeStainedClay, 8 = HardenedClay, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3 | OrangeDye, 2:2
pink_terracotta: PinkStainedClay, 8 = HardenedClay, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3 | PinkDye, 2:2
RedStainedClay, 8 = HardenedClay, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3 | RedDye, 2:2
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
purple_terracotta: VioletStainedClay, 8 = HardenedClay, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3 | VioletDye, 2:2
WhiteStainedClay, 8 = HardenedClay, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3 | BoneMeal, 2:2
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
yellow_terracotta: YellowStainedClay, 8 = HardenedClay, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3 | YellowDye, 2:2
# Enchantment & Brewing
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
blaze_powder: BlazePowder, 2 = BlazeRod, *
brewing_stand: BrewingStand = Cobblestone, 1:2, 2:2, 3:2 | BlazeRod, 2:1
cauldron: Cauldron = IronIngot, 1:1, 3:1, 1:2, 3:2, 1:3, 2:3, 3:3
enchanting_table: EnchantmentTable = Obsidian, 1:3, 2:3, 3:3, 2:2 | Diamond, 1:2, 3:2 | Book, 2:1
fermented_spider_eye: FermentedSpiderEye = SpiderEye, * | Sugar, * | BrownMushroom, *
glass_bottle: GlassBottle, 3 = Glass, 1:1, 2:2, 3:1
glistering_melon_slice: GlisteringMelon = MelonSlice, 2:2 | GoldNugget, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3
golden_carrot: GoldenCarrot = Carrot, 2:2 | GoldNugget, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3
gold_nugget: GoldNugget, 9 = GoldIngot, *
magma_cream: MagmaCream = SlimeBall, * | BlazePowder, *
# Dyed Armor
# Do not modify
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
leather_helmet: LeatherHelmet = LeatherHelmet^-1, * | Dye^-1, *
LeatherHelmet = LeatherHelmet^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, *
LeatherHelmet = LeatherHelmet^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, *
LeatherHelmet = LeatherHelmet^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, *
LeatherHelmet = LeatherHelmet^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, *
LeatherHelmet = LeatherHelmet^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, *
LeatherHelmet = LeatherHelmet^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, *
LeatherHelmet = LeatherHelmet^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, *
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
leather_chestplate: LeatherChestplate = LeatherChestplate^-1, * | Dye^-1, *
LeatherChestplate = LeatherChestplate^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, *
LeatherChestplate = LeatherChestplate^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, *
LeatherChestplate = LeatherChestplate^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, *
LeatherChestplate = LeatherChestplate^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, *
LeatherChestplate = LeatherChestplate^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, *
LeatherChestplate = LeatherChestplate^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, *
LeatherChestplate = LeatherChestplate^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, *
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
leather_leggings: LeatherPants = LeatherPants^-1, * | Dye^-1, *
LeatherPants = LeatherPants^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, *
LeatherPants = LeatherPants^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, *
LeatherPants = LeatherPants^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, *
LeatherPants = LeatherPants^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, *
LeatherPants = LeatherPants^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, *
LeatherPants = LeatherPants^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, *
LeatherPants = LeatherPants^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, *
Introduce recipe book functionality (#4493) * Introduce recipe book functionality The recipe book helps especially new players. Missing it gives the impression that cuberite is not as advanced as it is. The handling of the recipe book uses the following functions: - Unlock Recipes (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Unlock_Recipes) to make recipes available and show the notification for new recipes. Initialization is done on player login for known ones, the update is done when new items are discovered. - Craft Recipe Request (https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=14204#Craft_Recipe_Request) when the user selects a recipe from the recipe book to fill the slots. Known recipes are initialized on player login via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 0. As soon as a new recipe is discovered this is added via `Unlock Recipes` with `Action` 1. To be able to know and recognize new recipes the player class is extended with `KnownItems` and `KnownRecipes`. As soon as a player touches an item this is compared to the list of `KnownItems`, if the item is unknown the recipes are checked for this item and the other ingredients are checked with the list of `KnownItems`. If a full match is discovered the recipe is unlocked with the client and stored in the `KnownRecipes`. To unlock recipes the recipe ID is sent to the client. A mapping file (for protocol 1.12.2) translated the minecraft recipe names to ids. The crafting.txt is extended with and minecraft recipe names is possible. Limitations: Only a single recipe is added to the crafting area. Multiple clicks or shift click does not increase the number of builds. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk> * Address first issues mentioned by @peterbell10 - Some linting - Extract loading of recipe specific protocol mapping into a function - Build `RecipeNameMap` only once - Use `std::optional` - Extract `LoadRecipe` from `Window` * Start to implement new suggestions * Update with suggestions from @peterbell10 * Some minor cleanup * Update protocol packet IDs * Remove unused include * Include header in cmake * Change a vector to integer counter * Change dromedaryCase method names to PascalCase * Address suggestions from @madmaxoft * Read Protocol subdirectories to load recipe books To load all recipebooks iterate over the `Protocol` subdirectories to find mapping files. Co-authored-by: peterbell10 <peterbell10@live.co.uk>
2020-07-14 18:56:42 +02:00
leather_boots: LeatherBoots = LeatherBoots^-1, * | Dye^-1, *
LeatherBoots = LeatherBoots^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, *
LeatherBoots = LeatherBoots^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, *
LeatherBoots = LeatherBoots^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, *
LeatherBoots = LeatherBoots^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, *
LeatherBoots = LeatherBoots^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, *
LeatherBoots = LeatherBoots^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, *
LeatherBoots = LeatherBoots^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, * | Dye^-1, *
# Fireworks & Co.
# (Best not to add non-vanilla items to this as it will cause internal firework data handling code to log warnings)
# Ballistic firework rockets - plain and with firework star, all with 1 - 3 gunpowder
FireworkRocket = FireworkStar, * | Paper, * | Gunpowder, *
FireworkRocket = FireworkStar, * | Paper, * | Gunpowder, * | Gunpowder, *
FireworkRocket = FireworkStar, * | Paper, * | Gunpowder, * | Gunpowder, * | Gunpowder, *
FireworkRocket = Paper, * | Gunpowder, *
FireworkRocket = Paper, * | Gunpowder, * | Gunpowder, *
FireworkRocket = Paper, * | Gunpowder, * | Gunpowder, * | Gunpowder, *
# Radioactive firework stars
# Plain powder and dye
FireworkStar = Gunpowder, * | Dye ^-1, *
# Powder and effect, with effect combining
FireworkStar = Gunpowder, * | Dye ^-1, * | Diamond, *
FireworkStar = Gunpowder, * | Dye ^-1, * | Glowdust, *
FireworkStar = Gunpowder, * | Dye ^-1, * | Glowdust, * | Diamond, *
# Powder and shape (no shape combining possible)
FireworkStar = Gunpowder, * | Dye ^-1, * | Feather, *
FireworkStar = Gunpowder, * | Dye ^-1, * | Firecharge, *
FireworkStar = Gunpowder, * | Dye ^-1, * | Goldnugget, *
FireworkStar = Gunpowder, * | Dye ^-1, * | SkeletonHead ^-1, *
# Power and shape (no shape combining possible), combined with effect
FireworkStar = Gunpowder, * | Dye ^-1, * | Feather, * | Diamond, *
FireworkStar = Gunpowder, * | Dye ^-1, * | Feather, * | Glowdust, *
FireworkStar = Gunpowder, * | Dye ^-1, * | Firecharge, * | Diamond, *
FireworkStar = Gunpowder, * | Dye ^-1, * | Firecharge, * | Glowdust, *
FireworkStar = Gunpowder, * | Dye ^-1, * | Goldnugget, * | Diamond, *
FireworkStar = Gunpowder, * | Dye ^-1, * | Goldnugget, * | Glowdust, *
FireworkStar = Gunpowder, * | Dye ^-1, * | SkeletonHead ^-1, * | Diamond, *
FireworkStar = Gunpowder, * | Dye ^-1, * | SkeletonHead ^-1, * | Glowdust, *
# Power and shape (no shape combining possible), combined with effect (with effect combining)
FireworkStar = Gunpowder, * | Dye ^-1, * | Feather, * | Glowdust, * | Diamond, *
FireworkStar = Gunpowder, * | Dye ^-1, * | Firecharge, * | Glowdust, * | Diamond, *
FireworkStar = Gunpowder, * | Dye ^-1, * | Goldnugget, * | Glowdust, * | Diamond, *
FireworkStar = Gunpowder, * | Dye ^-1, * | SkeletonHead ^-1, * | Glowdust, * | Diamond, *
2014-03-01 21:25:46 +00:00
# Star fade colour-change
FireworkStar = FireworkStar, * | Dye ^-1, *
2014-03-01 21:25:46 +00:00
FireworkStar = FireworkStar, * | Dye ^-1, * | Dye ^-1, *
FireworkStar = FireworkStar, * | Dye ^-1, * | Dye ^-1, * | Dye ^-1, *
FireworkStar = FireworkStar, * | Dye ^-1, * | Dye ^-1, * | Dye ^-1, * | Dye ^-1, *
FireworkStar = FireworkStar, * | Dye ^-1, * | Dye ^-1, * | Dye ^-1, * | Dye ^-1, * | Dye ^-1, *
FireworkStar = FireworkStar, * | Dye ^-1, * | Dye ^-1, * | Dye ^-1, * | Dye ^-1, * | Dye ^-1, * | Dye ^-1, *
FireworkStar = FireworkStar, * | Dye ^-1, * | Dye ^-1, * | Dye ^-1, * | Dye ^-1, * | Dye ^-1, * | Dye ^-1, * | Dye ^-1, *
FireworkStar = FireworkStar, * | Dye ^-1, * | Dye ^-1, * | Dye ^-1, * | Dye ^-1, * | Dye ^-1, * | Dye ^-1, * | Dye ^-1, * | Dye ^-1, *
# Bed different colors
Bed^0 = Planks^-1, 1:2, 2:2, 3:2 | Wool^0, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1
Bed^1 = Planks^-1, 1:2, 2:2, 3:2 | Wool^1, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1
Bed^2 = Planks^-1, 1:2, 2:2, 3:2 | Wool^2, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1
Bed^3 = Planks^-1, 1:2, 2:2, 3:2 | Wool^3, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1
Bed^4 = Planks^-1, 1:2, 2:2, 3:2 | Wool^4, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1
Bed^5 = Planks^-1, 1:2, 2:2, 3:2 | Wool^5, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1
Bed^6 = Planks^-1, 1:2, 2:2, 3:2 | Wool^6, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1
Bed^7 = Planks^-1, 1:2, 2:2, 3:2 | Wool^7, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1
Bed^8 = Planks^-1, 1:2, 2:2, 3:2 | Wool^8, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1
Bed^9 = Planks^-1, 1:2, 2:2, 3:2 | Wool^9, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1
Bed^10 = Planks^-1, 1:2, 2:2, 3:2 | Wool^10, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1
Bed^11 = Planks^-1, 1:2, 2:2, 3:2 | Wool^11, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1
Bed^12 = Planks^-1, 1:2, 2:2, 3:2 | Wool^12, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1
Bed^13 = Planks^-1, 1:2, 2:2, 3:2 | Wool^13, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1
Bed^14 = Planks^-1, 1:2, 2:2, 3:2 | Wool^14, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1
Bed^15 = Planks^-1, 1:2, 2:2, 3:2 | Wool^15, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1