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//! \file
#include "simple.h"
#include "secblock.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "smartptr.h"
#include "queue.h"
#include "algparam.h"
#include <deque>
/// provides an implementation of BufferedTransformation's attachment interface
class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE Filter : public BufferedTransformation, public NotCopyable
Filter(BufferedTransformation *attachment = NULL);
bool Attachable() {return true;}
BufferedTransformation *AttachedTransformation();
const BufferedTransformation *AttachedTransformation() const;
void Detach(BufferedTransformation *newAttachment = NULL);
size_t TransferTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, lword &transferBytes, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL, bool blocking=true);
size_t CopyRangeTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, lword &begin, lword end=LWORD_MAX, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL, bool blocking=true) const;
void Initialize(const NameValuePairs &parameters=g_nullNameValuePairs, int propagation=-1);
bool Flush(bool hardFlush, int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true);
bool MessageSeriesEnd(int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true);
virtual BufferedTransformation * NewDefaultAttachment() const;
void Insert(Filter *nextFilter); // insert filter after this one
virtual bool ShouldPropagateMessageEnd() const {return true;}
virtual bool ShouldPropagateMessageSeriesEnd() const {return true;}
void PropagateInitialize(const NameValuePairs &parameters, int propagation);
size_t Output(int outputSite, const byte *inString, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL);
size_t OutputModifiable(int outputSite, byte *inString, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL);
bool OutputMessageEnd(int outputSite, int propagation, bool blocking, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL);
bool OutputFlush(int outputSite, bool hardFlush, int propagation, bool blocking, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL);
bool OutputMessageSeriesEnd(int outputSite, int propagation, bool blocking, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL);
member_ptr<BufferedTransformation> m_attachment;
size_t m_inputPosition;
int m_continueAt;
struct CRYPTOPP_DLL FilterPutSpaceHelper
// desiredSize is how much to ask target, bufferSize is how much to allocate in m_tempSpace
byte *HelpCreatePutSpace(BufferedTransformation &target, const std::string &channel, size_t minSize, size_t desiredSize, size_t &bufferSize)
assert(desiredSize >= minSize && bufferSize >= minSize);
if (m_tempSpace.size() < minSize)
byte *result = target.ChannelCreatePutSpace(channel, desiredSize);
if (desiredSize >= minSize)
bufferSize = desiredSize;
return result;
bufferSize = m_tempSpace.size();
return m_tempSpace.begin();
byte *HelpCreatePutSpace(BufferedTransformation &target, const std::string &channel, size_t minSize)
{return HelpCreatePutSpace(target, channel, minSize, minSize, minSize);}
byte *HelpCreatePutSpace(BufferedTransformation &target, const std::string &channel, size_t minSize, size_t bufferSize)
{return HelpCreatePutSpace(target, channel, minSize, minSize, bufferSize);}
SecByteBlock m_tempSpace;
//! measure how many byte and messages pass through, also serves as valve
class CRYPTOPP_DLL MeterFilter : public Bufferless<Filter>
MeterFilter(BufferedTransformation *attachment=NULL, bool transparent=true)
: m_transparent(transparent) {Detach(attachment); ResetMeter();}
void SetTransparent(bool transparent) {m_transparent = transparent;}
void AddRangeToSkip(unsigned int message, lword position, lword size, bool sortNow = true);
void ResetMeter();
void IsolatedInitialize(const NameValuePairs &parameters) {ResetMeter();}
lword GetCurrentMessageBytes() const {return m_currentMessageBytes;}
lword GetTotalBytes() {return m_totalBytes;}
unsigned int GetCurrentSeriesMessages() {return m_currentSeriesMessages;}
unsigned int GetTotalMessages() {return m_totalMessages;}
unsigned int GetTotalMessageSeries() {return m_totalMessageSeries;}
byte * CreatePutSpace(size_t &size)
{return AttachedTransformation()->CreatePutSpace(size);}
size_t Put2(const byte *begin, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking);
size_t PutModifiable2(byte *inString, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking);
bool IsolatedMessageSeriesEnd(bool blocking);
size_t PutMaybeModifiable(byte *inString, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking, bool modifiable);
bool ShouldPropagateMessageEnd() const {return m_transparent;}
bool ShouldPropagateMessageSeriesEnd() const {return m_transparent;}
struct MessageRange
inline bool operator<(const MessageRange &b) const // BCB2006 workaround: this has to be a member function
{return message < b.message || (message == b.message && position < b.position);}
unsigned int message; lword position; lword size;
bool m_transparent;
lword m_currentMessageBytes, m_totalBytes;
unsigned int m_currentSeriesMessages, m_totalMessages, m_totalMessageSeries;
std::deque<MessageRange> m_rangesToSkip;
byte *m_begin;
size_t m_length;
//! _
class CRYPTOPP_DLL TransparentFilter : public MeterFilter
TransparentFilter(BufferedTransformation *attachment=NULL) : MeterFilter(attachment, true) {}
//! _
class CRYPTOPP_DLL OpaqueFilter : public MeterFilter
OpaqueFilter(BufferedTransformation *attachment=NULL) : MeterFilter(attachment, false) {}
/*! FilterWithBufferedInput divides up the input stream into
a first block, a number of middle blocks, and a last block.
First and last blocks are optional, and middle blocks may
be a stream instead (i.e. blockSize == 1).
class CRYPTOPP_DLL FilterWithBufferedInput : public Filter
FilterWithBufferedInput(BufferedTransformation *attachment);
//! firstSize and lastSize may be 0, blockSize must be at least 1
FilterWithBufferedInput(size_t firstSize, size_t blockSize, size_t lastSize, BufferedTransformation *attachment);
void IsolatedInitialize(const NameValuePairs &parameters);
size_t Put2(const byte *inString, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking)
return PutMaybeModifiable(const_cast<byte *>(inString), length, messageEnd, blocking, false);
size_t PutModifiable2(byte *inString, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking)
return PutMaybeModifiable(inString, length, messageEnd, blocking, true);
/*! calls ForceNextPut() if hardFlush is true */
bool IsolatedFlush(bool hardFlush, bool blocking);
/*! The input buffer may contain more than blockSize bytes if lastSize != 0.
ForceNextPut() forces a call to NextPut() if this is the case.
void ForceNextPut();
bool DidFirstPut() {return m_firstInputDone;}
virtual void InitializeDerivedAndReturnNewSizes(const NameValuePairs &parameters, size_t &firstSize, size_t &blockSize, size_t &lastSize)
virtual void InitializeDerived(const NameValuePairs &parameters) {}
// FirstPut() is called if (firstSize != 0 and totalLength >= firstSize)
// or (firstSize == 0 and (totalLength > 0 or a MessageEnd() is received))
virtual void FirstPut(const byte *inString) =0;
// NextPut() is called if totalLength >= firstSize+blockSize+lastSize
virtual void NextPutSingle(const byte *inString) {assert(false);}
// Same as NextPut() except length can be a multiple of blockSize
// Either NextPut() or NextPutMultiple() must be overriden
virtual void NextPutMultiple(const byte *inString, size_t length);
// Same as NextPutMultiple(), but inString can be modified
virtual void NextPutModifiable(byte *inString, size_t length)
{NextPutMultiple(inString, length);}
// LastPut() is always called
// if totalLength < firstSize then length == totalLength
// else if totalLength <= firstSize+lastSize then length == totalLength-firstSize
// else lastSize <= length < lastSize+blockSize
virtual void LastPut(const byte *inString, size_t length) =0;
virtual void FlushDerived() {}
size_t PutMaybeModifiable(byte *begin, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking, bool modifiable);
void NextPutMaybeModifiable(byte *inString, size_t length, bool modifiable)
if (modifiable) NextPutModifiable(inString, length);
else NextPutMultiple(inString, length);
// This function should no longer be used, put this here to cause a compiler error
// if someone tries to override NextPut().
virtual int NextPut(const byte *inString, size_t length) {assert(false); return 0;}
class BlockQueue
void ResetQueue(size_t blockSize, size_t maxBlocks);
byte *GetBlock();
byte *GetContigousBlocks(size_t &numberOfBytes);
size_t GetAll(byte *outString);
void Put(const byte *inString, size_t length);
size_t CurrentSize() const {return m_size;}
size_t MaxSize() const {return m_buffer.size();}
SecByteBlock m_buffer;
size_t m_blockSize, m_maxBlocks, m_size;
byte *m_begin;
size_t m_firstSize, m_blockSize, m_lastSize;
bool m_firstInputDone;
BlockQueue m_queue;
//! _
class CRYPTOPP_DLL FilterWithInputQueue : public Filter
FilterWithInputQueue(BufferedTransformation *attachment=NULL) : Filter(attachment) {}
size_t Put2(const byte *inString, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking)
if (!blocking)
throw BlockingInputOnly("FilterWithInputQueue");
m_inQueue.Put(inString, length);
if (messageEnd)
Output(0, NULL, 0, messageEnd, blocking);
return 0;
virtual bool IsolatedMessageEnd(bool blocking) =0;
void IsolatedInitialize(const NameValuePairs &parameters) {m_inQueue.Clear();}
ByteQueue m_inQueue;
struct BlockPaddingSchemeDef
//! Filter Wrapper for StreamTransformation, optionally handling padding/unpadding when needed
class CRYPTOPP_DLL StreamTransformationFilter : public FilterWithBufferedInput, public BlockPaddingSchemeDef, private FilterPutSpaceHelper
/*! DEFAULT_PADDING means PKCS_PADDING if c.MandatoryBlockSize() > 1 && c.MinLastBlockSize() == 0 (e.g. ECB or CBC mode),
otherwise NO_PADDING (OFB, CFB, CTR, CBC-CTS modes).
See http://www.weidai.com/scan-mirror/csp.html for details of the padding schemes. */
StreamTransformationFilter(StreamTransformation &c, BufferedTransformation *attachment = NULL, BlockPaddingScheme padding = DEFAULT_PADDING, bool allowAuthenticatedSymmetricCipher = false);
std::string AlgorithmName() const {return m_cipher.AlgorithmName();}
void InitializeDerivedAndReturnNewSizes(const NameValuePairs &parameters, size_t &firstSize, size_t &blockSize, size_t &lastSize);
void FirstPut(const byte *inString);
void NextPutMultiple(const byte *inString, size_t length);
void NextPutModifiable(byte *inString, size_t length);
void LastPut(const byte *inString, size_t length);
static size_t LastBlockSize(StreamTransformation &c, BlockPaddingScheme padding);
StreamTransformation &m_cipher;
BlockPaddingScheme m_padding;
unsigned int m_optimalBufferSize;
typedef StreamTransformationFilter StreamCipherFilter;
//! Filter Wrapper for HashTransformation
class CRYPTOPP_DLL HashFilter : public Bufferless<Filter>, private FilterPutSpaceHelper
HashFilter(HashTransformation &hm, BufferedTransformation *attachment = NULL, bool putMessage=false, int truncatedDigestSize=-1, const std::string &messagePutChannel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL, const std::string &hashPutChannel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL);
std::string AlgorithmName() const {return m_hashModule.AlgorithmName();}
void IsolatedInitialize(const NameValuePairs &parameters);
size_t Put2(const byte *begin, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking);
byte * CreatePutSpace(size_t &size) {return m_hashModule.CreateUpdateSpace(size);}
HashTransformation &m_hashModule;
bool m_putMessage;
unsigned int m_digestSize;
byte *m_space;
std::string m_messagePutChannel, m_hashPutChannel;
//! Filter Wrapper for HashTransformation
class CRYPTOPP_DLL HashVerificationFilter : public FilterWithBufferedInput
class HashVerificationFailed : public Exception
: Exception(DATA_INTEGRITY_CHECK_FAILED, "HashVerificationFilter: message hash or MAC not valid") {}
HashVerificationFilter(HashTransformation &hm, BufferedTransformation *attachment = NULL, word32 flags = DEFAULT_FLAGS, int truncatedDigestSize=-1);
std::string AlgorithmName() const {return m_hashModule.AlgorithmName();}
bool GetLastResult() const {return m_verified;}
void InitializeDerivedAndReturnNewSizes(const NameValuePairs &parameters, size_t &firstSize, size_t &blockSize, size_t &lastSize);
void FirstPut(const byte *inString);
void NextPutMultiple(const byte *inString, size_t length);
void LastPut(const byte *inString, size_t length);
friend class AuthenticatedDecryptionFilter;
HashTransformation &m_hashModule;
word32 m_flags;
unsigned int m_digestSize;
bool m_verified;
SecByteBlock m_expectedHash;
typedef HashVerificationFilter HashVerifier; // for backwards compatibility
//! Filter wrapper for encrypting with AuthenticatedSymmetricCipher, optionally handling padding/unpadding when needed
/*! Additional authenticated data should be given in channel "AAD". If putAAD is true, AAD will be Put() to the attached BufferedTransformation in channel "AAD". */
class CRYPTOPP_DLL AuthenticatedEncryptionFilter : public StreamTransformationFilter
/*! See StreamTransformationFilter for documentation on BlockPaddingScheme */
AuthenticatedEncryptionFilter(AuthenticatedSymmetricCipher &c, BufferedTransformation *attachment = NULL, bool putAAD=false, int truncatedDigestSize=-1, const std::string &macChannel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL, BlockPaddingScheme padding = DEFAULT_PADDING);
void IsolatedInitialize(const NameValuePairs &parameters);
byte * ChannelCreatePutSpace(const std::string &channel, size_t &size);
size_t ChannelPut2(const std::string &channel, const byte *begin, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking);
void LastPut(const byte *inString, size_t length);
HashFilter m_hf;
//! Filter wrapper for decrypting with AuthenticatedSymmetricCipher, optionally handling padding/unpadding when needed
/*! Additional authenticated data should be given in channel "AAD". */
class CRYPTOPP_DLL AuthenticatedDecryptionFilter : public FilterWithBufferedInput, public BlockPaddingSchemeDef
/*! See StreamTransformationFilter for documentation on BlockPaddingScheme */
AuthenticatedDecryptionFilter(AuthenticatedSymmetricCipher &c, BufferedTransformation *attachment = NULL, word32 flags = DEFAULT_FLAGS, int truncatedDigestSize=-1, BlockPaddingScheme padding = DEFAULT_PADDING);
std::string AlgorithmName() const {return m_hashVerifier.AlgorithmName();}
byte * ChannelCreatePutSpace(const std::string &channel, size_t &size);
size_t ChannelPut2(const std::string &channel, const byte *begin, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking);
bool GetLastResult() const {return m_hashVerifier.GetLastResult();}
void InitializeDerivedAndReturnNewSizes(const NameValuePairs &parameters, size_t &firstSize, size_t &blockSize, size_t &lastSize);
void FirstPut(const byte *inString);
void NextPutMultiple(const byte *inString, size_t length);
void LastPut(const byte *inString, size_t length);
HashVerificationFilter m_hashVerifier;
StreamTransformationFilter m_streamFilter;
//! Filter Wrapper for PK_Signer
class CRYPTOPP_DLL SignerFilter : public Unflushable<Filter>
SignerFilter(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const PK_Signer &signer, BufferedTransformation *attachment = NULL, bool putMessage=false)
: m_rng(rng), m_signer(signer), m_messageAccumulator(signer.NewSignatureAccumulator(rng)), m_putMessage(putMessage) {Detach(attachment);}
std::string AlgorithmName() const {return m_signer.AlgorithmName();}
void IsolatedInitialize(const NameValuePairs &parameters);
size_t Put2(const byte *begin, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking);
RandomNumberGenerator &m_rng;
const PK_Signer &m_signer;
member_ptr<PK_MessageAccumulator> m_messageAccumulator;
bool m_putMessage;
SecByteBlock m_buf;
//! Filter Wrapper for PK_Verifier
class CRYPTOPP_DLL SignatureVerificationFilter : public FilterWithBufferedInput
class SignatureVerificationFailed : public Exception
: Exception(DATA_INTEGRITY_CHECK_FAILED, "VerifierFilter: digital signature not valid") {}
SignatureVerificationFilter(const PK_Verifier &verifier, BufferedTransformation *attachment = NULL, word32 flags = DEFAULT_FLAGS);
std::string AlgorithmName() const {return m_verifier.AlgorithmName();}
bool GetLastResult() const {return m_verified;}
void InitializeDerivedAndReturnNewSizes(const NameValuePairs &parameters, size_t &firstSize, size_t &blockSize, size_t &lastSize);
void FirstPut(const byte *inString);
void NextPutMultiple(const byte *inString, size_t length);
void LastPut(const byte *inString, size_t length);
const PK_Verifier &m_verifier;
member_ptr<PK_MessageAccumulator> m_messageAccumulator;
word32 m_flags;
SecByteBlock m_signature;
bool m_verified;
typedef SignatureVerificationFilter VerifierFilter; // for backwards compatibility
//! Redirect input to another BufferedTransformation without owning it
class CRYPTOPP_DLL Redirector : public CustomSignalPropagation<Sink>
enum Behavior
DATA_ONLY = 0x00,
Redirector() : m_target(NULL), m_behavior(PASS_EVERYTHING) {}
Redirector(BufferedTransformation &target, Behavior behavior=PASS_EVERYTHING)
: m_target(&target), m_behavior(behavior) {}
void Redirect(BufferedTransformation &target) {m_target = &target;}
void StopRedirection() {m_target = NULL;}
Behavior GetBehavior() {return (Behavior) m_behavior;}
void SetBehavior(Behavior behavior) {m_behavior=behavior;}
bool GetPassSignals() const {return (m_behavior & PASS_SIGNALS) != 0;}
void SetPassSignals(bool pass) { if (pass) m_behavior |= PASS_SIGNALS; else m_behavior &= ~(word32) PASS_SIGNALS; }
bool GetPassWaitObjects() const {return (m_behavior & PASS_WAIT_OBJECTS) != 0;}
void SetPassWaitObjects(bool pass) { if (pass) m_behavior |= PASS_WAIT_OBJECTS; else m_behavior &= ~(word32) PASS_WAIT_OBJECTS; }
bool CanModifyInput() const
{return m_target ? m_target->CanModifyInput() : false;}
void Initialize(const NameValuePairs &parameters, int propagation);
byte * CreatePutSpace(size_t &size)
{return m_target ? m_target->CreatePutSpace(size) : (byte *)(size=0, NULL);}
size_t Put2(const byte *begin, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking)
{return m_target ? m_target->Put2(begin, length, GetPassSignals() ? messageEnd : 0, blocking) : 0;}
bool Flush(bool hardFlush, int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true)
{return m_target && GetPassSignals() ? m_target->Flush(hardFlush, propagation, blocking) : false;}
bool MessageSeriesEnd(int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true)
{return m_target && GetPassSignals() ? m_target->MessageSeriesEnd(propagation, blocking) : false;}
byte * ChannelCreatePutSpace(const std::string &channel, size_t &size)
{return m_target ? m_target->ChannelCreatePutSpace(channel, size) : (byte *)(size=0, NULL);}
size_t ChannelPut2(const std::string &channel, const byte *begin, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking)
{return m_target ? m_target->ChannelPut2(channel, begin, length, GetPassSignals() ? messageEnd : 0, blocking) : 0;}
size_t ChannelPutModifiable2(const std::string &channel, byte *begin, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking)
{return m_target ? m_target->ChannelPutModifiable2(channel, begin, length, GetPassSignals() ? messageEnd : 0, blocking) : 0;}
bool ChannelFlush(const std::string &channel, bool completeFlush, int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true)
{return m_target && GetPassSignals() ? m_target->ChannelFlush(channel, completeFlush, propagation, blocking) : false;}
bool ChannelMessageSeriesEnd(const std::string &channel, int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true)
{return m_target && GetPassSignals() ? m_target->ChannelMessageSeriesEnd(channel, propagation, blocking) : false;}
unsigned int GetMaxWaitObjectCount() const
{ return m_target && GetPassWaitObjects() ? m_target->GetMaxWaitObjectCount() : 0; }
void GetWaitObjects(WaitObjectContainer &container, CallStack const& callStack)
{ if (m_target && GetPassWaitObjects()) m_target->GetWaitObjects(container, callStack); }
BufferedTransformation *m_target;
word32 m_behavior;
// Used By ProxyFilter
class CRYPTOPP_DLL OutputProxy : public CustomSignalPropagation<Sink>
OutputProxy(BufferedTransformation &owner, bool passSignal) : m_owner(owner), m_passSignal(passSignal) {}
bool GetPassSignal() const {return m_passSignal;}
void SetPassSignal(bool passSignal) {m_passSignal = passSignal;}
byte * CreatePutSpace(size_t &size)
{return m_owner.AttachedTransformation()->CreatePutSpace(size);}
size_t Put2(const byte *begin, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking)
{return m_owner.AttachedTransformation()->Put2(begin, length, m_passSignal ? messageEnd : 0, blocking);}
size_t PutModifiable2(byte *begin, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking)
{return m_owner.AttachedTransformation()->PutModifiable2(begin, length, m_passSignal ? messageEnd : 0, blocking);}
void Initialize(const NameValuePairs &parameters=g_nullNameValuePairs, int propagation=-1)
{if (m_passSignal) m_owner.AttachedTransformation()->Initialize(parameters, propagation);}
bool Flush(bool hardFlush, int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true)
{return m_passSignal ? m_owner.AttachedTransformation()->Flush(hardFlush, propagation, blocking) : false;}
bool MessageSeriesEnd(int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true)
{return m_passSignal ? m_owner.AttachedTransformation()->MessageSeriesEnd(propagation, blocking) : false;}
byte * ChannelCreatePutSpace(const std::string &channel, size_t &size)
{return m_owner.AttachedTransformation()->ChannelCreatePutSpace(channel, size);}
size_t ChannelPut2(const std::string &channel, const byte *begin, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking)
{return m_owner.AttachedTransformation()->ChannelPut2(channel, begin, length, m_passSignal ? messageEnd : 0, blocking);}
size_t ChannelPutModifiable2(const std::string &channel, byte *begin, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking)
{return m_owner.AttachedTransformation()->ChannelPutModifiable2(channel, begin, length, m_passSignal ? messageEnd : 0, blocking);}
bool ChannelFlush(const std::string &channel, bool completeFlush, int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true)
{return m_passSignal ? m_owner.AttachedTransformation()->ChannelFlush(channel, completeFlush, propagation, blocking) : false;}
bool ChannelMessageSeriesEnd(const std::string &channel, int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true)
{return m_passSignal ? m_owner.AttachedTransformation()->ChannelMessageSeriesEnd(channel, propagation, blocking) : false;}
BufferedTransformation &m_owner;
bool m_passSignal;
//! Base class for Filter classes that are proxies for a chain of other filters.
class CRYPTOPP_DLL ProxyFilter : public FilterWithBufferedInput
ProxyFilter(BufferedTransformation *filter, size_t firstSize, size_t lastSize, BufferedTransformation *attachment);
bool IsolatedFlush(bool hardFlush, bool blocking);
void SetFilter(Filter *filter);
void NextPutMultiple(const byte *s, size_t len);
void NextPutModifiable(byte *inString, size_t length);
member_ptr<BufferedTransformation> m_filter;
//! simple proxy filter that doesn't modify the underlying filter's input or output
class CRYPTOPP_DLL SimpleProxyFilter : public ProxyFilter
SimpleProxyFilter(BufferedTransformation *filter, BufferedTransformation *attachment)
: ProxyFilter(filter, 0, 0, attachment) {}
void FirstPut(const byte *) {}
void LastPut(const byte *, size_t) {m_filter->MessageEnd();}
//! proxy for the filter created by PK_Encryptor::CreateEncryptionFilter
/*! This class is here just to provide symmetry with VerifierFilter. */
class CRYPTOPP_DLL PK_EncryptorFilter : public SimpleProxyFilter
PK_EncryptorFilter(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const PK_Encryptor &encryptor, BufferedTransformation *attachment = NULL)
: SimpleProxyFilter(encryptor.CreateEncryptionFilter(rng), attachment) {}
//! proxy for the filter created by PK_Decryptor::CreateDecryptionFilter
/*! This class is here just to provide symmetry with SignerFilter. */
class CRYPTOPP_DLL PK_DecryptorFilter : public SimpleProxyFilter
PK_DecryptorFilter(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const PK_Decryptor &decryptor, BufferedTransformation *attachment = NULL)
: SimpleProxyFilter(decryptor.CreateDecryptionFilter(rng), attachment) {}
//! Append input to a string object
template <class T>
class StringSinkTemplate : public Bufferless<Sink>
// VC60 workaround: no T::char_type
typedef typename T::traits_type::char_type char_type;
StringSinkTemplate(T &output)
: m_output(&output) {assert(sizeof(output[0])==1);}
void IsolatedInitialize(const NameValuePairs &parameters)
{if (!parameters.GetValue("OutputStringPointer", m_output)) throw InvalidArgument("StringSink: OutputStringPointer not specified");}
size_t Put2(const byte *begin, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking)
if (length > 0)
typename T::size_type size = m_output->size();
if (length < size && size + length > m_output->capacity())
m_output->append((const char_type *)begin, (const char_type *)begin+length);
return 0;
T *m_output;
//! Append input to an std::string
CRYPTOPP_DLL_TEMPLATE_CLASS StringSinkTemplate<std::string>;
typedef StringSinkTemplate<std::string> StringSink;
//! incorporates input into RNG as additional entropy
class RandomNumberSink : public Bufferless<Sink>
: m_rng(NULL) {}
RandomNumberSink(RandomNumberGenerator &rng)
: m_rng(&rng) {}
void IsolatedInitialize(const NameValuePairs &parameters);
size_t Put2(const byte *begin, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking);
RandomNumberGenerator *m_rng;
//! Copy input to a memory buffer
class CRYPTOPP_DLL ArraySink : public Bufferless<Sink>
ArraySink(const NameValuePairs &parameters = g_nullNameValuePairs) {IsolatedInitialize(parameters);}
ArraySink(byte *buf, size_t size) : m_buf(buf), m_size(size), m_total(0) {}
size_t AvailableSize() {return SaturatingSubtract(m_size, m_total);}
lword TotalPutLength() {return m_total;}
void IsolatedInitialize(const NameValuePairs &parameters);
byte * CreatePutSpace(size_t &size);
size_t Put2(const byte *begin, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking);
byte *m_buf;
size_t m_size;
lword m_total;
//! Xor input to a memory buffer
class CRYPTOPP_DLL ArrayXorSink : public ArraySink
ArrayXorSink(byte *buf, size_t size)
: ArraySink(buf, size) {}
size_t Put2(const byte *begin, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking);
byte * CreatePutSpace(size_t &size) {return BufferedTransformation::CreatePutSpace(size);}
//! string-based implementation of Store interface
class StringStore : public Store
StringStore(const char *string = NULL)
{StoreInitialize(MakeParameters("InputBuffer", ConstByteArrayParameter(string)));}
StringStore(const byte *string, size_t length)
{StoreInitialize(MakeParameters("InputBuffer", ConstByteArrayParameter(string, length)));}
template <class T> StringStore(const T &string)
{StoreInitialize(MakeParameters("InputBuffer", ConstByteArrayParameter(string)));}
CRYPTOPP_DLL size_t TransferTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, lword &transferBytes, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL, bool blocking=true);
CRYPTOPP_DLL size_t CopyRangeTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, lword &begin, lword end=LWORD_MAX, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL, bool blocking=true) const;
CRYPTOPP_DLL void StoreInitialize(const NameValuePairs &parameters);
const byte *m_store;
size_t m_length, m_count;
//! RNG-based implementation of Source interface
class CRYPTOPP_DLL RandomNumberStore : public Store
: m_rng(NULL), m_length(0), m_count(0) {}
RandomNumberStore(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, lword length)
: m_rng(&rng), m_length(length), m_count(0) {}
bool AnyRetrievable() const {return MaxRetrievable() != 0;}
lword MaxRetrievable() const {return m_length-m_count;}
size_t TransferTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, lword &transferBytes, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL, bool blocking=true);
size_t CopyRangeTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, lword &begin, lword end=LWORD_MAX, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL, bool blocking=true) const
throw NotImplemented("RandomNumberStore: CopyRangeTo2() is not supported by this store");
void StoreInitialize(const NameValuePairs &parameters);
RandomNumberGenerator *m_rng;
lword m_length, m_count;
//! empty store
class CRYPTOPP_DLL NullStore : public Store
NullStore(lword size = ULONG_MAX) : m_size(size) {}
void StoreInitialize(const NameValuePairs &parameters) {}
lword MaxRetrievable() const {return m_size;}
size_t TransferTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, lword &transferBytes, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL, bool blocking=true);
size_t CopyRangeTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, lword &begin, lword end=LWORD_MAX, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL, bool blocking=true) const;
lword m_size;
//! A Filter that pumps data into its attachment as input
class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE Source : public InputRejecting<Filter>
Source(BufferedTransformation *attachment = NULL)
lword Pump(lword pumpMax=size_t(0)-1)
{Pump2(pumpMax); return pumpMax;}
unsigned int PumpMessages(unsigned int count=UINT_MAX)
{PumpMessages2(count); return count;}
void PumpAll()
virtual size_t Pump2(lword &byteCount, bool blocking=true) =0;
virtual size_t PumpMessages2(unsigned int &messageCount, bool blocking=true) =0;
virtual size_t PumpAll2(bool blocking=true);
virtual bool SourceExhausted() const =0;
void SourceInitialize(bool pumpAll, const NameValuePairs &parameters)
if (pumpAll)
//! Turn a Store into a Source
template <class T>
class SourceTemplate : public Source
SourceTemplate<T>(BufferedTransformation *attachment)
: Source(attachment) {}
void IsolatedInitialize(const NameValuePairs &parameters)
size_t Pump2(lword &byteCount, bool blocking=true)
{return m_store.TransferTo2(*AttachedTransformation(), byteCount, DEFAULT_CHANNEL, blocking);}
size_t PumpMessages2(unsigned int &messageCount, bool blocking=true)
{return m_store.TransferMessagesTo2(*AttachedTransformation(), messageCount, DEFAULT_CHANNEL, blocking);}
size_t PumpAll2(bool blocking=true)
{return m_store.TransferAllTo2(*AttachedTransformation(), DEFAULT_CHANNEL, blocking);}
bool SourceExhausted() const
{return !m_store.AnyRetrievable() && !m_store.AnyMessages();}
void SetAutoSignalPropagation(int propagation)
int GetAutoSignalPropagation() const
{return m_store.GetAutoSignalPropagation();}
T m_store;
//! string-based implementation of Source interface
class CRYPTOPP_DLL StringSource : public SourceTemplate<StringStore>
StringSource(BufferedTransformation *attachment = NULL)
: SourceTemplate<StringStore>(attachment) {}
//! zero terminated string as source
StringSource(const char *string, bool pumpAll, BufferedTransformation *attachment = NULL)
: SourceTemplate<StringStore>(attachment) {SourceInitialize(pumpAll, MakeParameters("InputBuffer", ConstByteArrayParameter(string)));}
//! binary byte array as source
StringSource(const byte *string, size_t length, bool pumpAll, BufferedTransformation *attachment = NULL)
: SourceTemplate<StringStore>(attachment) {SourceInitialize(pumpAll, MakeParameters("InputBuffer", ConstByteArrayParameter(string, length)));}
//! std::string as source
StringSource(const std::string &string, bool pumpAll, BufferedTransformation *attachment = NULL)
: SourceTemplate<StringStore>(attachment) {SourceInitialize(pumpAll, MakeParameters("InputBuffer", ConstByteArrayParameter(string)));}
//! use the third constructor for an array source
typedef StringSource ArraySource;
//! RNG-based implementation of Source interface
class CRYPTOPP_DLL RandomNumberSource : public SourceTemplate<RandomNumberStore>
RandomNumberSource(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, int length, bool pumpAll, BufferedTransformation *attachment = NULL)
: SourceTemplate<RandomNumberStore>(attachment)
{SourceInitialize(pumpAll, MakeParameters("RandomNumberGeneratorPointer", &rng)("RandomNumberStoreSize", length));}