CalledWhen="A block is about to be dug ({{cPlayer|player}}, {{cEntity|entity}} or natural reason), plugins may override what pickups that will produce.",
DefaultFnName="OnBlockToPickups",-- also used as pagename
{Name="World",Type="{{cWorld}}",Notes="The world in which the block resides"},
{Name="Digger",Type="{{cEntity}} descendant",Notes="The entity causing the digging. May be a {{cPlayer}}, {{cTNTEntity}} or even nil (natural causes)"},
{Name="BlockX",Type="number",Notes="X-coord of the block"},
{Name="BlockY",Type="number",Notes="Y-coord of the block"},
{Name="BlockZ",Type="number",Notes="Z-coord of the block"},
{Name="BlockType",Type="BLOCKTYPE",Notes="Block type of the block"},
{Name="BlockMeta",Type="NIBBLETYPE",Notes="Block meta of the block"},
{Name="Pickups",Type="{{cItems}}",Notes="Items that will be spawned as pickups"},