
180 lines
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#ifndef _SQUIRREL_VM_H_
#define _SQUIRREL_VM_H_
#include "SquirrelObject.h"
struct SquirrelError {
SquirrelError(const SQChar* s):desc(s){}
const SQChar *desc;
// This class can hold a reference to a SquirrelVM. It keeps a Squirrel ref
// to the VM to protect it from being deleted while held.
struct SquirrelVMSys {
SquirrelVMSys() { }
void Set( HSQUIRRELVM v );
void Set( const SquirrelObject& ov );
void Reset( ){ _vm.Reset(); }
SquirrelVMSys& operator = (HSQUIRRELVM v){ Set(v); return *this; }
operator HSQUIRRELVM () const;
void PushRefVM(HSQUIRRELVM v);
void PopRefVM();
SquirrelObject _vm;
friend class SquirrelVM;
// Notes on creating / destroying SquirrelVM:s:
// VM:s created through sq_open are special since they create a new
// SQSharedState. That shared state is later shared by any new thread
// or friend VM. sq_close can be used for closing VM:s created through
// sq_open (but not for friend VMs).
// Using squirrel references in SquirrelVMSys and SquirrelVM, one must
// make sure that these are all reset if one calls sq_close manually.
// When there are no more references to a VM, it is destroyed automatically,
// but the shared state is not! For VM:s created by SquirrelVM, it keeps
// a list of shared states it has created and will destroy them all on
// app shutdown.
class SquirrelVM {
friend class SquirrelObject;
friend struct SquirrelError;
friend struct SquirrelVMSys;
// If a VM is passed as arg here, Init will not alter it. Otherwise
// a new VM is created and initialized. A squirrel reference is kept
// while it is the current VM.
static bool Init( HSQUIRRELVM v=NULL );
// Initialize with an externally created VM, without adding a ref
// on it. NOTE: This may not be compatible with Set/GetVMSys as
// we're just working with raw pointers here.
static bool InitNoRef( HSQUIRRELVM v );
static BOOL IsInitialized(){return _VM == NULL?FALSE:TRUE;}
static void Release(); // Release ref on VM and reset VM pointer
static void Shutdown(){ Release(); }
static void AppFinalShutdown(); // Call when finally shutting down app
static BOOL Update(); //debugger and maybe GC later
static SquirrelObject CompileScript(const SQChar *s);
static SquirrelObject CompileBuffer(const SQChar *s,const SQChar * debugInfo=_SC("console_buffer"));
static SquirrelObject RunScript(const SquirrelObject &o,SquirrelObject *_this = NULL);
static void PrintFunc(HSQUIRRELVM v,const SQChar* s,...);
static BOOL BeginCall(const SquirrelObject &func);
static BOOL BeginCall(const SquirrelObject &func,SquirrelObject &_this);
static void PushParam(const SquirrelObject &o);
static void PushParam(const SQChar *s);
static void PushParam(SQInteger n);
static void PushParam(SQFloat f);
static void PushParam(SQUserPointer up);
static void PushParamNull();
static SquirrelObject EndCall();
static SquirrelObject CreateString(const SQChar *s);
static SquirrelObject CreateTable();
static SquirrelObject CreateArray(int size);
static SquirrelObject CreateInstance(SquirrelObject &oclass); // oclass is an existing class. Create an 'instance' (OT_INSTANCE) of oclass.
static SquirrelObject CreateFunction(SQFUNCTION func);
static SquirrelObject CreateUserData(int size);
static const SquirrelObject &GetRootTable();
static HSQUIRRELVM GetVMPtr() { return _VM; }
// The sandbox VM ptr is one which cannot access functions bound with
// SqPlus. It is suitable for running non-trusted scripts that can only
// access basic functionality.
static void SetSandboxVMPtr(HSQUIRRELVM v) {
_sandboxVM = v;
} // SetSandboxVMPtr
static HSQUIRRELVM GetSandboxVMPtr() {
return _sandboxVM;
} // GetSandboxVMPtr
static void GetVMSys(SquirrelVMSys & vmSys) {
vmSys.Set( _vm );
} // GetVMSys
static void SetVMSys(const SquirrelVMSys & vmSys) {
if( v )
Init( v );
} // SetVMSys
static void PushValue(INT val) {
} // PushValue
static void PushValue(FLOAT val) {
} // PushValue
static void PushValue(bool val) { // Compiler treats SQBool as INT.
} // PushValue
static void PushValue(SQChar * val) {
} // PushValue
static void PushValue(SQUserPointer val) {
} // PushValue
static void PushValue(const SQChar * val) {
} // PushValue
static void PushObject(SquirrelObject & so) {
} // PushObject
static void Pop(SQInteger nelemstopop) {
} // Pop
static void PushRootTable(void);
// Create/bind a function on the table currently on the stack.
static SquirrelObject CreateFunction(SQFUNCTION func,const SQChar * scriptFuncName,const SQChar * typeMask=0);
// Create/bind a function on the table so. typeMask: standard Squirrel types plus: no typemask means no args, "*" means any type of args.
static SquirrelObject CreateFunction(SquirrelObject & so,SQFUNCTION func,const SQChar * scriptFuncName,const SQChar * typeMask=0);
// Create/bind a function to the root table. typeMask: standard Squirrel types plus: no typemask means no args, "*" means any type of args.
static SquirrelObject CreateFunctionGlobal(SQFUNCTION func,const SQChar * scriptFuncName,const SQChar * typeMask=0);
// This is a helper to correct a difference in referncing new VM:s in
// ref counted versus garbage collected modes. NOTE: Only use after creating
// a VM with: 1 - sq_open() 2 - Creating a ref to the VM (SquirrelObject)
static void DropVMRefIfRefCounted( HSQUIRRELVM v );
static SquirrelObject _vm; // This is a Squirrel reference to the VM
static HSQUIRRELVM _VM; // The raw C++ pointer
static bool _no_vm_ref; // Set if we only keep the raw C++ pointer and no ref
static int _CallState;
static SquirrelObject * _root; // Cached root table if non NULL
static HSQUIRRELVM _sandboxVM; // The sandbox VM (that cannot use bound functions)
template<typename T>
inline BOOL SquirrelObject::ArrayAppend(T item) {
BOOL res = sq_arrayappend(SquirrelVM::_VM,-2) == SQ_OK;
return res;
} // ArrayAppend
#endif //_SQUIRREL_VM_H_