
361 lines
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Raw Normal View History

#include "Globals.h" // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules
#include "cFurnaceEntity.h"
#include "BlockID.h"
#include "cItem.h"
#include "cFurnaceWindow.h"
#include "cPlayer.h"
#include "cWorld.h"
#include "cChunk.h"
#include "cClientHandle.h"
#include "cFurnaceRecipe.h"
#include "cServer.h"
#include "cPickup.h"
#include "cRoot.h"
#include "packets/cPacket_InventoryProgressBar.h"
#include <json/json.h>
cFurnaceEntity::cFurnaceEntity(int a_X, int a_Y, int a_Z, cWorld * a_World)
: cBlockEntity( E_BLOCK_FURNACE, a_X, a_Y, a_Z, a_World )
, m_Items( new cItem[3] )
, m_CookingItem( 0 )
, m_CookTime( 0 )
, m_TimeCooked( 0 )
, m_BurnTime( 0 )
, m_TimeBurned( 0 )
// Tell window its owner is destroyed
if( GetWindow() )
// Clean up items
if( m_Items )
delete [] m_Items;
void cFurnaceEntity::Destroy()
// Drop items
for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if( !m_Items[i].IsEmpty() )
cPickup* Pickup = new cPickup( m_PosX * 32 + 16, m_PosY * 32 + 16, m_PosZ * 32 + 16, m_Items[i], 0, 1.f, 0 );
void cFurnaceEntity::UsedBy( cPlayer * a_Player )
LOG("Used a furnace");
if( !GetWindow() )
cWindow* Window = new cFurnaceWindow( this );
Window->SetSlots( m_Items, 3 );
OpenWindow( Window );
if( GetWindow() )
if( a_Player->GetWindow() != GetWindow() )
a_Player->OpenWindow( GetWindow() );
GetWindow()->SendWholeWindow( a_Player->GetClientHandle() );
bool cFurnaceEntity::Tick( float a_Dt )
//LOG("Time left: %0.1f Time burned: %0.1f Burn time: %0.1f", m_CookTime - m_TimeCooked, m_TimeBurned, m_BurnTime );
if( m_CookingItem && ( (m_TimeBurned < m_BurnTime) || (m_TimeCooked + a_Dt >= m_CookTime) ) )
if( m_CookingItem->Equals( m_Items[2] ) || m_Items[2].IsEmpty() )
m_TimeCooked += a_Dt;
if( m_TimeCooked >= m_CookTime )
if( m_Items[0].IsEmpty() ) m_Items[0].Empty();
m_Items[2].m_ItemHealth = m_CookingItem->m_ItemHealth;
m_Items[2].m_ItemID = m_CookingItem->m_ItemID;
m_Items[2].m_ItemCount += m_CookingItem->m_ItemCount;
delete m_CookingItem;
m_CookingItem = 0;
cWindow* Window = GetWindow();
if( Window )
const std::list< cPlayer* > & OpenedBy = Window->GetOpenedBy();
for( std::list< cPlayer* >::const_iterator itr = OpenedBy.begin(); itr != OpenedBy.end(); ++itr )
Window->SendWholeWindow( (*itr)->GetClientHandle() );
m_TimeCooked = 0.f;
cWindow* Window = GetWindow();
if( Window )
const std::list< cPlayer* > & OpenedBy = Window->GetOpenedBy();
for( std::list< cPlayer* >::const_iterator itr = OpenedBy.begin(); itr != OpenedBy.end(); ++itr )
cClientHandle* Client = (*itr)->GetClientHandle();
cPacket_InventoryProgressBar Progress;
Progress.m_ProgressBar = 0;
Progress.m_WindowID = (char)Window->GetWindowID();
Progress.m_Value = (short)( m_TimeCooked * (180.f/m_CookTime) );
if( Progress.m_Value > 180 ) Progress.m_Value = 180;
if( Progress.m_Value < 0 ) Progress.m_Value = 0;
Client->Send( Progress );
m_TimeBurned += a_Dt;
cWindow* Window = GetWindow();
if( m_TimeBurned >= m_BurnTime )
m_TimeBurned -= m_BurnTime;
m_BurnTime = 0;
if( StartCooking() && Window )
const std::list< cPlayer* > & OpenedBy = Window->GetOpenedBy();
for( std::list< cPlayer* >::const_iterator itr = OpenedBy.begin(); itr != OpenedBy.end(); ++itr )
Window->SendWholeWindow( (*itr)->GetClientHandle() );
if( Window )
const std::list< cPlayer* > & OpenedBy = Window->GetOpenedBy();
for( std::list< cPlayer* >::const_iterator itr = OpenedBy.begin(); itr != OpenedBy.end(); ++itr )
cClientHandle* Client = (*itr)->GetClientHandle();
cPacket_InventoryProgressBar Progress;
Progress.m_WindowID = (char)Window->GetWindowID();
Progress.m_ProgressBar = 1;
if( m_BurnTime > 0.f ) Progress.m_Value = (short)( m_TimeBurned * (150.f/m_BurnTime) );
else Progress.m_Value = 0;
if( Progress.m_Value > 150 ) Progress.m_Value = 150;
if( Progress.m_Value < 0 ) Progress.m_Value = 0;
Client->Send( Progress );
return ((m_CookingItem != 0) || (m_TimeBurned < m_BurnTime)) && m_BurnTime > 0.f; // Keep on ticking, if there's more to cook, or if it's cooking
bool cFurnaceEntity::StartCooking()
cFurnaceRecipe* FR = cRoot::Get()->GetFurnaceRecipe();
float BurnTime = FR->GetBurnTime( m_Items[1] );
if( (m_TimeBurned < m_BurnTime) || BurnTime > 0.f ) // burnable material
const cFurnaceRecipe::Recipe* R = FR->GetRecipeFrom( m_Items[0] );
if( R ) // cook able ingredient
if( m_Items[2].Equals( *R->Out ) || m_Items[2].IsEmpty() )
// good to go
if( m_TimeBurned >= m_BurnTime ) // burn new material
if( m_Items[1].m_ItemCount <= 0 ) m_Items[1].Empty();
m_TimeBurned = 0;
m_BurnTime = BurnTime;
if( !m_CookingItem ) // Only cook new item if not already cooking
m_CookingItem = new cItem( *R->Out ); // Resulting item
m_TimeCooked = 0.f;
m_CookTime = R->CookTime;
return true;
return false;
void cFurnaceEntity::ResetCookTimer()
delete m_CookingItem;
m_CookingItem = NULL;
m_TimeCooked = 0.f;
m_CookTime = 0.f;
#define READ(File, Var) \
if (File.Read(&Var, sizeof(Var)) != sizeof(Var)) \
{ \
LOGERROR("ERROR READING cFurnaceEntity %s FROM FILE (line %d)", #Var, __LINE__); \
return false; \
bool cFurnaceEntity::LoadFromFile(cFile & f)
READ(f, m_PosX);
READ(f, m_PosY);
READ(f, m_PosZ);
unsigned int NumSlots = 0;
READ(f, NumSlots);
m_Items = new cItem[ NumSlots ];
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < NumSlots; i++)
cItem & Item = m_Items[i];
READ(f, Item.m_ItemID);
READ(f, Item.m_ItemCount);
READ(f, Item.m_ItemHealth);
cItem CookingItem;
READ(f, CookingItem.m_ItemID);
READ(f, CookingItem.m_ItemCount);
READ(f, CookingItem.m_ItemHealth);
if (!CookingItem.IsEmpty())
m_CookingItem = new cItem(CookingItem);
READ(f, m_CookTime);
READ(f, m_TimeCooked);
READ(f, m_BurnTime);
READ(f, m_TimeBurned);
return true;
bool cFurnaceEntity::LoadFromJson( const Json::Value& a_Value )
m_PosX = a_Value.get("x", 0).asInt();
m_PosY = a_Value.get("y", 0).asInt();
m_PosZ = a_Value.get("z", 0).asInt();
Json::Value AllSlots = a_Value.get("Slots", 0);
int SlotIdx = 0;
for( Json::Value::iterator itr = AllSlots.begin(); itr != AllSlots.end(); ++itr )
m_Items[ SlotIdx ].FromJson( *itr );
// Get currently cooking item
Json::Value JsonItem = a_Value.get("Cooking", Json::nullValue );
if( !JsonItem.empty() )
cItem Item;
Item.FromJson( JsonItem );
if( !Item.IsEmpty() )
m_CookingItem = new cItem( Item );
m_CookTime = (float)a_Value.get("CookTime", 0).asDouble();
m_TimeCooked = (float)a_Value.get("TimeCooked", 0).asDouble();
m_BurnTime = (float)a_Value.get("BurnTime", 0).asDouble();
m_TimeBurned = (float)a_Value.get("TimeBurned", 0).asDouble();
return true;
void cFurnaceEntity::SaveToJson( Json::Value& a_Value )
a_Value["x"] = m_PosX;
a_Value["y"] = m_PosY;
a_Value["z"] = m_PosZ;
Json::Value AllSlots;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
Json::Value Slot;
m_Items[ i ].GetJson( Slot );
AllSlots.append( Slot );
a_Value["Slots"] = AllSlots;
// Currently cooking item
if( m_CookingItem )
Json::Value JsonItem;
m_CookingItem->GetJson( JsonItem );
a_Value["Cooking"] = JsonItem;
a_Value["CookTime"] = m_CookTime;
a_Value["TimeCooked"] = m_TimeCooked;
a_Value["BurnTime"] = m_BurnTime;
a_Value["TimeBurned"] = m_TimeBurned;