function OnPlayerPlacingBlock(Player, BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ, BlockFace, CursorX, CursorY, CursorZ, BlockType)
-- Direction is air check
if (BlockFace == -1) then
return false
local PROTECTRADIUS = WorldsSpawnProtect[Player:GetWorld():GetName()];
if not (Player:HasPermission("")) then
return true
if not (Player:HasPermission("core.spawnprotect.bypass")) and not (PROTECTRADIUS == 0) then
local World = Player:GetWorld()
local xcoord = World:GetSpawnX()
local ycoord = World:GetSpawnY()
local zcoord = World:GetSpawnZ()
if not ((BlockX <= (xcoord + PROTECTRADIUS)) and (BlockX >= (xcoord - PROTECTRADIUS))) then
return false -- Not in spawn area.
if not ((BlockY <= (ycoord + PROTECTRADIUS)) and (BlockY >= (ycoord - PROTECTRADIUS))) then
if not ((BlockZ <= (zcoord + PROTECTRADIUS)) and (BlockZ >= (zcoord - PROTECTRADIUS))) then
--WriteLog(1, BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ, Player:GetName(), id, meta)
if BlockType == "50" or BlockType == "76" then
local X = BlockX
local Y = BlockY
local Z = BlockZ
X, Y, Z = AddFaceDirection(X, Y, Z, BlockFace)
if (Y >= 256 or Y < 0) then
local CheckCollision = function(Player)
-- drop the decimals, we only care about the full block X,Y,Z
local PlayerX = math.floor(Player:GetPosX(), 0)
local PlayerY = math.floor(Player:GetPosY(), 0)
local PlayerZ = math.floor(Player:GetPosZ(), 0)
local collision = false
if ((BlockFace == BLOCK_FACE_TOP) and (PlayerY == BlockY - 2) and (PlayerX == BlockX) and (PlayerZ == BlockZ)) then
collision = true
if ((BlockFace == BLOCK_FACE_BOTTOM) and (PlayerY == BlockY + 1) and (PlayerX == BlockX) and (PlayerZ == BlockZ)) then
if ((BlockFace == BLOCK_FACE_NORTH) and (PlayerX == BlockX) and (PlayerZ == BlockZ - 1)) then
if ((PlayerY == BlockY) or (PlayerY + 1 == BlockY)) then collision = true end
if ((BlockFace == BLOCK_FACE_SOUTH) and (PlayerX == BlockX) and (PlayerZ == BlockZ + 1)) then
if ((BlockFace == BLOCK_FACE_WEST) and (PlayerX == BlockX - 1) and (PlayerZ == BlockZ)) then
if ((BlockFace == BLOCK_FACE_EAST) and (PlayerX == BlockX + 1) and (PlayerZ == BlockZ)) then
return collision
if (Player:GetWorld():ForEachPlayer(CheckCollision) == false) then
function OnPlayerBreakingBlock(Player, BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ, BlockFace, Status, OldBlockType, OldBlockMeta)
-- dont check if the direction is in the air
if (BlockFace ~= -1) then
--WriteLog(0, BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ, Player:GetName(), id, meta)