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// ManualBindings_BlockArea.cpp
// Implements the manual bindings for functions in the cBlockArea class
#include "Globals.h"
#include "tolua++/include/tolua++.h"
#include "../BlockArea.h"
#include "../World.h"
#include "ManualBindings.h"
#include "LuaState.h"
#include "PluginLua.h"
#include "../WorldStorage/SchematicFileSerializer.h"
/** Reads params that together form a Cuboid.
These can be:
- 6 numbers (MinX, MaxX, MinY, MaxY, MinZ, MaxZ)
- 2 Vector3-s (Min, Max)
- cCuboid
Returns the index of the first parameter following the Cuboid spec.
Raises an Api error if the params don't specify a Cuboid.
static int readCuboidOverloadParams(cLuaState & a_LuaState, int a_StartParam, cCuboid & a_Cuboid)
if (a_LuaState.IsParamNumber(a_StartParam))
// Assume the 6-number version:
if (!a_LuaState.GetStackValues(a_StartParam, a_Cuboid.p1.x, a_Cuboid.p2.x, a_Cuboid.p1.y, a_Cuboid.p2.y, a_Cuboid.p1.z, a_Cuboid.p2.z))
return a_LuaState.ApiParamError("Cannot read the bounds parameters, expected 6 numbers");
return a_StartParam + 6;
else if (a_LuaState.IsParamUserType(a_StartParam, "cCuboid"))
// Assume the cCuboid version:
cCuboid * c;
if (!a_LuaState.GetStackValues(a_StartParam, c))
return a_LuaState.ApiParamError("Cannot read the bounds parameter, expected a cCuboid instance");
a_Cuboid = *c;
return a_StartParam + 1;
// Assume the 2-Vector3i version:
if (!a_LuaState.GetStackValues(a_StartParam, a_Cuboid.p1, a_Cuboid.p2))
return a_LuaState.ApiParamError("Cannot read the bounds parameter, expected two Vector3i instances");
return a_StartParam + 2;
/** Reads params that together form a Vector3i.
These can be:
- 3 numbers (x, y, z)
- Vector3i
Returns the index of the first parameter following the Vector3i spec.
Raises an Api error if the params don't specify a Vector3i.
static int readVector3iOverloadParams(cLuaState & a_LuaState, int a_StartParam, Vector3i & a_Coords, const char * a_ParamName)
if (a_LuaState.IsParamNumber(a_StartParam))
// Assume the 3-number version:
if (!a_LuaState.GetStackValues(a_StartParam, a_Coords.x, a_Coords.y, a_Coords.z))
return a_LuaState.ApiParamError("Cannot read the %s, expected 3 numbers", a_ParamName);
return a_StartParam + 3;
// Assume the Vector3i version:
if (!a_LuaState.GetStackValues(a_StartParam, a_Coords))
return a_LuaState.ApiParamError("Cannot read the %s, expected a Vector3i instance", a_ParamName);
return a_StartParam + 1;
/** Binding for the cBlockArea::Create() functions. Supports two overloads and one default parameter. */
static int tolua_cBlockArea_Create(lua_State * a_LuaState)
cLuaState L(a_LuaState);
if (!L.CheckParamSelf("cBlockArea"))
return 0;
cBlockArea * self = nullptr;
if (!L.GetStackValues(1, self))
return L.ApiParamError("Cannot read self");
if (self == nullptr)
return L.ApiParamError("Invalid 'self', must not be nil");
int dataTypes = cBlockArea::baTypes | cBlockArea::baMetas | cBlockArea::baBlockEntities;
Vector3i size;
auto dataTypesIdx = readVector3iOverloadParams(L, 2, size, "size");
L.GetStackValue(dataTypesIdx, dataTypes);
if (!cBlockArea::IsValidDataTypeCombination(dataTypes))
return L.ApiParamError("Invalid combination of baDataTypes specified (%d)", dataTypes);
// Create the area:
if ((size.x <= 0) || (size.y <= 0) || (size.z <= 0))
return L.FApiParamError("Invalid sizes, must be greater than zero, got {0}", size);
ASSERT(self != nullptr);
self->Create(size, dataTypes);
return 0;
/** Bindings for the cBlockArea:FillRelCuboid() functions. Supports coord overloads and one default parameter. */
static int tolua_cBlockArea_FillRelCuboid(lua_State * a_LuaState)
// Check the common params:
cLuaState L(a_LuaState);
if (!L.CheckParamSelf("cBlockArea"))
return 0;
// Get the common params:
cBlockArea * self = nullptr;
if (!L.GetStackValues(1, self))
return L.ApiParamError("Cannot read self");
if (self == nullptr)
return L.ApiParamError("Invalid 'self', must not be nil");
// Check and get the overloaded params:
cCuboid bounds;
auto nextIdx = readCuboidOverloadParams(L, 2, bounds);
if (!(self->IsValidRelCoords(bounds.p1) && self->IsValidRelCoords(bounds.p2)))
return L.FApiParamError(
"The bounds ({0} - {1}) are out of range ({2} - {3})",
Vector3i(0, 0, 0),
(self->GetSize() - Vector3i{1, 1, 1})
int dataTypes = cBlockArea::baTypes | cBlockArea::baMetas | cBlockArea::baBlockEntities;
BLOCKTYPE blockType;
NIBBLETYPE blockMeta = 0, blockLight = 0, blockSkyLight = 0x0f;
if (!L.GetStackValues(nextIdx, dataTypes, blockType))
2017-06-26 02:56:55 -04:00
return L.ApiParamError("Cannot read the datatypes or block type params");
L.GetStackValues(nextIdx + 2, blockMeta, blockLight, blockSkyLight); // These values are optional
if (!cBlockArea::IsValidDataTypeCombination(dataTypes))
return L.ApiParamError("Invalid baDataTypes combination (%d)", dataTypes);
// Do the actual Fill:
self->FillRelCuboid(bounds, dataTypes, blockType, blockMeta, blockLight, blockSkyLight);
return 0;
static int tolua_cBlockArea_GetBlockTypeMeta(lua_State * a_LuaState)
// function cBlockArea::GetBlockTypeMeta()
cLuaState L(a_LuaState);
if (!L.CheckParamSelf("cBlockArea"))
return 0;
cBlockArea * self;
if (!L.GetStackValues(1, self))
2017-06-26 02:56:55 -04:00
return L.ApiParamError("Cannot read 'self'");
if (self == nullptr)
return L.ApiParamError("Invalid 'self', must not be nil");
Vector3i coords;
readVector3iOverloadParams(L, 2, coords, "coords");
if (!self->IsValidCoords(coords))
return L.FApiParamError("Coords ({0}) out of range ({1} - {2})",
coords, self->GetOrigin(), self->GetOrigin() + self->GetSize() - Vector3i{1, 1, 1}
BLOCKTYPE blockType;
self->GetBlockTypeMeta(coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, blockType, blockMeta);
L.Push(blockType, blockMeta);
return 2;
static int tolua_cBlockArea_GetCoordRange(lua_State * a_LuaState)
// function cBlockArea::GetCoordRange()
// Returns all three sizes of the area, each minus one, so that they represent the maximum coord value
// Exported manually because there's no direct C++ equivalent,
// plus tolua would generate extra input params for the outputs
cLuaState L(a_LuaState);
if (!L.CheckParamSelf("cBlockArea"))
return 0;
cBlockArea * self;
if (!L.GetStackValues(1, self))
return L.ApiParamError("Cannot read the 'self' parameter");
if (self == nullptr)
return L.ApiParamError("Invalid 'self', must not be nil");
L.Push(self->GetSizeX() - 1, self->GetSizeY() - 1, self->GetSizeZ() - 1);
return 3;
static int tolua_cBlockArea_GetNonAirCropRelCoords(lua_State * a_LuaState)
// function cBlockArea::GetNonAirCropRelCoords()
// Exported manually because tolua would generate extra input params for the outputs
cLuaState L(a_LuaState);
if (!L.CheckParamSelf("cBlockArea"))
return 0;
cBlockArea * self = nullptr;
BLOCKTYPE ignoreBlockType = E_BLOCK_AIR;
if (!L.GetStackValues(1, self, ignoreBlockType))
2017-06-26 02:56:55 -04:00
return L.ApiParamError("Cannot read params");
if (self == nullptr)
2017-06-26 02:56:55 -04:00
return L.ApiParamError("Invalid 'self', must not be nil");
if (!self->HasBlockTypes())
2017-06-26 02:56:55 -04:00
return L.ApiParamError("The area doesn't contain baTypes datatype");
// Calculate the crop coords:
int minRelX, minRelY, minRelZ, maxRelX, maxRelY, maxRelZ;
self->GetNonAirCropRelCoords(minRelX, minRelY, minRelZ, maxRelX, maxRelY, maxRelZ, ignoreBlockType);
// Push the six crop coords:
L.Push(minRelX, minRelY, minRelZ, maxRelX, maxRelY, maxRelZ);
return 6;
static int tolua_cBlockArea_GetOrigin(lua_State * a_LuaState)
// function cBlockArea::GetOrigin()
// Returns all three coords of the origin point
// Exported manually because there's no direct C++ equivalent,
// plus tolua would generate extra input params for the outputs
cLuaState L(a_LuaState);
if (!L.CheckParamSelf("cBlockArea"))
return 0;
cBlockArea * self;
if (!L.GetStackValues(1, self))
return L.ApiParamError("Cannot read the 'self' parameter");
if (self == nullptr)
return L.ApiParamError("Invalid 'self', must not be nil");
// Push the three origin coords:
L.Push(self->GetOriginX(), self->GetOriginY(), self->GetOriginZ());
return 3;
static int tolua_cBlockArea_GetRelBlockTypeMeta(lua_State * a_LuaState)
// function cBlockArea::GetRelBlockTypeMeta()
// Exported manually because tolua generates extra input params for the outputs
cLuaState L(a_LuaState);
if (!L.CheckParamSelf("cBlockArea"))
return 0;
cBlockArea * self;
if (!L.GetStackValues(1, self))
return L.ApiParamError("Cannot read the 'self' parameter");
if (self == nullptr)
return L.ApiParamError("Invalid 'self', must not be nil");
if (!self->HasBlockTypes())
2017-06-26 02:56:55 -04:00
return L.ApiParamError("The area doesn't contain baTypes datatype");
if (!self->HasBlockMetas())
2017-06-26 02:56:55 -04:00
return L.ApiParamError("The area doesn't contain baMetas datatype");
Vector3i coords;
readVector3iOverloadParams(L, 2, coords, "coords");
if (!self->IsValidRelCoords(coords))
return L.FApiParamError("The coords ({0}) are out of range (max {1})",
coords, (self->GetSize() - Vector3i{1, 1, 1})
BLOCKTYPE blockType;
self->GetRelBlockTypeMeta(coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, blockType, blockMeta);
L.Push(blockType, blockMeta);
return 2;
static int tolua_cBlockArea_GetSize(lua_State * a_LuaState)
// function cBlockArea::GetSize()
// Returns all three sizes of the area
// Exported manually because there's no direct C++ equivalent,
// plus tolua would generate extra input params for the outputs
cLuaState L(a_LuaState);
if (!L.CheckParamSelf("cBlockArea"))
return 0;
cBlockArea * self;
if (!L.GetStackValues(1, self))
return L.ApiParamError("Cannot read the 'self' parameter");
if (self == nullptr)
return L.ApiParamError("Invalid 'self', must not be nil");
L.Push(self->GetSizeX(), self->GetSizeY(), self->GetSizeZ());
return 3;
static int tolua_cBlockArea_LoadFromSchematicFile(lua_State * a_LuaState)
// function cBlockArea::LoadFromSchematicFile
// Exported manually because function has been moved to SchematicFileSerializer.cpp
cLuaState L(a_LuaState);
if (
!L.CheckParamSelf("cBlockArea") ||
!L.CheckParamString(2) ||
return 0;
cBlockArea * self;
AString fileName;
if (!L.GetStackValues(1, self, fileName))
return L.ApiParamError("Cannot read the parameters");
if (self == nullptr)
return L.ApiParamError("Invalid 'self', must not be nil");
L.Push(cSchematicFileSerializer::LoadFromSchematicFile(*self, fileName));
return 1;
static int tolua_cBlockArea_LoadFromSchematicString(lua_State * a_LuaState)
// function cBlockArea::LoadFromSchematicString
// Exported manually because function has been moved to SchematicFileSerializer.cpp
cLuaState L(a_LuaState);
if (
!L.CheckParamSelf("cBlockArea") ||
!L.CheckParamString(2) ||
return 0;
cBlockArea * self;
AString data;
if (!L.GetStackValues(1, self, data))
return L.ApiParamError("Cannot read the parameters");
if (self == nullptr)
return L.ApiParamError("Invalid 'self', must not be nil");
L.Push(cSchematicFileSerializer::LoadFromSchematicString(*self, data));
return 1;
/** Bindings for the cBlockArea:Read() functions. Supports three overloads and one default parameter. */
static int tolua_cBlockArea_Read(lua_State * a_LuaState)
// Check the common params:
cLuaState L(a_LuaState);
if (
!L.CheckParamSelf("cBlockArea") ||
!L.CheckParamUserType(2, "cWorld")
return 0;
// Get the common params:
cBlockArea * self = nullptr;
cWorld * world = nullptr;
if (!L.GetStackValues(1, self, world))
return L.ApiParamError("Cannot read self or world");
if (world == nullptr)
return L.ApiParamError("Invalid world instance. The world must be not nil");
// Check and get the overloaded params:
cCuboid bounds;
int dataTypes = cBlockArea::baTypes | cBlockArea::baMetas | cBlockArea::baBlockEntities;
auto dataTypesIdx = readCuboidOverloadParams(L, 3, bounds);
L.GetStackValues(dataTypesIdx, dataTypes);
if (!cBlockArea::IsValidDataTypeCombination(dataTypes))
return L.ApiParamError("Invalid baDataTypes combination (%d)", dataTypes);
// Check the coords, shift if needed:
if (bounds.p1.y < 0)
FLOGWARNING("cBlockArea:Read(): MinBlockY less than zero, adjusting to zero. Coords: {0} - {1}",
bounds.p1, bounds.p2
bounds.p1.y = 0;
else if (bounds.p1.y >= cChunkDef::Height)
FLOGWARNING("cBlockArea:Read(): MinBlockY more than chunk height, adjusting to chunk height. Coords: {0} - {1}",
bounds.p1, bounds.p2
bounds.p1.y = cChunkDef::Height - 1;
if (bounds.p2.y < 0)
FLOGWARNING("cBlockArea:Read(): MaxBlockY less than zero, adjusting to zero. Coords: {0} - {1}",
bounds.p1, bounds.p2
bounds.p2.y = 0;
else if (bounds.p2.y > cChunkDef::Height)
FLOGWARNING("cBlockArea:Read(): MaxBlockY more than chunk height, adjusting to chunk height. Coords: {0} - {1}",
bounds.p1, bounds.p2
bounds.p2.y = cChunkDef::Height;
// Do the actual read:
L.Push(self->Read(*world, bounds, dataTypes));
return 1;
/** Bindings for the cBlockArea:RelLine() functions. Supports two overloads and one default parameter.
Also supports "bastard overloads" (Vector3i, x, y, z), but we don't advertise those. */
static int tolua_cBlockArea_RelLine(lua_State * a_LuaState)
// Check the common params:
cLuaState L(a_LuaState);
if (!L.CheckParamSelf("cBlockArea"))
return 0;
// Get the common params:
cBlockArea * self = nullptr;
if (!L.GetStackValues(1, self))
return L.ApiParamError("Cannot read self");
// Check and get the overloaded params:
Vector3i p1;
auto idx = readVector3iOverloadParams(L, 2, p1, "start coords");
Vector3i p2;
idx = readVector3iOverloadParams(L, idx, p2, "end coords");
int dataTypes = cBlockArea::baTypes | cBlockArea::baMetas | cBlockArea::baBlockEntities;
BLOCKTYPE blockType;
NIBBLETYPE blockMeta, blockLight, blockSkyLight;
L.GetStackValues(idx, dataTypes, blockType, blockMeta, blockLight, blockSkyLight);
if (!cBlockArea::IsValidDataTypeCombination(dataTypes))
return L.ApiParamError("Invalid baDataTypes combination (%d)", dataTypes);
if ((self->GetDataTypes() & dataTypes) != dataTypes)
2017-06-26 02:56:55 -04:00
return L.ApiParamError("Requested datatypes not present in the cBlockArea. Got only 0x%02x, requested 0x%02x",
self->GetDataTypes(), dataTypes
// Draw the line:
self->RelLine(p1, p2, dataTypes, blockType, blockMeta, blockLight, blockSkyLight);
return 0;
static int tolua_cBlockArea_SaveToSchematicFile(lua_State * a_LuaState)
// function cBlockArea::SaveToSchematicFile
// Exported manually because function has been moved to SchematicFileSerializer.cpp
cLuaState L(a_LuaState);
if (
!L.CheckParamSelf("cBlockArea") ||
!L.CheckParamString(2) ||
return 0;
cBlockArea * self;
AString fileName;
if (!L.GetStackValues(1, self, fileName))
return L.ApiParamError("Cannot read the parameters");
if (self == nullptr)
return L.ApiParamError("Invalid 'self', must not be nil");
L.Push(cSchematicFileSerializer::SaveToSchematicFile(*self, fileName));
return 1;
static int tolua_cBlockArea_SaveToSchematicString(lua_State * a_LuaState)
// function cBlockArea::SaveToSchematicString
// Exported manually because function has been moved to SchematicFileSerializer.cpp
cLuaState L(a_LuaState);
if (
!L.CheckParamSelf("cBlockArea") ||
return 0;
cBlockArea * self;
if (!L.GetStackValues(1, self))
return L.ApiParamError("Cannot read the 'self' parameter");
if (self == nullptr)
return L.ApiParamError("Invalid 'self', must not be nil");
AString data;
if (cSchematicFileSerializer::SaveToSchematicString(*self, data))
return 1;
return 0;
/** Bindings for the cBlockArea:Write() functions. Supports two overloads and one default parameter. */
static int tolua_cBlockArea_Write(lua_State * a_LuaState)
// Check the common params:
cLuaState L(a_LuaState);
if (
!L.CheckParamSelf("cBlockArea") ||
!L.CheckParamUserType(2, "cWorld")
return 0;
// Get the common params:
cBlockArea * self = nullptr;
cWorld * world = nullptr;
if (!L.GetStackValues(1, self, world))
return L.ApiParamError("Cannot read self or world");
if (world == nullptr)
return L.ApiParamError("Invalid world instance. The world must be not nil");
// Check and get the overloaded params:
Vector3i coords;
int dataTypes = 0;
auto dataTypesIdx = readVector3iOverloadParams(L, 3, coords, "coords");
auto HasDataTypes = L.GetStackValues(dataTypesIdx, dataTypes);
// Check the dataType parameter validity:
if (HasDataTypes)
if (!cBlockArea::IsValidDataTypeCombination(dataTypes))
return L.ApiParamError("Invalid datatype combination (%d)", dataTypes);
if ((self->GetDataTypes() & dataTypes) != dataTypes)
return L.ApiParamError("Requesting datatypes not present in the cBlockArea. Got only 0x%02x, requested 0x%02x",
self->GetDataTypes(), dataTypes
// Check and adjust the coord params:
// TODO: Should we report this as a failure? Because the result is definitely not what the plugin assumed
// ... Or should we silently clone-crop-write the cBlockArea so that the API call does what would be naturally expected?
// ... Or should we change the cBlockArea::Write() to allow out-of-range Y coords and do the cropping there?
// ... NOTE: We already support auto-crop in cBlockArea::Merge() itself
if (coords.y < 0)
LOGWARNING("cBlockArea:Write(): MinBlockY less than zero, adjusting to zero");
coords.y = 0;
else if (coords.y > cChunkDef::Height - self->GetSizeY())
LOGWARNING("cBlockArea:Write(): MinBlockY + m_SizeY more than chunk height, adjusting to chunk height");
coords.y = cChunkDef::Height - self->GetSizeY();
// Do the actual write:
if (HasDataTypes)
L.Push(self->Write(*world, coords, dataTypes));
L.Push(self->Write(*world, coords));
return 1;
/** Templated bindings for the GetBlock___() functions.
DataType is either BLOCKTYPE or NIBBLETYPE.
DataTypeFlag is the ba___ constant used for the datatype being queried.
Fn is the getter function.
Also supports the Vector3i overloads (TODO: document these (?)). */
template <
typename DataType,
int DataTypeFlag,
DataType (cBlockArea::*Fn)(int, int, int) const
static int GetBlock(lua_State * a_LuaState)
// Check the common params:
cLuaState L(a_LuaState);
if (!L.CheckParamSelf("cBlockArea"))
return 0;
// Read the common params:
cBlockArea * self;
if (!L.GetStackValues(1, self))
return L.ApiParamError("Cannot read the 'self' param");
// Check the datatype's presence:
if ((self->GetDataTypes() & DataTypeFlag) == 0)
return L.ApiParamError("The area doesn't contain the datatype (%d)", DataTypeFlag);
// Read the overloaded params:
Vector3i coords;
readVector3iOverloadParams(L, 2, coords, "coords");
if (!self->IsValidCoords(coords))
return L.FApiParamError("The coords ({0}) are out of range ({1} - {2})",
coords, self->GetOrigin(), self->GetOrigin() + self->GetSize() - Vector3i{1, 1, 1}
// Get the block info:
L.Push((self->*Fn)(coords.x, coords.y, coords.z));
return 1;
/** Templated bindings for the GetRelBlock___() functions.
DataType is either BLOCKTYPE or NIBBLETYPE.
DataTypeFlag is the ba___ constant used for the datatype being queried.
Fn is the getter function.
Also supports the Vector3i overloads (TODO: document these (?)). */
template <
typename DataType,
int DataTypeFlag,
DataType (cBlockArea::*Fn)(int, int, int) const
static int GetRelBlock(lua_State * a_LuaState)
// Check the common params:
cLuaState L(a_LuaState);
if (!L.CheckParamSelf("cBlockArea"))
return 0;
// Read the common params:
cBlockArea * self;
if (!L.GetStackValues(1, self))
return L.ApiParamError("Cannot read the 'self' param");
// Check the datatype's presence:
if ((self->GetDataTypes() & DataTypeFlag) == 0)
return L.ApiParamError("The area doesn't contain the datatype (%d)", DataTypeFlag);
// Read the overloaded params:
Vector3i coords;
readVector3iOverloadParams(L, 2, coords, "coords");
if (!self->IsValidRelCoords(coords))
2020-05-02 18:10:54 -04:00
return L.FApiParamError("The coords ({0}) are out of range ({1})",
coords, (self->GetSize() - Vector3i(1, 1, 1))
// Get the block info:
L.Push((self->*Fn)(coords.x, coords.y, coords.z));
return 1;
/** Templated bindings for the SetBlock___() functions.
DataType is either BLOCKTYPE or NIBBLETYPE.
DataTypeFlag is the ba___ constant used for the datatypebeing manipulated.
Fn is the setter function.
Also supports the Vector3i overloads (TODO: document these (?)). */
template <
typename DataType,
int DataTypeFlag,
void (cBlockArea::*Fn)(int, int, int, DataType)
static int SetBlock(lua_State * a_LuaState)
// Check the common params:
cLuaState L(a_LuaState);
if (!L.CheckParamSelf("cBlockArea"))
return 0;
// Read the common params:
cBlockArea * self;
if (!L.GetStackValues(1, self))
return L.ApiParamError("Cannot read the 'self' param");
// Check the datatype's presence:
if ((self->GetDataTypes() & DataTypeFlag) == 0)
return L.ApiParamError("The area doesn't contain the datatype (%d)", DataTypeFlag);
// Read the overloaded params:
Vector3i coords;
auto idx = readVector3iOverloadParams(L, 2, coords, "coords");
if (!self->IsValidCoords(coords))
return L.FApiParamError("The coords ({0}) are out of range ({1} - {2})",
coords, self->GetOrigin(), self->GetOrigin() + self->GetSize() - Vector3i{1, 1, 1}
DataType data;
L.GetStackValues(idx, data);
// Set the block info:
(self->*Fn)(coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, data);
return 0;
/** Templated bindings for the SetRelBlock___() functions.
DataType is either BLOCKTYPE or NIBBLETYPE.
DataTypeFlag is the ba___ constant used for the datatypebeing manipulated.
Fn is the setter function.
Also supports the Vector3i overloads (TODO: document these (?)). */
template <
typename DataType,
int DataTypeFlag,
void (cBlockArea::*Fn)(int, int, int, DataType)
static int SetRelBlock(lua_State * a_LuaState)
// Check the common params:
cLuaState L(a_LuaState);
if (!L.CheckParamSelf("cBlockArea"))
return 0;
// Read the common params:
cBlockArea * self;
if (!L.GetStackValues(1, self))
return L.ApiParamError("Cannot read the 'self' param");
// Check the datatype's presence:
if ((self->GetDataTypes() & DataTypeFlag) == 0)
return L.ApiParamError("The area doesn't contain the datatype (%d)", DataTypeFlag);
// Read the overloaded params:
Vector3i coords;
auto idx = readVector3iOverloadParams(L, 2, coords, "coords");
if (!self->IsValidRelCoords(coords))
return L.FApiParamError("The coords ({0}) are out of range ({1})",
coords, (self->GetSize() - Vector3i(1, 1, 1))
DataType data;
L.GetStackValues(idx, data);
// Set the block info:
(self->*Fn)(coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, data);
return 0;
static int tolua_cBlockArea_SetBlockTypeMeta(lua_State * a_LuaState)
// Check the common params:
cLuaState L(a_LuaState);
if (!L.CheckParamSelf("cBlockArea"))
return 0;
// Read the common params:
cBlockArea * self;
if (!L.GetStackValues(1, self))
return L.ApiParamError("Cannot read the 'self' param");
// Check if block types and metas are present:
if (!self->HasBlockTypes() || !self->HasBlockMetas())
return L.ApiParamError("The area doesn't contain the datatypes baTypes and baMetas");
// Read the overloaded params:
Vector3i coords;
auto idx = readVector3iOverloadParams(L, 2, coords, "coords");
if (!self->IsValidCoords(coords))
return L.FApiParamError("The coords ({0}) are out of range ({1} - {2})",
coords, self->GetOrigin(), self->GetOrigin() + self->GetSize() - Vector3i{1, 1, 1}
if (!L.GetStackValues(idx, block, meta))
return L.ApiParamError("Bad number for block type or meta type");
// Set block type and meta:
self->SetBlockTypeMeta(coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, block, meta);
return 0;
static int tolua_cBlockArea_SetRelBlockTypeMeta(lua_State * a_LuaState)
// Check the common params:
cLuaState L(a_LuaState);
if (!L.CheckParamSelf("cBlockArea"))
return 0;
// Read the common params:
cBlockArea * self;
if (!L.GetStackValues(1, self))
return L.ApiParamError("Cannot read the 'self' param");
// Check if block types and metas are present:
if (!self->HasBlockTypes() || !self->HasBlockMetas())
return L.ApiParamError("The area doesn't contain the baTypes or baMetas datatypes (0x%02x)", self->GetDataTypes());
// Read the overloaded params:
Vector3i coords;
auto idx = readVector3iOverloadParams(L, 2, coords, "coords");
if (!self->IsValidRelCoords(coords))
return L.FApiParamError("The coords ({0}) are out of range ({1})",
coords, (self->GetSize() - Vector3i(1, 1, 1))
if (!L.GetStackValues(idx, block, meta))
return L.ApiParamError("Bad number for block type or meta type");
// Set block type and meta:
self->SetRelBlockTypeMeta(coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, block, meta);
return 0;
void cManualBindings::BindBlockArea(lua_State * a_LuaState)
tolua_beginmodule(a_LuaState, nullptr);
tolua_beginmodule(a_LuaState, "cBlockArea");
tolua_function(a_LuaState, "Create", tolua_cBlockArea_Create);
tolua_function(a_LuaState, "DoWithBlockEntityAt", DoWithXYZ<cBlockArea, cBlockEntity, &cBlockArea::DoWithBlockEntityAt, &cBlockArea::IsValidCoords>);
tolua_function(a_LuaState, "DoWithBlockEntityRelAt", DoWithXYZ<cBlockArea, cBlockEntity, &cBlockArea::DoWithBlockEntityRelAt, &cBlockArea::IsValidRelCoords>);
tolua_function(a_LuaState, "FillRelCuboid", tolua_cBlockArea_FillRelCuboid);
tolua_function(a_LuaState, "ForEachBlockEntity", ForEach< cBlockArea, cBlockEntity, &cBlockArea::ForEachBlockEntity>);
tolua_function(a_LuaState, "GetBlockLight", GetBlock<NIBBLETYPE, cBlockArea::baLight, &cBlockArea::GetRelBlockLight>);
tolua_function(a_LuaState, "GetBlockMeta", GetBlock<NIBBLETYPE, cBlockArea::baMetas, &cBlockArea::GetRelBlockMeta>);
tolua_function(a_LuaState, "GetBlockSkyLight", GetBlock<NIBBLETYPE, cBlockArea::baSkyLight, &cBlockArea::GetRelBlockSkyLight>);
tolua_function(a_LuaState, "GetBlockType", GetBlock<BLOCKTYPE, cBlockArea::baTypes, &cBlockArea::GetRelBlockType>);
tolua_function(a_LuaState, "GetBlockTypeMeta", tolua_cBlockArea_GetBlockTypeMeta);
tolua_function(a_LuaState, "GetCoordRange", tolua_cBlockArea_GetCoordRange);
tolua_function(a_LuaState, "GetNonAirCropRelCoords", tolua_cBlockArea_GetNonAirCropRelCoords);
tolua_function(a_LuaState, "GetOrigin", tolua_cBlockArea_GetOrigin);
tolua_function(a_LuaState, "GetRelBlockLight", GetRelBlock<NIBBLETYPE, cBlockArea::baLight, &cBlockArea::GetRelBlockLight>);
tolua_function(a_LuaState, "GetRelBlockMeta", GetRelBlock<NIBBLETYPE, cBlockArea::baMetas, &cBlockArea::GetRelBlockMeta>);
tolua_function(a_LuaState, "GetRelBlockSkyLight", GetRelBlock<NIBBLETYPE, cBlockArea::baSkyLight, &cBlockArea::GetRelBlockSkyLight>);
tolua_function(a_LuaState, "GetRelBlockType", GetRelBlock<BLOCKTYPE, cBlockArea::baTypes, &cBlockArea::GetRelBlockType>);
tolua_function(a_LuaState, "GetRelBlockTypeMeta", tolua_cBlockArea_GetRelBlockTypeMeta);
tolua_function(a_LuaState, "GetSize", tolua_cBlockArea_GetSize);
tolua_function(a_LuaState, "LoadFromSchematicFile", tolua_cBlockArea_LoadFromSchematicFile);
tolua_function(a_LuaState, "LoadFromSchematicString", tolua_cBlockArea_LoadFromSchematicString);
tolua_function(a_LuaState, "Read", tolua_cBlockArea_Read);
tolua_function(a_LuaState, "RelLine", tolua_cBlockArea_RelLine);
tolua_function(a_LuaState, "SaveToSchematicFile", tolua_cBlockArea_SaveToSchematicFile);
tolua_function(a_LuaState, "SaveToSchematicString", tolua_cBlockArea_SaveToSchematicString);
tolua_function(a_LuaState, "SetBlockType", SetBlock<BLOCKTYPE, cBlockArea::baTypes, &cBlockArea::SetRelBlockType>);
tolua_function(a_LuaState, "SetBlockMeta", SetBlock<NIBBLETYPE, cBlockArea::baMetas, &cBlockArea::SetRelBlockMeta>);
tolua_function(a_LuaState, "SetBlockLight", SetBlock<NIBBLETYPE, cBlockArea::baLight, &cBlockArea::SetRelBlockLight>);
tolua_function(a_LuaState, "SetBlockSkyLight", SetBlock<NIBBLETYPE, cBlockArea::baSkyLight, &cBlockArea::SetRelBlockSkyLight>);
tolua_function(a_LuaState, "SetBlockTypeMeta", tolua_cBlockArea_SetBlockTypeMeta);
tolua_function(a_LuaState, "SetRelBlockType", SetRelBlock<BLOCKTYPE, cBlockArea::baTypes, &cBlockArea::SetRelBlockType>);
tolua_function(a_LuaState, "SetRelBlockMeta", SetRelBlock<NIBBLETYPE, cBlockArea::baMetas, &cBlockArea::SetRelBlockMeta>);
tolua_function(a_LuaState, "SetRelBlockLight", SetRelBlock<NIBBLETYPE, cBlockArea::baLight, &cBlockArea::SetRelBlockLight>);
tolua_function(a_LuaState, "SetRelBlockSkyLight", SetRelBlock<NIBBLETYPE, cBlockArea::baSkyLight, &cBlockArea::SetRelBlockSkyLight>);
tolua_function(a_LuaState, "SetRelBlockTypeMeta", tolua_cBlockArea_SetRelBlockTypeMeta);
tolua_function(a_LuaState, "Write", tolua_cBlockArea_Write);