Addresses for GNUstep is a versatile address book application for
managing contact information. It stores addresses, phone numbers,
pictures, instant messaging information, email, homepages and whatever.
Addresses is also a framework that allows access to the addresses
database in a way that is source code compatible with Apple's
AddressBook.framework. It also contains a view framework to facilitate
the construction of applications that use the contact database.
Although using the conventional LWP::UserAgent is fast and easy it does
have some drawbacks - the code execution blocks until the request has
been completed and it is only possible to process one request at a time.
HTTP::Async attempts to address these limitations.
WebGUI is a content management platform built to give average business
users the ability to build and maintain complex web sites. It is
modular, pluggable, and platform independent. It is designed to keep the
management of content in the hands of those who create content, rather
than take up the time of busy IT staff.
libapreq is a safe, standards-compliant, high-performance library used
for parsing HTTP cookies, query-strings and POST data. The original
version (libapreq-1.X) was designed by Lincoln Stein and Doug
MacEachern. The perl APIs Apache::Request and Apache::Cookie are the
lightweight mod_perl analogs of the CGI and CGI::Cookie perl modules.
HTML::TagFilter is a subclass of HTML::Parser with a single purpose:
it will remove unwanted html tags and attributes from a piece of text.
It can act in a more or less fine-grained way - you can specify
permitted tags, permitted attributes of each tag, and permitted values
for each attribute in as much detail as you like.
This module attempts to extract the maximum amount of content from
available documents, and is less concerned with XML compliance than
alternatives. Rather than rely on XML::Parser, it uses heuristics and
good old-fashioned Perl regular expressions. It stores the data in a
simple hash structure, and "aliases" certain tags so that when done,
you can count on having the minimal data necessary for re-constructing
a valid RSS file. This means you get the basic title, description,
and link for a channel and its items.
This module provides a Perl interface to the GNU Aspell library. It is
there to meet the need of looking up many words, one at a time, in a
single session, such as spell-checking a document in memory.
POE::Component::Client::HTTP is an HTTP user-agent for POE. It lets
other sessions run while HTTP transactions are being processed, and it
lets several HTTP transactions be processed in parallel.
POE::Component::Client::Keepalive creates and manages connections for
other components. It maintains a cache of kept-alive connections for
quick reuse. It is written specifically for clients that can benefit
from kept-alive connections, such as HTTP clients. Using it for
one-shot connections would probably be silly.
Warzone 2100 was an innovative 3D real-time strategy game back in 1999,
and most will agree it didn't enjoy the commercial success it could
have had. The game's source code was liberated on December 6th,
2004, under a GPL license. Soon after that, the Warzone 2100 ReDev
project was formed to take care of its future.
feedback, help & ok ajacoutot@
Modules to parse C header files and create XS glue code and
documentation out of it. Idealy this allows to "write" an interface to
a C library without coding a line. Since no C API is ideal, some
adjuments are necessary most of the time. So to use this module you
must still be familiar with C and XS programming, but it removes a lot
of stupid work and copy & paste from you. Also when the C API changes,
most of the time you only have to rerun XSBuilder to get your new Perl