WWW::Mechanize 1.70. Required by the recent www/p5-WWW-Mechanize update
as well as the Catalyst update.
More recent versions of Test::WWW::Mechanize depend on LWP 6.02, which
hasn't hit OpenBSD's ports tree yet.
From Andreas Voegele's repo.
Catalyst::Plugin::Cache::Store::FastMmap is deprecated because
Cache::FastMmap no longer needs to be wrapped to store plain values.
from Andreas Voegele's repo
Catalyst::Plugin::Cache::FileCache has been deprecated in favor of
Catalyst::Plugin::Cache, which can be configured to use a FileCache
from Andreas Voegele's repo
MRO::Compat instead of the deprecated module NEXT. Disable TEST_POD as
the POD coverage tests complain about undocumented code.
Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Store::DBIC is deprecated. Use
Catalyst::Authentication::Store::DBIx::Class instead.
From Andreas Voegele's repo
- built from the official upstream release
- needed for upcoming gnome/js update
- this is not an update to lang/spidermonkey, as that new version was
built upon Ffx 4 js engine and probably only works on amd64/i386/ppc.
It builds on sparc64 but is broken at runtime. Not marking BROKEN-* to
allow depending ports to build. Other archs untested.
- special care was taken to ensure it doesnt conflict with
lang/spidermonkey (install versionned binaries/headers..)
- ports wanting to use it should use devel/spidermonkey>=1.8,<1.9 to
ensure the correct version is picked up
Tested in an amd64 bulk build.
ok/prodding ajacoutot@
While here add @option no-default-conflict + @conflict
spidermonkey->=1.9.2 in preparation for devel/spidermonkey import.
MAINTAINER timeout, ok/prodding ajacoutot@
- rename libxul{,-embedding}.pc files to libxul19{,-embedding}.pc to
cope with an eventual xulrunner built from latest mozilla
- move some WANTLIB-devel from Makefile.inc to 1.9/Makefile
- use BASE_PKGPATH instead of devel/xulrunner/${MOZILLA_VERSION:R:R}, as
there might be a devel/xulrunner/last someday
- sanitize the subst regexps done on the .pc files, half of them were
- bump REVISIONs.
Tested in a full bulk build with all xulrunner users..
XML::RPC module provides simple Pure Perl methods for XML-RPC
communication. It's goals are simplicity and flexibility. XML::RPC
uses XML::TreePP for parsing.
ok sthen@
General difference (for ports infrastructure):
- switch to cmake build system
- drop external lua and use internal patched version
- set SEPARATE_BUILD=flavored to avoid extracting a lot of data for every arch
- removed superfluous dependency to devel/sdl
- drop tinygui FLAVOR
Full changelog is here:
OKs from jasper@ (maintainer), aja@, pascal@, cmake-wise OK from dcoppa@
Positive feedback from Antti Harri and Bryan Linton via ports@
We don't specify ca-certificates (/etc/ssl/cert.pem) to be able to add
our owns under /etc/ssl when needed. Files under /etc/ssl/* will be parsed
and the certificates found will be added to the keyring list on startup.
* New events and missions
* New outfits
* House Soromid now has a logo
* More ways of mapping the universe
* Disabling damage leaks through shields
* conf.lua-tweakable font sizes for accessibility
* Bug fixes
OK from sthen@