Bus error during build. Changing -O levels did nothing. Changing to egcc
did nothing. If you need an alternative bc/dc on sparc64, there's ebc.
Thanks to kmos@ for testing with me.
Updated to most recent version. All regression tests pass on amd64.
It's sole consumer www/py-aiohttp doesn't have working regression
tests but its two consumers pass all regression tests with this
new version.
OK jung@ (maintainer) sthen@
Has numerous small fixes, most don't affect us. One of them is to
"add support for Python 3.7" but the old version worked fine for us.
OK jung@ (maintainer) sthen@
Maintenance release, which includes a few bug fixes, including a fix for
a rare data corruption bug, which could only be triggered in a niche use
List of changes can be found at
Math::Utils provides useful mathematical functions not in Perl.
From Wen Heping, who is taking MAINTAINER (thanks!) and additional
tweaks from me.
OK sthen@
Joint effort by me, thfr@, and brynet@
ok solene@
DevilutionX is an open source recreation of the game engine used in
Diablo I, an action role-playing game by Blizzard Entertainment.
While this package and the game engine are open source, one still needs
to provide the original game assets from Diablo I, which is not open
source. You will need to purchase the original game to use this package.
instruments (slaves) from a computer (master) using the Modbus
protocol, and is intended to be running on the master. Example code
includes drivers for Eurotherm and Omega process controllers. This
software supports the Modbus RTU and Modbus ASCII serial communication
versions of the protocol.
Version 0.7
From Martin Reindl
Tweaks from myself and sthen@
OK sthen@
Update py-pluggy from 0.9.0 to 0.11.0. The most recent version is
actually 0.12.0, but they added a dependency on a new module that
backports from Python 3.8 that has other dependencies.
ok shachin@ sthen@