users downloading this from official distribution sources.
(We are in compliance, but without an explanation, someone
might not notice this if they update it later).
This project aims at increasing the number of available Arabic free and open
source fonts. The goals of this project are:
* Create and/or salvage free and open TTF Arabic fonts.
* Create a central repository of all free and open source Arabic fonts
(TTF and otherwise) in order to get them included into the various
* To better couple and artistically match Arabic fonts to their latin
IAXmodem is a software modem written in C that uses an IAX channel
(commonly provided by an Asterisk PBX system) instead of a traditional
phone line and uses a DSP library instead of DSP hardware chipsets.
IAXmodem was originally conceived to function as a fax modem usable
with HylaFAX, and it does that well. However IAXmodem also has been
known to function with mgetty+sendfax and efax.
.. much cleanup from my earlier verisions, thanks brad@
rpl is a UN*X text replacement utility. It will replace strings with new
strings in multiple text files. It can work recursively over directories
and supports limiting the search to specific file suffixes.
From James Turner (james - bsdgroup dot org)
ok mbalmer@
Like Ruby on Rails, Merb is an MVC framework. Unlike Rails, Merb is
ORM-agnostic, JavaScript library agnostic, and template language
agnostic, preferring plugins that add in support for a particular
feature rather than trying to produce a monolithic library with
everything in the core. In fact, this is a guiding principle of the
project, which has led to third-party support for the ActiveRecord,
DataMapper, and Sequel ORMs.
Haml and Sass are templating engines for the two most common types of
documents on the web: HTML and CSS, respectively.
They are designed to make it both easier and more pleasant to code
HTML and CSS documents, by eliminating redundancy, reflecting the
underlying structure that the document represents, and providing
elegant, easily understandable, and powerful syntax.
A framework to allow Ruby applications to generate file/folder stubs
(like the `rails` command does for Ruby on Rails, and the 'script/generate'
command within a Rails application during development).
ruby2ruby provides a means of generating pure ruby code easily from
ParseTree's Sexps. This makes making dynamic language processors much
easier in ruby than ever before.
ParseTree is a C extension (using RubyInline) that extracts the parse
tree for an entire class or a specific method and returns it as a
s-expression (aka sexp) using ruby's arrays, strings, symbols, and
Ruby Inline is an analog to Perl's Inline::C. Out of the box, it
allows you to embed C/++ external module code in your ruby script
directly. By writing simple builder classes, you can teach how to cope
with new languages (fortran, perl, whatever). The code is compiled and
run on the fly when needed.
Using the package_inline tool Inline allows you to package up your
inlined object code for distribution to systems without a compiler.
This library allows for the identification of a file's likely MIME content
type. The identification of MIME content type is based on a file's filename
Rack provides a minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing
web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in
the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web
servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called
middleware) into a single method call.
Hpricot is a fast, flexible HTML parser written in C. It's designed
to be very accommodating (like Tanaka Akira's HTree) and to have a
very helpful library (like some JavaScript libs -- JQuery, Prototype
-- give you.) The XPath and CSS parser, in fact, is based on John
Resig's JQuery.
Also, Hpricot can be handy for reading broken XML files, since many of
the same techniques can be used. If a quote is missing, Hpricot tries
to figure it out. If tags overlap, Hpricot works on sorting them out.