- do not mention a mail being sent when hiscore is broken, this feature is
- when a player dies, reset eater position. Also pick startup position closer
to the MSDOS version of the game.
- use {s,}random instead of {s,}rand.
ok deanna@ for my yearly ports commit.
gtk-update-icon-cache is part of gtk+2: adding gtk+2 to run_depends just
to update the icon cache (which only gtk apps can use) is overkill to
say the least!
As from now, each time icons are installed under %D/share/icons, we try
to execute gtk-update-icon-cache and if it is not there, we just ignore
the error.
What it means is that if you have gtk+2 installed, then it'll run fine
and your apps will be able to use the cache. Otherwise, it will silently
fails which is fine since it means none of your apps would have been
able to take advantage of the cache anyway.
discussed with jasper@
PokerTH is a free implementation of "Texas hold'em" card game.
You can play the popular "Texas Hold'em" poker variant against up to six
computer-opponents or play network games with people all over the world.
from Mikko Tolmunen <oskari at sefirosu dot org> with some tweaks
Tilt the floor to roll a ball through an obstacle course before time
runs out. Neverball is part puzzle game, part action game, and entirely
a test of skill.
Also found here is Neverputt, a hot-seat multiplayer miniature golf game
using the physics and graphics of Neverball.
feedback & ok ajacoutot@
GLSFcave is a port of SunFlat's SFcave for UNIX/OpenGL.
SFcave is a game where the player controls a ribbon and avoid hitting
You have only one control: when you hold the mouse button, the ribbon
goes up. Otherwise the ribbon goes down.
feedback & ok ajacoutot@
Pioneers is an Internet playable implementation of the Settlers of Catan
board game. The aim is to remain as faithful to the board game as
It replaces the very old, unmaintained and broken gnocatan program.
With help from pioneers developer Roland Clobus
<rclobus at users dot sourceforge dot net>
ok simon@ (long ago)
instead of the tarball from laptop.org. Lets us get rid of many
- Enable shared memory (run without -w) since kurt@'s patch has fixed
This gives us many bugfixes and goodies such as a fix for the numlock
freeze bug and re-enabling the air crash disaster. Full changelog at
- remove empty line from DESCR
- reorder PLIST and add a missing .orig file commented out so that it
does not reappear at next update-plist
ok deanna@ (MAINTAINER)
Micropolis, Unix Version, (A.K.A. "S*mC*ty"). This game was released
for the Unix platform in or about 1990 and has been modified for
inclusion in the One Laptop Per Child program. Copyright (C) 1989 -
2007 Electronic Arts Inc.
This port is based on patches written by Michael Gernoth, located at
Help from kurt@ and ian@, tested by lots of people, thanks!
ok ian@, espie@