PDF support is no more available, it requires pdflib>=5, and the new licensing
terms don't allow us to distribute it. Upstream dropped TIFF support. Also,
move HOMEPAGE to https.
OK jca@
afresh1@ found out that the previous fix that targeted p5-Email-Filter was
actually for p5-Email-FolderType, so fix it there instead.
Module::Pluggable has been removed from core some times ago, add the module
to RUN_DEPENDS. While here make spacing consistent around '=', and add a
input and OK afresh1@
Module::Pluggable has been removed from core some times ago, add the module
to RUN_DEPENDS. While here remove the "BUILD_DEPENDS = ${RUN_DEPENDS}"
construct that is not needed.
OK afresh1@
Twitter::API provides an interface to the Twitter REST API for perl.
* full support for all Twitter REST API endpoints
* not dependent on a new distribution for new endpoint support
* optionally specify access tokens per API call
* error handling via an exception object that captures the full
request/response context
* full support for OAuth handshake and Xauth authentication
Additional features are available via optional traits:
* convenient methods for API endpoints with simplified argument
handling via ApiMethods
* normalized booleans (Twitter likes 'true' and 'false', except when
it doesn't) via NormalizeBooleans
* automatic decoding of HTML entities via DecodeHtmlEntities
* automatic retry on transient errors via RetryOnError
* "the whole enchilada" combines all the above traits via Enchilada
* app-only (OAuth2) support via AppAuth
* automatic rate limiting via RateLimiting
OK sthen@
WWW::OAuth implements OAuth 1.0 request authentication according to RFC
5849 <http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5849> (sometimes referred to as
OAuth 1.0A). It does not implement the user agent requests needed for
the complete OAuth 1.0 authorization flow; it only prepares and signs
requests, leaving the rest up to your application. It can authenticate
requests for LWP::UserAgent, Mojo::UserAgent, HTTP::Tiny, and can be
extended to operate on other types of requests.
OK sthen@
HTTP::Thin is a thin wrapper around HTTP::Tiny adding the ability
to pass in HTTP::Request objects and get back HTTP::Response objects.
The maintainers of HTTP::Tiny, justifiably, don't want to have to
maintain compatibility but many other projects already consume the
HTTP::Message objects. This is just glue code doing what it does
OK sthen@
This is a declarative specification-style testing system for
behavior-driven development (BDD) in Perl. The tests (a.k.a. examples)
are named with strings instead of subroutine names, so your fingers
will suffer less fatigue from underscore-itis, with the side benefit
that the test reports are more legible.
This module is inspired by and borrows heavily from RSpec, a BDD
tool for the Ruby programming language.
OK sthen@
The MooX::Aliases module will allow you to quickly alias methods in Moo.
It provides an alias parameter for has() to generate aliased accessors
as well as the standard ones. Attributes can also be initialized in the
constructor via their aliased names.
OK sthen@
Class::Tiny::Chained is a wrapper around Class::Tiny which makes the
generated attribute accessors chainable; that is, when setting an
attribute value, the object is returned so that further methods can be
OK sthen@
nipper and libnipper became comercial over ten years ago and have not been
updated ever since; HOMEPAGE doesn't even mention them any longer.
Pointed out by Marcus MERIGHI <mcmer-openbsd at tor dot at>, thanks!
OK sthen jca