ok benoit@
Welcome to Liberal Crime Squad! The Conservatives have taken the
Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of government. Over time,
the Liberal laws of this nation will erode and turn the country into a
BACKWOODS YET CORPORATE NIGHTMARE. To prevent this from happening, the
Liberal Crime Squad was established. The mood of the country is
shifting, and we need to turn things around. Go out on the streets and
indoctrinate Conservative automatons. That is, let them see their True
Liberal Nature. Then arm them and send them forth to Stop Evil.
Eventually the public will fall behind us, and we will put more Elite
Liberals in government for greater justice.
- Adds two new puzzles, unruly and undead
- Add a convenience dist target to fetch a tarball from gitweb and
repackage it, with Makefile.gtk and icons properly generated from the
source. Selfhost the resulting distfiles.
ok benoit@
cgames is a suite of games for the console.
Included are the following games:
* cblocks -- sliding-block puzzles
* cmines -- minesweeper
* csokoban -- sokoban
Ever get the feeling that nothing is going right? You're a sysadmin, and
someone's trying to destroy your computers. The little people running around the
screen are trying to infect your computers with SystenD [TM], a virus cleverly
designed to resemble a popular init system. Your objective is to click the mouse
on them, ending the potential threat. If one of the people reaches a computer,
it will attempt to replace your operating system with the virus it carries. It
will then attempt to run off the screen with your vital software. The game ends
when only 1 (or 0) of your computers are being productive. Additionally, some
computers are connected with network cables. When one computer on a network
becomes infected, a spark will be sent down the cable, and will infect the
computer on the other end when it reaches there.
From Maintainer Dmitrij D. Czarkoff czarkoff/gmail
ok sthen@