had problems for at least naddy and myself after updating libc/pthread.
(Simple in this case; the bootstrap is just here to use pypy [i.e. JIT]
during build to save time/RAM, pypy can also be built using the normal
python interpreter). ok edd@
dependency, ok ajacoutot@
(The newer version of megaglest at least sometimes has problems building
without this, and we need to make sure pkg updates are triggered when needed
due to lib changes in base).
CVE-2015-1798 "When ntpd is configured to use a symmetric key to authenticate a
remote NTP server/peer, it checks if the NTP message authentication code (MAC)
in received packets is valid, but not if there actually is any MAC included."
CVE-2015-1799 "An attacker knowing that NTP hosts A and B are peering with each
other (symmetric association) can send a packet to host A with source address
of B which will set the NTP state variables on A to the values sent by the
attacker. Host A will then send on its next poll to B a packet with originate
timestamp that doesn't match the transmit timestamp of B and the packet will be
dropped. If the attacker does this periodically for both hosts, they won't be
able to synchronize to each other."
of a parameter to the resources. Fixes detection of installed package flavors,
and adds the flavor of a package to "puppet resource package" output.
Better handling of service_flags on service configuration, now allow to configure/set
flags before starting a service the first time. That makes services work that require
parameters to start up, and prevents services from running with wrong parameters.
OK jasper@
request, fixes and ok from jasper@
TkGate is a graphical editor and event-driven simulator for digital
circuits with a tcl/tk-based interface. Supported circuit elements
include basic gates (AND, OR, etc.), tri-state gates, adders,
multipliers, registers, memories and mos transistors. Hierarchical
design is also supported with support for user defined modules. Save
files are based on the Verilog netlist format.
However, more recent versions require SDL2 which is currently
marked broken. Must fix up a few game data files (.des) which
fail to load with "unterminated string errors", unfortunately.
ok jasper@
Fish Fillets NG is strictly a puzzle game. The goal is always the same:
find a safe way out. The fish utter witty remarks about their
surroundings, the various inhabitants of their underwater realm quarrel
among themselves or comment on the efforts of your fish. The whole game
is accompanied by quiet, comforting music.
ok landry@, tweak + ok bentley@