Add fix for building debug and release (spotted by mulander).
Fix ordering and add SHARED_ONLY.
Add dep for audio/openal.
OK bmercer@, sthen@, tests by mulander
The goal of dhewm 3 is bring DOOM 3 with the help of SDL to all
suitable plaforms.
This source release does not contain any game data, the game data
is still covered by the original EULA and must be obeyed as usual.
You must patch the game to the latest version.
ok sthen@
game, featuring the antics of pink hedgehogs with attitude as they
battle from the depths of hell to the depths of space.
As commander, it's your job to assemble your crack team of hedgehog
soldiers and bring the war to your enemy.
ok landry@
"- update from 0.5.2 to 0.6.3, which fixes a lot of security issues and
which makes the game playable online again.
- don't bother building on strict-alignment archs. On loongson, both
the client and the server SIGBUS during startup, and looking at the
code it seems that it will crash on anything not x86 or ppc.
- don't include an extra copy of DejaVuSans.ttf.
- use audio/wavpack, not an internal copy.
- make sure an internal zlib is never used.
- invoke "bam" with -a, to make sure that it will abort on error.
- don't enforce stack protector, base gcc(1) enables it wherever
it's possible.
- fix endianness detection (confirmed to work on macppc).
- drop patch-src_engine_client_ec_snd_c. At first, I ported it to
teeworlds-0.6.2, but actually this patch makes audio much worse
for me, and I can't observe anymore the crash it was supposed
to fix."
ok armani@
Project: Starfighter is a space shoot 'em up game originally developed
by Parallel Realities in 2002, and released in 2003. You assume the role
of Chris Bainfield in his quest to put an end to WEAPCO, the weapons
corporation which has enslaved the galaxy.
ok benoit@
Space is a vast area, an unbounded territory where it seems there is a
room for everybody, but reversal of fortune put things differently. The
hordes of hostile creatures crawled out from the dark corners of the
universe, craving to conquer your homeland. Their force is compelling,
their legions are interminable. However, humans didn't give up without a
final showdown and put their best pilot to fight back. These malicious
invaders chose the wrong galaxy to conquer and you are to prove it! Go
ahead and make alien aggressors regret their insolence.
AstroMenace is a vertical space shoot-em-up with 3D graphics featuring
customizable ships.
ok landry@