- MAINTAINER is now both espie@ and avsm@
- use CONFIGURE_STYLE and remove deprecated GNU_CONFIGURE
- remove redundant FAKE=yes
- up the default limits for tex considerably. This may be too
much according to espie@, but we will down them later
- bump NEED_VERSION 1.218 -> 1.330
ok'ed by espie@
Broadcasts a who-has ARP packet on the network and prints answers. Very
useful when you are trying to pick an unused IP for a net that you don't
yet have routing to.
Submitted by Joshua Stein <jcs@rt.fm>
- ldconfig -> DYNLIBDIR
- use PFRAG.shared for shared libs
- add @comment with RCS id to PLISTs
- have install make relative symlinks
http_load runs multiple http/https fetches in parallel, to test the
throughput of a web server. However unlike most such test clients,
it runs in a single process, so it doesn't bog down the client
You give it a file containing a list of URLs that may be fetched,
a flag specifying how to start connections (either by rate or by
number of simulated users), and a flag specifying when to quit
(either after a given number of fetches or a given elapsed time).
There are also optional flags for checksums, throttling, and progress
Sablotron is an attempt to develop fast, compact and portable XSLT
It is an open project; other users and developers are encouraged
to use it or to help test or improve it. The goal of this project
is to create a reliable and fast XSLT processor conforming to the
W3C specification, which is available for public viewing, and can
be used as a base for multi-platform XML data distribution systems.
Do the extract and installation ourselves, as the script is not really
needed. This avoids copying the archive around several times.
Provide a better shell-wrapper.
Fix dependencies.
Use some weird code to allow backward compatibility.
Rely on distfiles suffixes and a case statement (with matching variable
EXTRACT_CASES) to allow distinct extraction rules for multiple distfiles.