F-1 Spirit is a racing game. You will race with many different types
of cars, starting by Stock or Rally cars, and finishing by driving F1
cars (once you have classified for it by passing for F3, F3000 and
Endurance cars).
Note that this requires DRI, the game is barely usable otherwise.
In Road Fighter you drive a car in a death race between you and a
group of mad drivers. Your aim? To reach the end of the checkpoint
before you run out of fuel. Sounds easy? Far from it, there's a lot of
obstacles between your car and the checkpoints!
depending on wether there's a python -> python2.5 symlink or not.
And fix the build now that configure will always find python.
Problem found by Edd Barret (vext01 at gmail dot com).
"looks right" wcmaier@ (some days ago)
A Library for creating easy email filters. It's the successor to
the Mail::Audit module from the same author and allows you to write
programs describing how your mail should be filtered.
A collection of pure-Tcl utility modules and widgets for Tk that provide
a wide variety of functionality. The intent is to collect commonly used
functions into a single library, which users can rely on to be available
and stable.
MESS stands for Multi Emulator Super System. It is an emulator for the
hardware of many different games consoles (e.g. Sega, NES, SNES, etc.)
as well as many different old games-oriented home computers (e.g. C64,
C128, ZX80, etc.)
SDLMESS is a port of MESS using the SDL library.
After many submissions and updates by Pierre Riteau (at gmail), thanks!
MAME stands for Multi Arcade Machine Emulator. As the name suggests, it
is a program that emulates the hardware (and low-level firmware) of a
massive variety of arcade machines.
SDLMAME is a port of MAME using the SDL library.
After many submissions and updates by Pierre Riteau (at gmail), thanks!