input rpe@, sthen@
OK benoit@ (earlier version), sthen@
This module provides functions to deal with IPv4/IPv6 addresses. The
module can be used as a class, allowing the user to instantiate IP
objects, which can be single IP addresses, prefixes, or ranges of
addresses. There is also a procedural way of accessing most of the
functions. Most subroutines can take either IPv4 or IPv6 addresses
input rpe@, sthen@
OK benoit@ (earlier version), sthen@
Mail::RFC822::Address validates email addresses against the grammar
described in RFC 822 using regular expressions.
input rpe@, sthen@
OK benoit@ (earlier version), sthen@
This module adds the ability to quickly create new types of tie
objects without creating a complete class.
input rpe@, sthen@
OK benoit@ (earlier version), sthen@
Devel::CheckLib is a perl module that checks whether a particular C
library and its headers are available.
Besides some stability improvements and other bug fixes,
no need for autoconf anymore.
Additionally install a bunch of useful application wrappers
for non-GNUstep applications.
Also, use a new(er) bootstrapper; note that we have to use 7.8.3
for this, because if the built ghc and the bootstrapper have identical
versions, things will fail badly. May be it's not the ghc but the
cabal version which is problematic, but at the moment, I really
don'y call about *this* problem.
Still marked as broken. I hope to send promised diffs and new ports
for discussion tomorrow and then enable ghc and haskell-platform
on monday.
* not updating to the latest erlang (17.4) as there's no version of riak that
supports it yet, and ejabberd needs a major update to 14.12 (beginnings of
such an update are in openbsd-wip)
as discussed with jmatthew@
OK aja@
shUnit2 is a xUnit unit test framework for Bourne based shell scripts,
and it is designed to work in a similar manner to JUnit, PyUnit, etc.
If you have ever had the desire to write a unit test for a shell script,
shUnit2 can do the job.
the past 3 bulks, or forever.
Various reasons: no d^Hrecent compiler available, base gcc generating
nice internal compiler errors, no atomic ops, etc, etc.
While here, mark all webkits as BROKEN-hppa, since this also requires
clang or g++ 4.7. Our g++ 4.8 port only builds on
i386|amd64|powerpc|sparc64 anyway...
if you're interested^Wbored to death, full past logs at
which would lead to a crash on i386; noticed by sthen@
also remove a bogus patch which hardcodes the python path and properly
substitute the python binary's path in the Makefile instead