version of BIND than is in the base OS (some people require features
from this version e.g. DNS64), but note that it does not include
the hardening changes made to the version in base.
feedback from naddy@ giovanni@, ok giovanni@.
"BIND is open source software that implements the Domain Name System
(DNS) protocols for the Internet. It is a reference implementation
of those protocols, but it is also production-grade software,
suitable for use in high-volume and high-reliability applications."
* Fix issue where a window/icon could not be clicked or otherwise
be manipulated (skype, thunderbird etc).
* Fix an issue where on some Intel graphics cards when exiting the
screen turned garbled and would blink really badly.
* Bonus fix: spawn_position to actually do what it is supposed to do.
Merged from diffs from myself, Rodolfo Gouveia and with an rc script from
This is a security update, fixing CVE-2011-3348, CVE-2011-3368, CVE-2011-3607,
CVE-2011-4317, CVE-2012-0021, CVE-2012-0031 and CVE-2012-0053.
YubiServe is a lightweight Validation Server supporting both OATH/HOTP
and Yubico Yubikey implementations, written in Python that uses an
SQLite database or, optionally, a MySQL database. It has an integrated
threaded webserver, with HTTPS/SSL support, compatible with the
Yubico validation protocol 2.0 including HMAC SHA-1 signatures to
provide for authentication of the server.
eduke32 is an advanced Duke Nukem 3D engine capable of playing
the game, and filled to the brim with editing enhancements.
Includes mapster32, a map-making program similar to the original
build map editor.
ok jasper@, edd@
repoze.who is an identification and authentication framework for
arbitrary WSGI applications. it can be configured either as WSGI
middleware or as an API for use by an application.
Required by upcoming firefox sync server port.
ok rpointel@
Provides a CAPTCHA for Python using the reCAPTCHA service. Does not
require any imaging libraries because the CAPTCHA is served directly
from reCAPTCHA. Also allows you to securely obfuscate emails with
Mailhide. This functionality requires pycrypto. This library requires
two types of API keys. If you'd like to use the CAPTCHA, you'll need a
key from For Mailhide,
you'll need a key from
Required by upcoming firefox sync server port.
ok rpointel@
metlog-py is a Python client for the "Metlog" system of application
logging and metrics gathering developed by the Mozilla Services team.
The Metlog system is meant to make life easier for application
developers with regard to generating and sending logging and analytics
data to various destinations.
Needed by upcoming firefox sync server port.
ok rpointel@
Most Mozilla Services applications need to generate CEF logs. A CEF Log
is a formatted log that can be used by ArcSight, a central application
used by the infrasec team to manage application security.
Requirement of upcoming firefox sync server port.
ok rpointel@