"You wrote a cool network client or server. It encrypts connections
using TLS. Your test suite needs to make TLS connections to itself.
Uh oh. Your test suite probably doesn't have a valid TLS certificate.
Now what?
trustme is a tiny Python package that does one thing: it gives you
a fake certificate authority (CA) that you can use to generate fake
TLS certs to use in your tests. Well, technically they're real
certs, they're just signed by your CA, which nobody trusts. But you
can trust it. Trust me."
Provides a temporary CA for doing TLS tests.
Needed for (at least) the py-aiohttp tests.
Version 0.5.3
OK kn@
"This is a plugin which will terminate tests after a certain timeout.
When doing so it will show a stack dump of all threads running at
the time. This is useful when running tests under a continuous
integration server or simply if you don't know why the test suite
Needed to enable tests on (at least) www/py-aiohttp
Version 1.3.3
OK kn@
"PyYAML-based python module to produce pretty and readable YAML-serialized
This module is for serialization only, see ruamel.yaml module for
literate YAML parsing (keeping track of comments, spacing, line/column
numbers of values, etc)."
Version 19.4.1
OK kn@
Update to latest py-typing and drop python3 FLAVOR since it is just
a backport for early versions of Python. (Usage of python3 flavor has
previously been removed from the tree).
Take maintainership while here
OK kn@
- Make clang emit the proper path to our libcompiler_rt.a when asked to.
- Sort relative relocations (and relocations against the same symbol) by offset
to optimize the cache and UVM faulting behavior
from Brad
Restore %%flavor%% lines, removed in pevious in previous.
PFRAG.no-no_x11 provides xmgrace.
While here also rm xmgrace.1 in no_x11 case.
ok sthen@ martin@ (maintainer)
Passing -DBacktrace_LIBRARY='' doesn't work since the flag has been
renamed to Backtrace_LIBRARIES and isn't enough anyway to prevent the
llvm cmake files to *add a dep on all headers* in
${Backtrace_INCLUDE_DIRS}, ie /usr/local/include.
... which of course leads to builds blowing up whenever dpb(1) junking
kicks in.
Bulk builders: sorry it took me so long to get my head out of the sand.
Last report by naddy@