- Move lib/X11/app-defaults/NetHack-${V} to PFRAG.no-no_x11.
- Remove lib/X11/app-defaults/NetHack-${V} from PLIST
(My fault in the last commit).
- Remove PFRAG.no-qt-no-no_x11.
Checked: nethack-3.4.3p16 installs lib/X11/app-defaults/NetHack-3.4.3 an
nethack-3.4.3p16-no_x11 not.
Input form espie, Spotted by naddy, jasper, sorry for the noise.
- disable luajit and use plain lua (cmake is hard, and previous build was already broken and didn't use it)
- use jsoncpp from ports
- enable the testsuite
ok solene@ (minor tweaks to README since then)
Shockolate - System Shock, but cross platform! Based on the source code for
PowerPC released by Night Dive Studios, Incorporated. Shockolate is a cross
platform source port of System Shock, using SDL2. This runs well on OSX, Linux,
and Windows right now, with some missing features that need reviving due to not
being included in the source code that was released.
The end goal for this project is something like what Chocolate Doom is for Doom:
an experience that closely mimics the original, but portable and with some
quality of life improvements including an OpenGL renderer and mod support!
Don't build with `-Werror'; this "fixes" the "large atomic operation may incur
significant performance penalty" warning upgraded to error seen on these archs
Thanks to Omar Polo build testing on i386.
OK thfr@ (maintainer)
While here, improve pkg/DESCR and replace pkg/MESSAGE with a more
comprehensive pkg/README, from MAINTAINER Ryan Freeman.
Testing from Nam Nguyen.
ok Ryan Freeman (MAINTAINER)
Implicit copy ctor have been deprecated since C++11
tested by me with clang 8 (no breakage) and by naddy@ with clang 10 -
successfully. Thanks!
- Sets PERMIT_PACKAGE to no as suggested by stsp@ and sthen@. Themes are
restrictively licensed so do not build package until it is cleared up.
- Moves to new upstream that Debian uses. Old upstream has stopped
- Moves HOMEPAGE and MASTER_SITES to new upstream to address thfr@'s
bug report about defunct HOMEPAGE in the README
- Moves to qt5 which was supported since version 0.3.3
- Builds jag-editor in addition to jag. jag-editor is a level editor.
- Many patched files were moved into src
- Delete DOS-line endings in post-extract, as pulled from print/scribus.
ok rsadowski@
Free Bee is a free clone of The New York Times game Spelling Bee.
In this game, your goal is to find as many words as you can with the seven
letters you are given. You don't have to use any letter except the middle letter
and letters can be used more than once in a word. Finding a word that uses all
seven letters yields bonus points! Every game has at least one such word, and
many games have multiple. As you earn points, you rise through the ranks of the
hive, ultimately becoming the Queen Bee.
You can play the daily challenge like the original game or try your hand at a
nearly infinite number of computer-generated random challenges. Unlike the
original game, you are not restricted to only a single game per day!
The only notable difference between Free Bee and the original game is the use of
the SOWPODS dictionary instead of the NYT dictionary.