OK sthen@ bcallah@
This Perl module provides a more general version of the "Str" type. If
coercions are enabled, it will accept objects that overload stringification
and coerces them into strings.
no need to consider the case with a ports-clang compiler on a gcc arch (which
uses libstdc++ not libc++). amd64 test and ok jca
(i386 is broken due to a different issue)
ok Brad (maintainer)
libc++7 made <experimental/string_view> a stub containing only
#error "<experimental/string_view> has been removed. Use <string_view> instead."
One can wonder why upstream kept the header at all.
MenuMaker is a menu generation utility for X window managers on *NIX
systems. It is capable of finding lots of installed programs and
generating a root menu consistent across all supported environments.
From Alessandro DE LAURENZIS <just22 at atlantide dot t28 dot net>
OK sthen
ZDoom is a source port for the modern era, supporting current hardware
and operating systems and sporting a vast array of user options. Make
Doom your own again!
With awesome work from Timo Myyrä (maintainer), Ryan Freeman, jca@, fcambus@
ok jca@ fcambus@
This is already fixed upstream by moving to a newer version of their json
C++ library. However, that would have been a 23000+ line patch, so instead
I've remade the tarball with that new library version, calling it
openfodder-1.4.1. This new numbering doesn't interfere with upstream's
versioning. This should keep openfodder building while I work with upstream
to update to their latest (1.5.3)
quick update notes below, but you should still review upstream's
RELEASENOTES.html if you use this.
- if you explicitly configure sslcrtd_program (for advanced tls mitm
configurations) you need to change from /usr/local/libexec/squid/sslcrtd
to /usr/local/libexec/squid/security_file_certgen in your config (if you
just use options on the http_port line to enable this without extra
config, this doesn't need to change).
- if using a cert helper disk cache, you may need to clear/reinitialize
the directory (not mentioned in release notes but I needed this).
- the SMB_LM helpers (for old lanmanager protocol, which should not be
used anyway) are no longer packaged, following upstream's change in default