Clean a few odds & ends of main configuration.
Fix a long-standing bug that let libgcc.a get rebuilt again and again,
e.g., once for make build, once for make install
A source distribution of Kerberos 4. It is based on eBones (which is
based on MIT Kerberos 4 patchlevel 9), but has been severely hacked
Apart from the core Kerberos programs the distribution contains the following:
telnet and telnetd, rsh, rcp, rlogin and rshd, rlogind, login, su
ftp and ftpd following (mostly) the ftpsec Internet draft.
kauth (kinit + afs support + remote kinit (like rkinit) + batch support)
kpopper and an emacs 19.30 movemail with kpop support
kx for encrypted X sessions, xnlock,
kip for encrypted IP tunnels (requires tunnel device)
afslog (aklog clone), pagsh, and kstring2key for the AFS minded
authentication modules for Irix, Digital UNIX, and PAM.
Arla is a free AFS implementation. The main goal is to make a
fully functional client with all capabilities of normal AFS. Other
planned and implemented things are all the normal management tools and
- add patch from FreeBSD port:
Only flag the loopback address ( on loopback interfaces
with the noadvice bit. Other IP# numbers are valid and should be
depends-list and package-depends now give out output suitable for tsort,
so they are INCOMPATIBLE with the previous version.
PACKAGE_NAME_AS_LINK disappears, functionality is replaced by
FULL_PACKAGE_NAME, which makes more sense anyway.
*This does fix the package dependencies problem*
Still missing: mechanism to output a decent error message in case tsort
finds out a cycle.
files that are not always needed for all builds, but that must be fetched
for maintainance purposes (makesum, mirror...)
Not to use for intl/usa programs, probably...