This module sends out emails from a stash key specified in the
configuration settings.
From wen heping <wenheping2000 () hotmail ! com>
OK with tweaks cwen@
This store plugins makes delegating session storage to a first class object
model easy.
From wen heping <wenheping2000 () hotmail ! com>
OK with tweaks cwen@
CatalystX::Profile adds support for profiling your Catalyst application,
without profiling all the crap that happens during setup. This noise can
make finding the real profiling stuff trickier, so profiling is disabled
while this happens.
From wen heping <wenheping2000 () hotmail ! com>
OK cwen@
CatalystX::InjectComponent will inject Controller, Model, and View
components into your Catalyst application at setup (run)time. It does
this by creating a new package on-the-fly, having that package extend
the given component, and then having Catalyst setup the new component
(via ->setup_component)
From wen heping <wenheping2000 () hotmail ! com>
OK cwen@
Provides a reusable action role for user role-based authorization. ACLs
are applied via the assignment of attributes to application action
From wen heping <wenheping2000 () hotmail ! com>
OK cwen@
This is an interactive shell for Perl, commonly known as a REPL -
Read, Evaluate, Print, Loop. The shell provides for rapid development
or testing of code without the need to create a temporary source code
From wen heping <wenheping2000 () hotmail ! com>
OK with tweaks cwen@
This module is meant to be loaded as a role from Moose-based classes
it will add five methods and four attributes to assist you with the
loading and handling of plugins and extensions for plugins. I
understand that this may pollute your namespace, however I took great
care in using the least ambiguous names possible.
From wen heping <wenheping2000 () hotmail ! com>
OK cwen@
The Devel::StackTrace module contains two classes, Devel::StackTrace
and Devel::StackTrace::Frame. These objects encapsulate the information
that can retrieved via Perl's caller function, as well as providing
a simple interface to this data.
From wen heping <wenheping2000 () hotmail ! com>
Tweaks + OK cwen@
Lexical::Persistence does a few things, all related. Note that all the
behaviors listed here are the defaults. Subclasses can override nearly
every aspect of Lexical::Persistence's behavior.
From wen heping <wenheping2000 () hotmail ! com>
Tweaks + OK cwen@
Devel::LexAlias provides the ability to alias a lexical variable in a
subroutines scope to one of your choosing.
From wen heping <>
Tweaks and OK cwen@