snappy-java jar file (it includes native components which need rebuilding for
OpenBSD when it's updated)
this is working for me but forum feedback is rather mixed, you usually want
to make sure you have a backup for unifi updates anyway, but it looks like it's
more important than usual for this one. (it is of course a *testing* version).
This Action handles doing automatic method dispatching for REST
requests. It takes a normal Catalyst action, and changes the dispatch
to append an underscore and method name. First it will try dispatching
to an action with the generated name, and failing that it will try to
dispatch to a regular method.
OK afresh1@
SQL::Abstract::Classic was inspired by the excellent DBIx::Abstract. However, in
using that module I found that what I really wanted to do was generate SQL, but
still retain complete control over my statement handles and use the DBI
interface. So, I set out to create an abstract SQL generation module.
While based on the concepts used by DBIx::Abstract, there are several important
differences, especially when it comes to WHERE clauses. I have modified the
concepts used to make the SQL easier to generate from Perl data structures and,
IMO, more intuitive. The underlying idea is for this module to do what you mean,
based on the data structures you provide it. The big advantage is that you don't
have to modify your code every time your data changes, as this module figures it
From MAINTAINER wen heping <wenheping2000 () hotmail ! com>
OK benoit@
Test::CleanNamespaces lets you check your module's namespaces for imported
functions you might have forgotten to remove with namespace::autoclean or
namespace::clean and are therefore available to be called as methods, which
usually isn't want you want.
From MAINTAINER wen heping <wenheping2000 () hotmail ! com>
OK benoit@
Writing RESTful apps is a good thing, but if you're also trying to
support web browsers, it would be nice not to be reduced to GET
and POST for everything.
This middleware allows for POST requests that pretend to be something
else: by adding either a header named X-HTTP-Method-Override to the
request, or a query parameter named x-tunneled-method to the URI, the
client can say what method it actually meant.
From wen heping <wenheping2000 () hotmail ! com>
OK benoit@
Don't build with `-Werror'; this "fixes" the "large atomic operation may incur
significant performance penalty" warning upgraded to error seen on these archs
Thanks to Omar Polo build testing on i386.
OK thfr@ (maintainer)