2020-12-31 devel/arm-none-eabi-gdb: This is an old, obsolete version of gdb 2020-12-31 devel/pecl-weakref2: PHP 7.2 extension 2020-12-31 graphics/py-imageio24: Use graphics/py-imageio instead 2020-12-31 mail/bogofilter-tc: TokyoCabinet is being phased out in favor of KyotoCabinet. 2020-12-31 net/pecl-yaz: PHP 7.2 extension 2020-12-31 print/cloudprint: Google Cloud Print is being shut down by Google by end of 2020 2020-12-31 science/py-eccodes-python: Use science/py-eccodes instead 2020-12-31 sysutils/cfengine-masterfiles312: EOL 2020-12-31 sysutils/cfengine-masterfiles313: EOL 2020-12-31 sysutils/cfengine312: EOL 2020-12-31 sysutils/cfengine313: EOL 2020-12-31 sysutils/rubygem-chef-zero5: Please use sysutils/rubygem-chef-zero instead 2020-12-31 sysutils/syslog-ng325: Reduction of syslog-ng ports to one 2020-12-31 sysutils/syslog-ng326: Reduction of syslog-ng ports to one 2020-12-31 sysutils/syslog-ng328: Reduction of syslog-ng ports to one 2020-12-31 sysutils/syslog-ng329: Reduction of syslog-ng ports to one 2020-12-31 www/flashplayer: Depends on a deprecated port 2020-12-31 www/linux-flashplayer: Deprecated by upstream 2020-12-31 www/mediawiki133: Upstream end of life 2020-12-31 www/mediawiki134: Upstream end of life 2020-12-31 www/py-aiohttp2: Use www/py-aiohttp instead sysutils/drm-legacy-kmod is left in for now.
350 lines
8.4 KiB
350 lines
8.4 KiB
# $FreeBSD$
COMMENT = Scientific ports
SUBDIR += 2d-rewriter
SUBDIR += InsightToolkit
SUBDIR += R-cran-DCluster
SUBDIR += R-cran-Epi
SUBDIR += R-cran-FAdist
SUBDIR += R-cran-bayesm
SUBDIR += R-cran-cmprsk
SUBDIR += R-cran-e1071
SUBDIR += R-cran-eco
SUBDIR += R-cran-epicalc
SUBDIR += R-cran-etm
SUBDIR += R-cran-fastICA
SUBDIR += R-cran-kernlab
SUBDIR += R-cran-snow
SUBDIR += R-cran-som
SUBDIR += R-cran-udunits2
SUBDIR += abinit
SUBDIR += afni
SUBDIR += agrum
SUBDIR += aircraft-datcom
SUBDIR += antioch
SUBDIR += apbs
SUBDIR += atompaw
SUBDIR += avogadro2
SUBDIR += avogadrolibs
SUBDIR += axom
SUBDIR += bagel
SUBDIR += bddsolve
SUBDIR += berkeleygw
SUBDIR += bodr
SUBDIR += buddy
SUBDIR += cdcl
SUBDIR += cdf
SUBDIR += cdk
SUBDIR += cdo
SUBDIR += cgnslib
SUBDIR += cgribex
SUBDIR += checkmol
SUBDIR += chemical-mime-data
SUBDIR += chemps2
SUBDIR += chemtool
SUBDIR += chemtool-devel
SUBDIR += chrono
SUBDIR += clhep
SUBDIR += clipper
SUBDIR += code_saturne
SUBDIR += colt
SUBDIR += conduit
SUBDIR += coordgenlibs
SUBDIR += cp2k
SUBDIR += cp2k-data
SUBDIR += crf++
SUBDIR += dalton
SUBDIR += dcl
SUBDIR += devisor
SUBDIR += dftbplus
SUBDIR += dkh
SUBDIR += dlib-cpp
SUBDIR += dlpoly-classic
SUBDIR += drawxtl
SUBDIR += dvc
SUBDIR += eccodes
SUBDIR += elk
SUBDIR += elmerfem
SUBDIR += epte
SUBDIR += erd
SUBDIR += ergo
SUBDIR += erkale
SUBDIR += erkale-pseudopotentials
SUBDIR += fastcap
SUBDIR += fasthenry
SUBDIR += fastjet
SUBDIR += fisicalab
SUBDIR += fsom
SUBDIR += fvcom
SUBDIR += fvcom-mpi
SUBDIR += gabedit
SUBDIR += gamess-us
SUBDIR += gchemutils
SUBDIR += gdma
SUBDIR += getdp
SUBDIR += ghemical
SUBDIR += ghmm
SUBDIR += gnudatalanguage
SUBDIR += gpaw-setups
SUBDIR += gramps
SUBDIR += grib_api
SUBDIR += gromacs
SUBDIR += gsmc
SUBDIR += gtamsanalyzer
SUBDIR += h5utils
SUBDIR += h5z-zfp
SUBDIR += harminv
SUBDIR += hdf
SUBDIR += hdf5
SUBDIR += hdf5-18
SUBDIR += healpix
SUBDIR += hepmc3
SUBDIR += highfive
SUBDIR += hypre
SUBDIR += iboview
SUBDIR += isaac-cfd
SUBDIR += jdftx
SUBDIR += jmol
SUBDIR += jstrack
SUBDIR += kalzium
SUBDIR += kim-api
SUBDIR += kst2
SUBDIR += lammps
SUBDIR += lamprop
SUBDIR += latte
SUBDIR += libaec
SUBDIR += libccp4
SUBDIR += libcint
SUBDIR += libctl
SUBDIR += libefp
SUBDIR += libgeodecomp
SUBDIR += libghemical
SUBDIR += libgridxc
SUBDIR += libint
SUBDIR += libint2
SUBDIR += libkml
SUBDIR += liblinear
SUBDIR += libmsym
SUBDIR += liboglappth
SUBDIR += libquantum
SUBDIR += libssm
SUBDIR += libsvm
SUBDIR += libsvm-python
SUBDIR += libvdwxc
SUBDIR += libxc
SUBDIR += liggghts
SUBDIR += luscus
SUBDIR += madness
SUBDIR += maeparser
SUBDIR += massxpert
SUBDIR += mbdyn
SUBDIR += mcstas
SUBDIR += mcstas-comps
SUBDIR += mcxtrace
SUBDIR += mcxtrace-comps
SUBDIR += mdynamix
SUBDIR += medit
SUBDIR += metaphysicl
SUBDIR += minc2
SUBDIR += mmdb2
SUBDIR += mmtf-cpp
SUBDIR += mol2ps
SUBDIR += molgif
SUBDIR += molscript
SUBDIR += molsketch
SUBDIR += mpb
SUBDIR += mpqc
SUBDIR += msms
SUBDIR += multiwfn
SUBDIR += namd
SUBDIR += nest
SUBDIR += netcdf
SUBDIR += netcdf-cxx
SUBDIR += netcdf-fortran
SUBDIR += nifticlib
SUBDIR += nwchem
SUBDIR += nwchem-data
SUBDIR += octopus
SUBDIR += openbabel
SUBDIR += openkim
SUBDIR += openkim-models
SUBDIR += opensim-core
SUBDIR += opensph
SUBDIR += opsin
SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-SVMLight
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-3DBuilder
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-Bond-Find
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-Canonicalize
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-Elements
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-File-MDLMol
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-File-Mopac
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-File-PDB
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-File-SLN
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-File-SMARTS
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-File-SMILES
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-File-VRML
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-File-XYZ
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-FormulaPattern
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-InternalCoords
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-Isotope
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-MacroMol
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-MidasPattern
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-Mok
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-Mol
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-Pattern
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-Reaction
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-Ring
SUBDIR += p5-Geo-Coordinates-Converter
SUBDIR += p5-Geo-Coordinates-Converter-iArea
SUBDIR += p5-Geo-WebService-Elevation-USGS
SUBDIR += p5-Mcstas-Tools
SUBDIR += p5-PerlMol
SUBDIR += p5-Physics-Unit
SUBDIR += packmol
SUBDIR += pagmo2
SUBDIR += paje
SUBDIR += pcmsolver
SUBDIR += plumed
SUBDIR += pnetcdf
SUBDIR += pulseview
SUBDIR += py-DendroPy
SUBDIR += py-GPy
SUBDIR += py-GPyOpt
SUBDIR += py-MDAnalysis
SUBDIR += py-MDAnalysisTests
SUBDIR += py-OpenFermion
SUBDIR += py-SimpleSpectral
SUBDIR += py-abipy
SUBDIR += py-asdf
SUBDIR += py-ase
SUBDIR += py-avogadrolibs
SUBDIR += py-cdo
SUBDIR += py-chainer
SUBDIR += py-chainer-chemistry
SUBDIR += py-chempy
SUBDIR += py-coards
SUBDIR += py-dlib
SUBDIR += py-eccodes
SUBDIR += py-geolinks
SUBDIR += py-geomet
SUBDIR += py-geometer
SUBDIR += py-geometric
SUBDIR += py-gpaw
SUBDIR += py-gsd
SUBDIR += py-h5json
SUBDIR += py-h5py
SUBDIR += py-jupyter_jsmol
SUBDIR += py-kim-query
SUBDIR += py-kinematics
SUBDIR += py-kliff
SUBDIR += py-liac-arff
SUBDIR += py-lifelines
SUBDIR += py-mdp
SUBDIR += py-mmtf-python
SUBDIR += py-molmod
SUBDIR += py-moltemplate
SUBDIR += py-netCDF4
SUBDIR += py-netcdf-flattener
SUBDIR += py-obspy
SUBDIR += py-oddt
SUBDIR += py-openpiv
SUBDIR += py-paida
SUBDIR += py-paramz
SUBDIR += py-phono3py
SUBDIR += py-phonopy
SUBDIR += py-pupynere
SUBDIR += py-pyaixi
SUBDIR += py-pycsw
SUBDIR += py-pydicom
SUBDIR += py-pygeodesy
SUBDIR += py-pygeometa
SUBDIR += py-pygmo2
SUBDIR += py-pymatgen
SUBDIR += py-pymol
SUBDIR += py-pyosf
SUBDIR += py-pysal
SUBDIR += py-pyteomics
SUBDIR += py-qcelemental
SUBDIR += py-qcengine
SUBDIR += py-qspin
SUBDIR += py-quantities
SUBDIR += py-rmf
SUBDIR += py-rmsd
SUBDIR += py-ruffus
SUBDIR += py-scikit-fuzzy
SUBDIR += py-scikit-learn
SUBDIR += py-scikit-optimize
SUBDIR += py-scikit-sparse
SUBDIR += py-scimath
SUBDIR += py-scipy
SUBDIR += py-scoria
SUBDIR += py-segyio
SUBDIR += py-spglib
SUBDIR += py-tensorflow
SUBDIR += py-veusz
SUBDIR += pybrain
SUBDIR += pynn
SUBDIR += qbox
SUBDIR += qcl
SUBDIR += qiskit-aer
SUBDIR += qmcpack
SUBDIR += quantum-espresso
SUBDIR += quantum-espresso-pseudopotentials
SUBDIR += qwalk
SUBDIR += rdkit
SUBDIR += rmf
SUBDIR += rubygem-ai4r
SUBDIR += rubygem-cdo
SUBDIR += rubygem-rgeo
SUBDIR += rubygem-rgeo-geojson
SUBDIR += rubygem-rgeo-proj4
SUBDIR += rubygem-rgeo-shapefile
SUBDIR += rubygem-ruby-dcl
SUBDIR += rubygem-ruby-netcdf
SUBDIR += scidavis
SUBDIR += segyio
SUBDIR += siesta
SUBDIR += sigrok-cli
SUBDIR += sigrok-firmware
SUBDIR += sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw
SUBDIR += sigrok-firmware-utils
SUBDIR += silo
SUBDIR += simbody
SUBDIR += simgrid
SUBDIR += simint
SUBDIR += simlib
SUBDIR += simsmith
SUBDIR += smoldyn
SUBDIR += sparta
SUBDIR += spglib
SUBDIR += step
SUBDIR += svmlight
SUBDIR += szip
SUBDIR += teem
SUBDIR += tfel
SUBDIR += tfel-edf
SUBDIR += tinker
SUBDIR += udunits
SUBDIR += v_sim
SUBDIR += vipster
SUBDIR += vmd
SUBDIR += voro++
SUBDIR += votca
SUBDIR += wannier90
SUBDIR += wwplot
SUBDIR += wxmacmolplt
SUBDIR += xcrysden
SUBDIR += xdrawchem
SUBDIR += xfce4-equake-plugin
SUBDIR += xtb
SUBDIR += yoda
.include <bsd.port.subdir.mk>