Many Perl distributions use a Build.PL file instead of a Makefile.PL file to
drive distribution configuration, build, test and installation. Traditionally,
Build.PL uses Module::Build as the underlying build system. This module provides
a simple, lightweight, drop-in replacement.
Whereas Module::Build has over 6,700 lines of code; this module has less than
70, yet supports the features needed by most pure-Perl distributions.
Feature safe: yes
ExtUtils::InstallPaths tries to make install path resolution as easy as
When you want to install a module, it needs to figure out where to install
things. The nutshell version of how this works is that default installation
locations are determined from ExtUtils::Config, and they may be individually
overridden by using the install_path attribute. An install_base attribute lets
you specify an alternative installation root like /home/foo and prefix does
something similar in a rather different (and more complicated) way. destdir lets
you specify a temporary installation directory like /tmp/install in case you
want to create bundled-up installable packages.
Feature safe: yes
When using Moose::Role, a class which provides a method a role provides will
silently override that method. This can cause strange, hard-to-debug errors when
the role's methods are not called. Simple use MooseX::Role::Strict instead of
Moose::Role and overriding a role's method becomes a composition-time failure.
See the synopsis for a resolution.
Feature safe: yes
The FreeBSD Security Team no longer feels that the warning to disable
modeline support is needed.
Discussed with: delphij, des
With Hat: secteam-ports
Feature safe: yes
- properly use
- remove empty OPTIONS_DEFAULT
- no need to support FreeBSD 9.0 anymore, 9.1 is used for cluster builds
Feature safe: yes
2013-04-09 x11-drivers/xf86-video-radeonhd-devel: Unsupported devel version
2013-04-10 devel/ros-image_common: Depends on devel/ros_common which is broken for more than 6 months
2013-04-10 devel/ros-laser_pipeline: Depends on devel/ros_common which is broken for more than 6 months
2013-03-01 databases/php52-rrdtool: PHP 5.2 series is strongly discouraged for new installations, migrate now
2013-03-05 devel/ros-common: Broken for more than 6 month
Feature safe: yes
2013-04-10 www/p5-Apache-GopherHandler: Depends on p5-Net-Gopher which is deprecated and expired
2013-04-10 net/p5-Gopher-Server: Depends on p5-Net-Gopher which is deprecated and expired
2012-04-17 net/p5-Net-Gopher: gone from CPAN
Feature safe: yes