notes and examples

This commit is contained in:
Christian Barthel 2019-07-05 09:07:16 +02:00
parent e0bbc7f7cb
commit 516c2f346d
1 changed files with 105 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
;; ------------ Boolean Logic ----------------------------------
(def and
(lm (a b)
(nand (nand a b) (nand a b))))
@ -15,7 +16,83 @@
(not (or a b))))
;; XXX ((lambda (x) (add x 1)) 5)
;; ------------ Boolean Logic ----------------------------------
;; greater than:
(def gt (lm (a b) (lt b a)))
;; equal:
(def eq (lm (a b) (and (not (lt a b)) (not (lt b a)))))
;; not equal:
(def neq (lm (a b)
(not (eq a b))))
;; great equal:
(def geq (lm (a b) (or (eq a b) (gt a b))))
;; lower equal:
(def leq (lm (a b) (or (eq a b) (lt a b))))
;; ------------ Arithmetic ----------------------------------
;; Available: Numbers on Z, add, inv
;; sub: a - b:
(def sub (lm (a b) (add a (inv b))))
;; mult: a * b
(def mult (lm (a b)
(if (eq b 1)
(add a (mult a (sub b 1))))))
;; div: a / b (result: integer)
(def div (lm (a b)
(if (leq a 0)
(add 1 (div (sub a b) b)))))
(def modsubr (lm (a b last)
(if (lt a 0) last
(modsubr (sub a b) b a))))
(def mod (lm (a b) (modsubr a b 0)))
(def sum (lm (a b erg)
(if (gt a b)
(sum (add a 1) b (add erg a)))))
;; ------------ Open TODO's ----------------------------------
(def dispatch (lm (a b which)
(if (eq which 0) a b)))
;; (def cons (lm (a b)
;; (lm (x) (dispatch a b x))))
(def cons (lm (a b)
(lm (x) (if (eq x 0) a b))))
(def car (lm (cell) (cell 0)))
(def cdr (lm (cell) (cell 1)))
;; (define (cons x y)
;; (define (dispatch m)
;; (cond ((= m 0) x)
;; ((= m 1) y)
;; (else (error "Argument not 0 or 1 -- CONS" m))))
;; dispatch)
;; (define (car z) (z 0))
;; (define (cdr z) (z 1))
;; ------------ Open TODO's ----------------------------------
;; * Garbage Collection
;; * Multi Threading (each function within it's own thread
;; * Eval with empty body or empty parameter list?
;; (def zero (lm (x) (0)))
;; * lexical scoping like:
;; (def a (lm (x y z)
;; (def abc (fn args))
;; (fn abc args))))
;; Local Variables:
@ -27,3 +104,30 @@
;; tab-width: 2
;; c-basic-offset: 2
;; End:
(def a (lm (x) (lm (y) (add x y))))
nil 0x0
(a 1)
(def b (a 1))
nil 0x0
(b 5)
((a 1) 4)
eval_fn_call: expected function body as list
- mindestens 2 sachen sind noch kaputt:
- wenn ich einen funktionsaufruf am anfang habe das eine funktion
zurückgibt gehts nicht
- und im allgemeinen findet man nicht die variable in einem
funktionsaufruf einer zurückgegebenen funktion