Suggested by Miciah on #elinks.
What was renamed:
add_utf_8 => add_utf8
cp2utf_8 => cp2utf8
encode_utf_8 => encode_utf8
get_translation_table_to_utf_8 => get_translation_table_to_utf8
goto invalid_utf_8_start_byte => goto invalid_utf8_start_byte
goto utf_8 => goto utf8
goto utf_8_select => goto utf8_select
terminal_interlink.utf_8 => terminal_interlink.utf8
utf_8_to_unicode => utf8_to_unicode
What was not renamed:
terminal._template_.utf_8_io option, TERM_OPT_UTF_8_IO
Compatibility with existing elinks.conf files would require an alias.
Because the name of the charset is UTF-8, --enable-utf-8 looks better
than --enable-utf8.
Will be renamed in a later commit.
Unicode/utf_8.cp, table_utf_8, aliases_utf_8
Will be renamed in a later commit.
Including double-width glyph support.
Note: textarea is now drawn with blank collumn at end of lines. It seems
that this is more intuitive for users. It behaves similar as textareas in
graphical interfaces. I hope it will hold your interest.
+----+ +----+ +----+
|aaA | [right] |aaa_| [right] |aaa |
|aaa | |aaa | |Aaa |
|bb | |bb | |bb |
+----+ +----+ +----+
+----+ +----+ +----+
|Aaa | [end] |aaa_| [c] |aaa |
|aaa | |aaa | |Caa |
|bb | |bb | |abb |
+----+ +----+ +----+
A, _, C - cursor positions.
[right] - right arrow
[end] - ACT_END (End button)
[c] - Letter c.
Now this code:
<textarea rows="3" cols="3">aaaaaabb</textarea>
represents textarea with 3x3 positions for chars.
Before this texteare behaved some kind of weirdly. That code above was
rendered like this:
|_ |
maximum length, do not simply drop the changes, but instead truncate them,
warn the user, and provide the user with the path to the temporary file
from which the full changes can be recovered.