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/* Command line processing */
#include "config.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h> /* OS/2 needs this after sys/types.h */
#include <sys/stat.h> /* OS/2 needs this after sys/types.h */
#include <netdb.h>
/* We need to have it here. Stupid BSD. */
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include "elinks.h"
#include "config/cmdline.h"
#include "config/conf.h"
#include "config/options.h"
#include "config/opttypes.h"
#include "intl/gettext/libintl.h"
#include "network/dns.h"
#include "protocol/uri.h"
#include "session/session.h"
#include "util/error.h"
#include "util/file.h"
#include "util/lists.h"
#include "util/memory.h"
#include "util/string.h"
/* Hack to handle URL extraction for -remote commands */
static unsigned char *remote_url;
static enum retval
parse_options_(int argc, unsigned char *argv[], struct option *opt,
struct list_head *url_list)
while (argc) {
argv++, argc--;
if (argv[-1][0] == '-' && argv[-1][1]) {
struct option *option;
unsigned char *argname = &argv[-1][1];
unsigned char *oname = stracpy(argname);
unsigned char *err;
if (!oname) continue;
/* Treat --foo same as -foo. */
if (argname[0] == '-') argname++;
option = get_opt_rec(opt, argname);
if (!option) option = get_opt_rec(opt, oname);
if (!option) {
unsigned char *pos;
oname++; /* the '-' */
/* Substitute '-' by '_'. This helps
* compatibility with that very wicked browser
* called 'lynx'. */
for (pos = strchr(oname, '_'); pos;
pos = strchr(pos, '_'))
*pos = '-';
option = get_opt_rec(opt, oname);
if (!option) goto unknown_option;
if (!option_types[option->type].cmdline)
goto unknown_option;
err = option_types[option->type].cmdline(option, &argv, &argc);
if (err) {
if (err[0]) {
usrerror(gettext("Cannot parse option %s: %s"), argv[-1], err);
return RET_SYNTAX;
/* XXX: Empty strings means all is well and have
* a cup of shut the fsck up. */
} else if (remote_url) {
if (url_list) add_to_string_list(url_list, remote_url, -1);
remote_url = NULL;
} else if (url_list) {
add_to_string_list(url_list, argv[-1], -1);
return RET_OK;
usrerror(gettext("Unknown option %s"), argv[-1]);
return RET_SYNTAX;
enum retval
parse_options(int argc, unsigned char *argv[], struct list_head *url_list)
return parse_options_(argc, argv, cmdline_options, url_list);
Options handlers
static unsigned char *
eval_cmd(struct option *o, unsigned char ***argv, int *argc)
if (*argc < 1) return gettext("Parameter expected");
(*argv)++; (*argc)--; /* Consume next argument */
parse_config_file(config_options, "-eval", *(*argv - 1), NULL, 0);
return NULL;
static unsigned char *
forcehtml_cmd(struct option *o, unsigned char ***argv, int *argc)
safe_strncpy(get_opt_str("mime.default_type"), "text/html", MAX_STR_LEN);
return NULL;
static unsigned char *
lookup_cmd(struct option *o, unsigned char ***argv, int *argc)
struct sockaddr_storage *addrs = NULL;
int addrno, i;
if (!*argc) return gettext("Parameter expected");
if (*argc > 1) return gettext("Too many parameters");
(*argv)++; (*argc)--;
if (do_real_lookup(*(*argv - 1), &addrs, &addrno, 0) == DNS_ERROR) {
usrerror(gettext("Host not found"));
return "";
for (i = 0; i < addrno; i++) {
#ifdef CONFIG_IPV6
struct sockaddr_in6 addr = *((struct sockaddr_in6 *) &(addrs)[i]);
unsigned char p[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
if (! inet_ntop(addr.sin6_family,
(addr.sin6_family == AF_INET6 ? (void *) &addr.sin6_addr
: (void *) &((struct sockaddr_in *) &addr)->sin_addr),
ERROR(gettext("Resolver error"));
printf("%s\n", p);
struct sockaddr_in addr = *((struct sockaddr_in *) &(addrs)[i]);
unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *) &addr.sin_addr.s_addr;
printf("%d.%d.%d.%d\n", (int) p[0], (int) p[1],
(int) p[2], (int) p[3]);
return "";
#define skipback_whitespace(start, S) \
while ((start) < (S) && isspace((S)[-1])) (S)--;
static unsigned char *
remote_cmd(struct option *o, unsigned char ***argv, int *argc)
struct {
unsigned char *name;
enum {
} type;
} remote_methods[] = {
unsigned char *command, *arg, *argend = NULL;
int method, len = 0;
if (*argc < 1) return gettext("Parameter expected");
command = *(*argv);
while (isalpha(command[len]))
arg = strchr(&command[len], '(');
if (arg) {
argend = strchr(arg, ')');
if (!argend) {
/* Just open any passed URLs in new tabs */
remote_session_flags |= SES_REMOTE_NEW_TAB;
return NULL;
skipback_whitespace(arg, argend);
for (method = 0; remote_methods[method].name; method++) {
unsigned char *name = remote_methods[method].name;
if (!strlcasecmp(command, len, name, -1))
switch (remote_methods[method].type) {
if (arg == argend) {
/* Prompt for a URL with a dialog box */
remote_session_flags |= SES_REMOTE_PROMPT_URL;
len = strcspn(arg, ",)");
if (arg[len] == ',') {
unsigned char *where = arg + len + 1;
if (strstr(where, "new-window")) {
remote_session_flags |= SES_REMOTE_NEW_WINDOW;
} else if (strstr(where, "new-tab")) {
remote_session_flags |= SES_REMOTE_NEW_TAB;
} else {
/* Bail out when getting unknown parameter */
/* TODO: new-screen */
} else {
remote_session_flags |= SES_REMOTE_CURRENT_TAB;
while (len > 0 && isspace(arg[len - 1])) len--;
if (len > 1) {
/* Skip possible string delimiters. Atleast urlview
* seems to add them. */
if ((arg[0] == '\'' && arg[len - 1] == '\'')
|| (arg[0] == '"' && arg[len - 1] == '"'))
arg++, len -= 2;
if (len) remote_url = memacpy(arg, len);
len = argend - arg;
if (!strlcasecmp(arg, len, "openBrowser", 11)) {
remote_session_flags = SES_REMOTE_NEW_WINDOW;
remote_session_flags = SES_REMOTE_PING;
if (arg == argend) break;
remote_url = memacpy(arg, argend - arg);
remote_session_flags = SES_REMOTE_ADD_BOOKMARK;
if (arg == argend) break;
remote_url = memacpy(arg, argend - arg);
if (remote_url)
insert_in_string(&remote_url, 0, "about:", 6);
remote_session_flags = SES_REMOTE_INFO_BOX;
/* If no flags was applied it can only mean we are dealing with
* unknown method. */
if (!remote_session_flags)
return gettext("Remote method not supported");
(*argv)++; (*argc)--; /* Consume next argument */
return NULL;
static unsigned char *
version_cmd(struct option *o, unsigned char ***argv, int *argc)
printf("%s\n", full_static_version);
return "";
/* Below we handle help usage printing.
* We're trying to achieve several goals here:
* - Genericly define a function to print option trees iteratively.
* - Make output parsable for various doc tools (to make manpages).
* - Do some non generic fancy stuff like printing semi-aliased
* options (like: -?, -h and -help) on one line when printing
* short help. */
#define gettext_nonempty(x) (*(x) ? gettext(x) : (x))
static void
print_full_help(struct option *tree, unsigned char *path)
struct option *option;
unsigned char saved[MAX_STR_LEN];
unsigned char *savedpos = saved;
*savedpos = 0;
foreach (option, *tree->value.tree) {
enum option_type type = option->type;
unsigned char *help;
unsigned char *capt = option->capt;
unsigned char *desc = (option->desc && *option->desc)
? (unsigned char *) gettext(option->desc)
: (unsigned char *) "N/A";
/* Don't print deprecated aliases (if we don't walk command
* line options which use aliases for legitimate options). */
if ((type == OPT_ALIAS && tree != cmdline_options)
|| (option->flags & OPT_HIDDEN))
if (!capt && !strncasecmp(option->name, "_template_", 10))
capt = (unsigned char *) N_("Template option folder");
if (!capt) {
int len = strlen(option->name);
int max = MAX_STR_LEN - (savedpos - saved);
safe_strncpy(savedpos, option->name, max);
safe_strncpy(savedpos + len, ", -", max - len);
savedpos += len + 3;
help = gettext_nonempty(option_types[option->type].help_str);
if (type != OPT_TREE)
printf(" %s%s%s %s ",
path, saved, option->name, help);
/* Print the 'title' of each option type. */
switch (type) {
case OPT_BOOL:
case OPT_INT:
case OPT_LONG:
printf(gettext("(default: %ld)"),
type == OPT_LONG
? option->value.big_number
: (long) option->value.number);
printf(gettext("(default: \"%s\")"),
printf(gettext("(alias for %s)"),
printf(gettext("(default: %s)"),
color_T color = option->value.color;
unsigned char hexcolor[8];
printf(gettext("(default: %s)"),
get_color_string(color, hexcolor));
printf(gettext("(default: \"%s\")"),
case OPT_TREE:
int pathlen = strlen(path);
int namelen = strlen(option->name);
if (pathlen + namelen + 2 > MAX_STR_LEN)
/* Append option name to path */
if (pathlen > 0) {
memcpy(saved, path, pathlen);
savedpos = saved + pathlen;
} else {
savedpos = saved;
memcpy(savedpos, option->name, namelen + 1);
savedpos += namelen;
capt = gettext_nonempty(capt);
printf(" %s: (%s)", capt, saved);
printf("\n %8s", "");
int l = strlen(desc);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
if (desc[i] == '\n')
printf(" %8s", "");
if (option->type == OPT_TREE) {
memcpy(savedpos, ".", 2);
print_full_help(option, saved);
savedpos = saved;
*savedpos = 0;
static void
#define ALIGN_WIDTH 20
struct option *option;
struct string string = NULL_STRING;
struct string *saved = NULL;
unsigned char align[ALIGN_WIDTH];
/* Initialize @space used to align captions. */
memset(align, ' ', sizeof(align) - 1);
align[sizeof(align) - 1] = 0;
foreach (option, *cmdline_options->value.tree) {
unsigned char *capt;
unsigned char *help;
unsigned char *info = saved ? saved->source
: (unsigned char *) "";
int len = strlen(option->name);
/* Avoid printing compatibility options */
if (option->flags & OPT_HIDDEN)
/* When no caption is available the option name is 'stacked'
* and the caption is shared with next options that has one. */
if (!option->capt) {
if (!saved) {
if (!init_string(&string))
saved = &string;
add_to_string(saved, option->name);
add_to_string(saved, ", -");
capt = gettext_nonempty(option->capt);
help = gettext_nonempty(option_types[option->type].help_str);
/* When @help string is non empty align at least one space. */
len = ALIGN_WIDTH - len - strlen(help);
len -= (saved ? saved->length : 0);
len = (len < 0) ? !!(*help) : len;
align[len] = '\0';
printf(" -%s%s %s%s%s\n",
info, option->name, help, align, capt);
align[len] = ' ';
if (saved) {
saved = NULL;
#undef gettext_nonempty
static unsigned char *
printhelp_cmd(struct option *option, unsigned char ***argv, int *argc)
unsigned char *lineend = strchr(full_static_version, '\n');
if (lineend) *lineend = '\0';
printf("%s\n\n", full_static_version);
if (!strcmp(option->name, "config-help")) {
printf("%s:\n", gettext("Configuration options"));
print_full_help(config_options, "");
} else {
gettext("Usage: elinks [OPTION]... [URL]..."),
if (!strcmp(option->name, "long-help")) {
print_full_help(cmdline_options, "-");
} else {
return "";
static unsigned char *
redir_cmd(struct option *option, unsigned char ***argv, int *argc)
unsigned char *target;
/* I can't get any dirtier. --pasky */
if (!strcmp(option->name, "confdir")) {
target = "config-dir";
} else if (!strcmp(option->name, "conffile")) {
target = "config-file";
} else if (!strcmp(option->name, "stdin")) {
static int complained;
if (complained)
return NULL;
complained = 1;
/* Emulate bool option, possibly eating following 0/1. */
if ((*argv)[0]
&& ((*argv)[0][0] == '0' || (*argv)[0][0] == '1')
&& !(*argv)[0][1])
(*argv)++, (*argc)--;
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Deprecated option -stdin used!\n");
fprintf(stderr, "ELinks now determines the -stdin option value automatically.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "In the future versions ELinks will report error when you will\n");
fprintf(stderr, "continue to use this option.\a\n");
return NULL;
} else {
return gettext("Internal consistency error");
option = get_opt_rec(cmdline_options, target);
option_types[option->type].cmdline(option, argv, argc);
return NULL;
static unsigned char *
printconfigdump_cmd(struct option *option, unsigned char ***argv, int *argc)
unsigned char *config_string;
/* Print all. */
get_opt_int("config.saving_style") = 2;
config_string = create_config_string("", "", config_options);
if (config_string) {
printf("%s", config_string);
return "";
Options values
/* Keep options in alphabetical order. */
struct option_info cmdline_options_info[] = {
Here is a framework that detects cases where a PO file assigns the same accelerator key to multiple buttons in a dialog box or to multiple items in a menu. ELinks already has some support for this but it requires the translator to run ELinks and manually scan through all menus and dialogs. The attached changes make it possible to quickly detect and list any conflicts, including ones that can only occur on operating systems or configurations that the translator is not currently using. The changes have no immediate effect on the elinks executable or the MO files. PO files become larger, however. The scheme works like this: - Like before, accelerator keys in translatable strings are tagged with the tilde (~) character. - Whenever a C source file defines an accelerator key, it must assign one or more named "contexts" to it. The translations in the PO files inherit these contexts. If multiple strings use the same accelerator (case insensitive) in the same context, that's a conflict and can be detected automatically. - The contexts are defined with "gettext_accelerator_context" comments in source files. These comments delimit regions where all translatable strings containing tildes are given the same contexts. There must be one special comment at the top of the region; it lists the contexts assigned to that region. The region automatically ends at the end of the function (found with regexp /^\}/), but it can also be closed explicitly with another special comment. The comments are formatted like this: /* [gettext_accelerator_context(foo, bar, baz)] begins a region that uses the contexts "foo", "bar", and "baz". The comma is the delimiter; whitespace is optional. [gettext_accelerator_context()] ends the region. */ The scripts don't currently check whether this syntax occurs inside or outside comments. - The names of contexts consist of C identifiers delimited with periods. I typically used the name of a function that sets up a dialog, or the name of an array where the items of a menu are listed. There is a special feature for static functions: if the name begins with a period, then the period will be replaced with the name of the source file and a colon. - If a menu is programmatically generated from multiple parts, of which some are never used together, so that it is safe to use the same accelerators in them, then it is necessary to define multiple contexts for the same menu. link_menu() in src/viewer/text/link.c is the most complex example of this. - During make update-po: - A Perl script (po/gather-accelerator-contexts.pl) reads po/elinks.pot, scans the source files listed in it for "gettext_accelerator_context" comments, and rewrites po/elinks.pot with "accelerator_context" comments that indicate the contexts of each msgid: the union of all contexts of all of its uses in the source files. It also removes any "gettext_accelerator_context" comments that xgettext --add-comments has copied to elinks.pot. - If po/gather-accelerator-contexts.pl does not find any contexts for some use of an msgid that seems to contain an accelerator (because it contains a tilde), it warns. If the tilde refers to e.g. "~/.elinks" and does not actually mark an accelerator, the warning can be silenced by specifying the special context "IGNORE", which the script otherwise ignores. - msgmerge copies the "accelerator_context" comments from po/elinks.pot to po/*.po. Translators do not edit those comments. - During make check-po: - Another Perl script (po/check-accelerator-contexts.pl) reads po/*.po and keeps track of which accelerators have been bound in each context. It warns about any conflicts it finds. This script does not access the C source files; thus it does not matter if the line numbers in "#:" lines are out of date. This implementation is not perfect and I am not proposing to add it to the main source tree at this time. Specifically: - It introduces compile-time dependencies on Perl and Locale::PO. There should be a configure-time or compile-time check so that the new features are skipped if the prerequisites are missing. - When the scripts include msgstr strings in warnings, they should transcode them from the charset of the PO file to the one specified by the user's locale. - It is not adequately documented (well, except perhaps here). - po/check-accelerator-contexts.pl reports the same conflict multiple times if it occurs in multiple contexts. - The warning messages should include line numbers, so that users of Emacs could conveniently edit the conflicting part of the PO file. This is not feasible with the current version of Locale::PO. - Locale::PO does not understand #~ lines and spews warnings about them. There is an ugly hack to hide these warnings. - Jonas Fonseca suggested the script could propose accelerators that are still available. This has not been implemented. There are three files attached: - po/gather-accelerator-contexts.pl: Augments elinks.pot with context information. - po/check-accelerator-contexts.pl: Checks conflicts. - accelerator-contexts.diff: Makes po/Makefile run the scripts, and adds special comments to source files.
2005-12-04 18:38:29 -05:00
/* [gettext_accelerator_context(IGNORE)] */
INIT_OPT_BOOL("", N_("Restrict to anonymous mode"),
"anonymous", 0, 0,
N_("Restricts ELinks so it can run on an anonymous account.\n"
"Local file browsing, downloads, and modification of options\n"
"will be disabled. Execution of viewers is allowed, but entries\n"
"in the association table can't be added or modified.")),
INIT_OPT_BOOL("", N_("Autosubmit first form"),
"auto-submit", 0, 0,
N_("Automatically submit the first form in the given URLs.")),
INIT_OPT_INT("", N_("Clone internal session with given ID"),
"base-session", 0, 0, INT_MAX, 0,
N_("Used internally when opening ELinks instances in new windows.\n"
"The ID maps to information that will be used when creating the\n"
"new instance. You don't want to use it.")),
INIT_OPT_COMMAND("", NULL, "confdir", OPT_HIDDEN, redir_cmd, NULL),
INIT_OPT_STRING("", N_("Name of directory with configuration file"),
"config-dir", 0, "",
N_("Path of the directory ELinks will read and write its\n"
"config and runtime state files to instead of ~/.elinks.\n"
"If the path does not begin with a '/' it is assumed to be\n"
"relative to your HOME directory.")),
INIT_OPT_COMMAND("", N_("Print default configuration file to stdout"),
"config-dump", 0, printconfigdump_cmd,
N_("Print a configuration file with options set to the built-in\n"
"defaults to stdout.")),
INIT_OPT_COMMAND("", NULL, "conffile", OPT_HIDDEN, redir_cmd, NULL),
INIT_OPT_STRING("", N_("Name of configuration file"),
"config-file", 0, "elinks.conf",
N_("Name of the configuration file that all configuration\n"
"options will be read from and written to. It should be\n"
"relative to config-dir.")),
INIT_OPT_COMMAND("", N_("Print help for configuration options"),
"config-help", 0, printhelp_cmd,
N_("Print help for configuration options and exit.")),
INIT_OPT_CMDALIAS("", N_("MIME type assumed for unknown document types"),
"default-mime-type", 0, "mime.default_type",
N_("The default MIME type used for documents of unknown type.")),
INIT_OPT_BOOL("", N_("Ignore user-defined keybindings"),
"default-keys", 0, 0,
N_("When set, all keybindings from configuration files will be\n"
"ignored. It forces use of default keybindings and will reset\n"
"user-defined ones on save.")),
INIT_OPT_BOOL("", N_("Print formatted versions of given URLs to stdout"),
"dump", 0, 0,
N_("Print formatted plain-text versions of given URLs to stdout.")),
INIT_OPT_CMDALIAS("", N_("Codepage to use with -dump"),
"dump-charset", 0, "document.dump.codepage",
N_("Codepage used when formatting dump output.")),
INIT_OPT_CMDALIAS("", N_("Width of document formatted with -dump"),
"dump-width", 0, "document.dump.width",
N_("Width of the dump output.")),
INIT_OPT_COMMAND("", N_("Evaluate configuration file directive"),
"eval", 0, eval_cmd,
N_("Specify configuration file directives on the command-line\n"
"which will be evaluated after all configuration files has been\n"
"read. Example usage:\n"
"\t-eval 'set protocol.file.allow_special_files = 1'")),
/* lynx compatibility */
INIT_OPT_COMMAND("", N_("Interpret documents of unknown types as HTML"),
"force-html", 0, forcehtml_cmd,
N_("Makes ELinks assume documents of unknown types are HTML.\n"
"Useful when using ELinks as an external viewer from MUAs.\n"
"This is equivalent to -default-mime-type text/html.")),
/* XXX: -?, -h and -help share the same caption and should be kept in
* the current order for usage help printing to be ok */
INIT_OPT_COMMAND("", NULL, "?", 0, printhelp_cmd, NULL),
INIT_OPT_COMMAND("", NULL, "h", 0, printhelp_cmd, NULL),
INIT_OPT_COMMAND("", N_("Print usage help and exit"),
"help", 0, printhelp_cmd,
N_("Print usage help and exit.")),
INIT_OPT_BOOL("", N_("Only permit local connections"),
"localhost", 0, 0,
N_("Restricts ELinks to work offline and only connect to servers\n"
"with local addresses (ie. No connections to remote\n"
"servers will be permitted.")),
INIT_OPT_COMMAND("", N_("Print detailed usage help and exit"),
"long-help", 0, printhelp_cmd,
N_("Print detailed usage help and exit.")),
INIT_OPT_COMMAND("", N_("Look up specified host"),
"lookup", 0, lookup_cmd,
N_("Look up specified host and print all DNS resolved IP addresses.")),
INIT_OPT_BOOL("", N_("Run as separate instance"),
"no-connect", 0, 0,
N_("Run ELinks as a separate instance instead of connecting to an\n"
"existing instance. Note that normally no runtime state files\n"
"(bookmarks, history, etc.) are written to the disk when this\n"
"option is used. See also -touch-files.")),
INIT_OPT_BOOL("", N_("Disable use of files in ~/.elinks"),
"no-home", 0, 0,
N_("Disables creation and use of files in the user specific home\n"
"configuration directory (~/.elinks). It forces default configuration\n"
"values to be used and disables saving of runtime state files.")),
INIT_OPT_CMDALIAS("", N_("Disable link numbering in dump output"),
"no-numbering", OPT_ALIAS_NEGATE, "document.dump.numbering",
N_("Prevents printing of link number in dump output.\n"
"Note that this really affects only -dump, nothing else.")),
INIT_OPT_CMDALIAS("", N_("Disable printing of link references in dump output"),
"no-references", OPT_ALIAS_NEGATE, "document.dump.references",
N_("Prevents printing of references (URIs) of document links\n"
"in dump output.\n"
"Note that this really affects only -dump, nothing else.")),
INIT_OPT_COMMAND("", N_("Control an already running ELinks"),
"remote", 0, remote_cmd,
N_("Control a remote ELinks instance by passing commands to it.\n"
"The option takes an additional argument containing the method\n"
"which should be invoked and any parameters that should be passed\n"
"to it. For ease of use, the additional method argument can be\n"
"omitted in which case any URL arguments will be opened in new\n"
"tabs in the remote instance.\n"
"Following is a list of the supported methods:\n"
"\tping() : look for a remote instance\n"
"\topenURL() : prompt URL in current tab\n"
"\topenURL(URL) : open URL in current tab\n"
"\topenURL(URL, new-tab) : open URL in new tab\n"
"\topenURL(URL, new-window) : open URL in new window\n"
"\taddBookmark(URL) : bookmark URL\n"
"\tinfoBox(text) : show text in a message box\n"
"\txfeDoCommand(openBrowser) : open new window")),
INIT_OPT_INT("", N_("Connect to session ring with given ID"),
"session-ring", 0, 0, INT_MAX, 0,
N_("ID of session ring this ELinks session should connect to. ELinks\n"
"works in so-called session rings, whereby all instances of ELinks\n"
"are interconnected and share state (cache, bookmarks, cookies,\n"
"and so on). By default, all ELinks instances connect to session\n"
"ring 0. You can change that behaviour with this switch and form as\n"
"many session rings as you want. Obviously, if the session-ring with\n"
"this number doesn't exist yet, it's created and this ELinks instance\n"
"will become the master instance (that usually doesn't matter for you\n"
"as a user much). Note that you usually don't want to use this unless\n"
"you're a developer and you want to do some testing - if you want the\n"
"ELinks instances each running standalone, rather use the -no-connect\n"
"command-line option. Also note that normally no runtime state files\n"
"are written to the disk when this option is used. See also\n"
INIT_OPT_BOOL("", N_("Print the source of given URLs to stdout"),
"source", 0, 0,
N_("Print given URLs in source form to stdout.")),
INIT_OPT_COMMAND("", NULL, "stdin", OPT_HIDDEN, redir_cmd, NULL),
INIT_OPT_BOOL("", N_("Touch files in ~/.elinks when running with -no-connect/-session-ring"),
"touch-files", 0, 0,
N_("When enabled, runtime state files (bookmarks, history, etc.) are\n"
"written to disk, even when -no-connect or -session-ring is used.\n"
"The option has no effect if not used in conjunction with any of\n"
"these options.")),
INIT_OPT_INT("", N_("Verbose level"),
N_("The verbose level controls what messages are shown at\n"
"start up and while running:\n"
"\t0 means only show serious errors\n"
"\t1 means show serious errors and warnings\n"
"\t2 means show all messages")),
INIT_OPT_COMMAND("", N_("Print version information and exit"),
"version", 0, version_cmd,
N_("Print ELinks version information and exit.")),