mirror of https://github.com/makew0rld/amfora.git synced 2024-07-03 20:25:24 +00:00
makeworld 90654cd2cf Replace left margin spaces with an empty primitive
This commit introduced flashing issues in the tab row when reformatting,
and even can panic in certain reformatting situations. These bugs have
been logged in the inital comment of the PR.
2020-12-29 17:35:29 -05:00

10 KiB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



  • Media type handlers - open non-text files in another application (#121, #134)
  • Ability to set custom keybindings in config (#135)


  • Update cview to c34e0954618b8e697819f88391ff3a492e990cb6 for large performance and feature updates (#107)
  • Update to tcell v2 (dependency of cview)


  • Don't use cache when URL is typed in bottom bar (#159)
  • Fix downloading of pages that are too large or timed out
  • More reliable start, no more flash of unindented text, or text that stays unindented (#107)
  • Pages with ANSI resets don't use the terminal's default text and background colors (#107)
  • ANSI documents don't leak color into the left margin (#107)
  • Rendering very long documents is now ~96% faster, excluding gemtext parsing (#107)

[1.7.2] - 2020-12-21


  • Viewing subscriptions after subscribing to a certain user page won't crash Amfora (#157)

[1.7.1] - 2020-12-21


  • Fixed bug that caused Amfora to crash when subscribing to a page (#151)

[1.7.0] - 2020-12-20


  • Subscriptions to feeds and page changes (#61)
  • Opening local files with file:// URIs (#103, #117)
  • show_link option added in config to optionally see the URL (#133)
  • Support for Unicode in domain names (IDNs)
  • Unnecessarily encoded characters in URLs will be decoded (#138)
  • URLs are NFC-normalized before any processing (#138)
  • Links to the wiki in the new tab
  • Cache times out after 30 minutes by default (#110)
  • about:version page (#126)


  • Updated go-gemini to v0.11.0
    • Supports CN-only wildcard certs
    • Time out when header takes too long
  • Preformatted text is now light yellow by default
  • Downloading a file no longer uses a second request
  • You can go back to the new tab page in history (#96)


  • Single quotes are used in the default config for commands and paths so that Windows paths with backslashes will be parsed correctly
  • Downloading now uses proxies when appropriate
  • User-entered URLs with invalid characters will be percent-encoded (#138)
  • Custom downloads dir is actually used (#148)
  • Empty quote lines no longer disappear

[1.6.0] - 2020-11-04


  • Support client certificates through config (#112)
  • ansi config setting, to disable ANSI colors in pages (#79, #86)
  • Edit current URL with e (#87)
  • If emoji_favicons is enabled, new bookmarks will have the domain's favicon prepended (#69, #90)
  • The BROWSER env var is now also checked when opening web links on Unix (#93)
  • More accurate error messages based on server response code


  • Disabling the color config setting also disables ANSI colors in pages (#79, #86)
  • Updated go-isemoji to v1.1.0 to support Emoji 13.1 for favicons
  • The web browser code doesn't check for Xorg anymore, just display variables (#93)
  • Bookmarks can be made to non-gemini URLs (#94)
  • Remove pointless directory fallbacks (#101)
  • Don't load page from cache when redirected to it (#114)


  • XDG user dir file is parsed instead of looking for XDG env vars (#97, #100)
  • Support paths with spaces in HTTP browser config setting (#77)
  • Clicking "Change" on an existing bookmark without changing the text no longer removes it (#91)
  • Display HTTP Error if "Open In Portal" fails (#81)
  • Support ANSI color codes again, but only in preformatted blocks (#59)
  • Make the .. command work lke it used to in v1.4.0

[1.5.0] - 2020-09-01


  • Proxy support - see the [proxies] section in the config (#66, #80)
  • Emoji favicons can now be seen if emoji_favicons is enabled in the config (#62)
  • shift_numbers key in the config was added, so that non US keyboard users can navigate tabs (#64)
  • F1 and F2 keys for navigating to the previous and next tabs (#64)
  • Resolving any relative path (starts with a .) in the bottom bar is supported, not just .. (#71)
  • You can now set external programs in the config to open other schemes, like gopher:// or magnet: (#74)
  • Auto-redirecting can be enabled - redirect within Gemini up to 5 times automatically (#75)
  • Help page now documents paging keys (#78)
  • The new tab page can be customized by creating a gemtext file called newtab.gmi in the config directory (#67, #83)



  • Two digit (and higher) link texts are now in line with one digit ones (#60)
  • Race condition when reloading pages that could have caused the cache to still be used
  • Prevent panic (crash) when the server sends an error with an empty meta string (#73)
  • URLs with with colon-only schemes (like mailto:) are properly recognized
  • You can no longer navigate through the history when the help page is open (#55, #78)

[1.4.0] - 2020-07-28


  • Theming - check out default-config.toml for details (#46)
  • Tab now also enters link selecting mode, like Enter (#48)
  • Number keys can be pressed to navigate to links 1 through 10 (#47)
  • Permanent redirects are cached for the session (#22)
  • .ansi is also supported for text/x-ansi files, as well as the already supported .ans


  • Documented Ctrl-C as "Hard quit"
  • Updated cview to latest commit: cc7796c4ca44e3908f80d93e92e73694562d936a
  • The bottom bar label now uses the same color as the tabs at the top
  • Tab and blue link colors were changed very slightly to be part of the 256 Xterm colors, for better terminal support


  • You can't change link selection while the page is loading
  • Only one request is made for each URL - v1.3.0 accidentally made two requests each time (#50)
  • Using the .. command doesn't keep the query string (#49)
  • Any error that occurs when downloading a file will be displayed, and the partially downloaded file will be deleted
  • Allow for opening a new tab while the current one is loading
  • Pressing Escape after typing in the bottom bar no longer jumps you back to the top of the page
  • Repeated redirects where the last one is cancelled by the user doesn't leave the Loading... text in the bottom bar (#53)

[1.3.0] - 2020-07-10


  • Downloading content (#38)
  • Configurable page size limit - page_max_size in config (#30)
  • Configurable page timeout - page_max_time in config
  • Link and heading lines are wrapped just like regular text lines
  • Wrapped list items are indented to stay behind the bullet (#35)
  • Certificate expiry date is stored when the cert IDs match (#39)
  • What link was selected is remembered as you browse through history
  • Render ANSI codes in text/x-ansi pages, or text pages that end with .ans (#45)


  • Pages are rewrapped dynamically, whenever the terminal size changes (#33)
  • TOFU warning message mentions how long the previous cert was still valid for (#34)


  • Many potential network and display race conditions eliminated
  • Whether a tab is loading stays indicated when you switch away from it and go back
  • Plain text documents are displayed faithfully (there were some edge conditions)
  • Opening files in portal.mozz.us uses the http setting in the config (#42)

[1.2.0] - 2020-07-02


  • Alt-Left and Alt-Right for history navigation (#23)
  • You can type .. in the bottom bar to go up a directory in the URL (#21)
  • Error popup for when input string would result in a too long out-of-spec URL (#25)
  • Paging, using d and u, as well as Page Up and Page Down (#19)
  • Esc can exit link highlighting mode (#24)
  • Selected link URL is displayed in the bottom bar (#24)
  • Pressing Ctrl-T with a link selected opens it in a new tab (#27)
  • Writing new:N in the bottom bar will open link number N in a new tab (#27)
  • Quote lines are now in italics (#28)


  • Bottom bar now says URL/Num./Search: when space is pressed
  • Update to go-gemini v0.6.0
  • Help layout doesn't have borders anymore
  • Pages with query strings are still cached (#29)
  • URLs or searches typed in the bottom bar are not loaded from the cache (#29)


  • Actual unicode bullet symbol is used for lists: U+2022
  • Performance when loading very long cached pages improved (#26)
  • Doesn't crash when wrapping certain complex lines (#20)
  • Input fields are always in focus when they appear (#5)
  • Reloading the new tab page doesn't cause an error popup
  • Help table cells are hardwrapped so the text can still be read entirely on an 80-column terminal
  • New tab text is wrapped to terminal width like other pages (#31)
  • TOFU "continue anyway" popup has a question mark at the end

[1.1.0] - 2020-06-24


  • Bookmarks (#10)
  • Support over 55 charsets (#3)
  • Search using the bottom bar
  • Add titles to all modals
  • Store ports in TOFU database (#7)
  • Search from bottom bar
  • Wrapping based on terminal width (#1)
  • left_margin config option (#1)
  • Right margin for text (#1)
  • Desktop entry file
  • Option to continue anyway when cert doesn't match TOFU database
  • Display all text/* documents, not just gemini and plain (#12)
  • Prefer XDG environment variables if they're set, to specify config dir, etc (#11)
  • Version and help commands - -v, --version, --help, -h (#14)


  • Connection timeout is 15 seconds (was 5s)
  • Hash SubjectPublicKeyInfo for TOFU instead (#7)
  • wrap_width config option became max_width (#1)
  • Make the help table look better


  • Opening multiple URLs from the command line


  • Reset bottom bar on error / invalid URL
  • Side scrolling doesn't cut off text on the left side (#1)
  • Mark status code 21 as invalid
  • Bottom bar is not in focus after clicking Enter
  • Badly formed links on pages can no longer crash the browser
  • Disabling color in config affects UI elements (#16)
  • Keep bold for headings even with color disabled
  • Don't make whole link text bold when color is disabled
  • Get domain from URL for TOFU, not from certificate

[1.0.0] - 2020-06-18

Initial release.


  • Tabbed browsing
  • TOFU
  • Styled content
  • Basic history for each tab
  • Input