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Diego Fernando Carrión 2023-10-30 12:18:16 +01:00
parent 5f8b8fd52b
commit e5c7fb19e6
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5 changed files with 503 additions and 91 deletions

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# exiter
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Go program clean exit handling.

exitCodes.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
package exiter
import (
// ExitCode represents an unsigned 16 bit integer used to define exit statuses.
type ExitCode exit.ExitT
const (
ExitOK ExitCode = ExitCode(exit.EX_OK) // 0: successful termination
ExitError ExitCode = ExitCode(1) // 1: generic error
ExitUsage ExitCode = ExitCode(exit.EX_USAGE) // 64: command line usage error
ExitDataErr ExitCode = ExitCode(exit.EX_DATAERR) // 65: data format error
ExitNoInput ExitCode = ExitCode(exit.EX_NOINPUT) // 66: cannot open input
ExitNoUser ExitCode = ExitCode(exit.EX_NOUSER) // 67: addressee unknown
ExitNoHost ExitCode = ExitCode(exit.EX_NOHOST) // 68: host name unknown
ExitUnavailable ExitCode = ExitCode(exit.EX_UNAVAILABLE) // 69: service unavailable
ExitSoftware ExitCode = ExitCode(exit.EX_SOFTWARE) // 70: internal software error
ExitOSErr ExitCode = ExitCode(exit.EX_OSERR) // 71: system error (e.g., can't fork)
ExitOSFile ExitCode = ExitCode(exit.EX_OSFILE) // 72: critical OS file missing
ExitCantCreate ExitCode = ExitCode(exit.EX_CANTCREAT) // 73: can't create (user) output file
ExitIOErr ExitCode = ExitCode(exit.EX_IOERR) // 74: input/output error
ExitTempFail ExitCode = ExitCode(exit.EX_TEMPFAIL) // 75: temp failure; user is invited to retry
ExitProtocol ExitCode = ExitCode(exit.EX_PROTOCOL) // 76: remote error in protocol
ExitNoPerm ExitCode = ExitCode(exit.EX_NOPERM) // 77: permission denied
ExitConfig ExitCode = ExitCode(exit.EX_CONFIG) // 78: configuration error
ExitAbort ExitCode = ExitCode(exit.EX_ABORT) // 134: process was aborted
var exitCodeDescs [^ExitCode(0)]string
func init() {
exitCodeDescs = exit.GetAllExitCodeDescriptions()
exitCodeDescs[ExitError] = "generic error"
// Desc returns the description string for a given ExitCode.
func (e ExitCode) Desc() string {
return exitCodeDescs[e]
// RegisterNewExitCode reserves an ExitCode and stores its corresponding
// description string for recall.
// It returns an error if the given integer is already in use or outside the
// usable range. And also if the description string is empty.
func RegisterNewExitCode(num int, desc string) (ExitCode, error) {
if num < 0 || num > int(^ExitCode(0)) {
return 0, errors.New("New exit code out of range")
if num == 0 || num == int(exit.EX_ABORT) || (num >= int(exit.EX__BASE) && num <= int(exit.EX__MAX)) {
return 0, errors.New("New exit code not user reservable")
if exitCodeDescs[num] != "" {
return 0, errors.New("New exit code already defined")
if desc == "" {
return 0, errors.New("New exit code description cannot be blank")
exitCodeDescs[num] = desc
return ExitCode(num), nil
// RegisterNextExitCode find the next available ExitCode number and associates the
// given description string with it.
// It returns an error if there are no more available numbers to reserve.
func RegisterNextExitCode(desc string) (ExitCode, error) {
nextUsable := func(n int) int {
for n == int(exit.EX_ABORT) || (n >= int(exit.EX__BASE) && n <= int(exit.EX__MAX)) {
return n
for i := 1; i <= int(^ExitCode(0)); i = nextUsable(i) {
if exitCodeDescs[i] == "" {
exitCodeDescs[i] = desc
return ExitCode(i), nil
return 0, errors.New("Available exit codes exhausted")
func mapCodes(codes []string, offset int, m map[ExitCode]string) {
for i, desc := range codes {
if desc != "" {
m[ExitCode(i+offset)] = desc
// UserCodeMap returns a map of ExitCodes and their associated description strings
// with in the User-Definable range.
func UserCodeMap() (m map[ExitCode]string) {
m = map[ExitCode]string{}
mapCodes(exitCodeDescs[1:exit.EX__BASE], 1, m)
mapCodes(exitCodeDescs[exit.EX__MAX+1:exit.EX_ABORT], int(exit.EX__MAX)+1, m)
mapCodes(exitCodeDescs[exit.EX_ABORT+1:], int(exit.EX_ABORT)+1, m)
// FullCodeMap returns a map of all ExitCodes and their associated description
// strings.
func FullCodeMap() (m map[ExitCode]string) {
m = map[ExitCode]string{}
mapCodes(exitCodeDescs[:], 0, m)
// GetAllExitCodeDescriptions returns an array of all possible ExitCode description
// strings (where the index is the exit code). Any unreserved ExitCodes are also
// included with empty string descriptions.
func GetAllExitCodeDescriptions() [^ExitCode(0)]string {
return exitCodeDescs

exiter.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
package exiter
import (
const (
exitSignalGroupName = "exitSignalGroup"
abortSignalGroupName = "abortSignalGroup"
// ExitTaskFn (`func()`) is a closure represening something that should be
// executed right before exiting.
type ExitTaskFn sigar.TaskFn
// WriteFn is a format function that will write output somewhere.
// This could be a custom function or simply a logger function pointer.
type WriteFn func(format string, a ...interface{})
// ExiterConfig contains options for the creation of an Exiter.
type ExiterConfig struct {
ParentCtx context.Context
ExitSignals []os.Signal
SuppressAllExitMsg bool
ShowOKExitMsg bool
// Exiter is a tool for cleanly and consistently exiting the program.
// Instead of creating the struct directly, use the NewExiter() or
// NewExiterWithConfig() factories.
type Exiter struct {
ctx context.Context
cancel context.CancelFunc
sigar *sigar.SignalCatcher
preCancelTasks *list.List
postCancelTasks *list.List
usagePrintFunc ExitTaskFn
exitInfoMsgWriteFunc WriteFn
exitErrMsgWriteFunc WriteFn
suppressAllExitMsg bool
showOKExitMsg bool
// DefaultExiterConfig is the ExiterConfig used when calling the
// NewExiter() factory.
var DefaultExiterConfig = ExiterConfig{
ParentCtx: context.Background(),
ExitSignals: []os.Signal{
// NewExiterWithConfig is an Exiter factory that allows you to
// customize the configuration.
// Be sure to call (Exiter).ListenForSignals() once created to handle
// all exits properly.
func NewExiterWithConfig(config ExiterConfig) (e *Exiter) {
e = &Exiter{
suppressAllExitMsg: config.SuppressAllExitMsg,
showOKExitMsg: config.ShowOKExitMsg,
e.ctx, e.cancel = context.WithCancel(config.ParentCtx)
e.sigar = sigar.NewSignalCatcher(
exitSignalGroupName: config.ExitSignals,
abortSignalGroupName: []os.Signal{syscall.SIGABRT},
e.sigar.RegisterTask(exitSignalGroupName, func() {
e.sigar.RegisterTask(abortSignalGroupName, func() {
// NewExiter is an Exiter factory that uses the DefaultExiterConfig.
// Be sure to call (Exiter).ListenForSignals() once created to handle
// all exits properly.
func NewExiter() *Exiter { return NewExiterWithConfig(DefaultExiterConfig) }
// SpawnExiter is a convenience function that calls both NewExiter()
// and (Exiter).ListenForSignals().
func SpawnExiter() (e *Exiter) {
e = NewExiter()
// SpawnExiterWithConfig is a convenience function that calls both
// NewExiterWithConfig() and (Exiter).ListenForSignals().
func SpawnExiterWithConfig(config ExiterConfig) (e *Exiter) {
e = NewExiterWithConfig(config)
// ListenForSignals spawns a goroutine to catch signals so that the
// Exiter can gracefully shutdown the program.
func (e *Exiter) ListenForSignals() {
// RegisterPreTask adds a task to the queue that will be executed
// prior to unblocking goroutines blocked at (Exiter).Wait().
func (e *Exiter) RegisterPreTask(fn ExitTaskFn) {
// RegisterPostTask adds a task to the queue that will be executed
// after unblocking goroutines blocked at (Exiter).Wait().
func (e *Exiter) RegisterPostTask(fn ExitTaskFn) {
// SetUsageFunc tells the Exiter what function to call to print the
// program's help/usage information.
func (e *Exiter) SetUsageFunc(usage ExitTaskFn) {
e.usagePrintFunc = usage
// ExitOnPanic is a convenience function that is meant to be defered
// as a means to gracefully exit in the event of a panic.
func (e *Exiter) ExitOnPanic() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
e.exitErrMsgWriteFunc("Paniced: %v", r)
func (e *Exiter) exit(code ExitCode) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
"Paniced attempting to cleanup tasks (with exit code: %d): %v", code, r,
for x := e.preCancelTasks.Front(); x != nil; x = x.Next() {
for x := e.postCancelTasks.Front(); x != nil; x = x.Next() {
func (e *Exiter) writeExitMsg(code ExitCode, fn WriteFn, err ...error) {
if !e.suppressAllExitMsg && fn != nil {
if code == ExitOK && !e.showOKExitMsg {
if len(err) != 0 && err[0] != nil {
fn("%s: %v", ExitSoftware.Desc(), err[0])
} else {
fn("%s", ExitSoftware.Desc())
// ExitWithOK calls (Exiter).Exit() with ExitOK (0).
// It is recommended to use this for all normal exit conditions.
func (e *Exiter) ExitWithOK() {
// ExitWithUsageOK prints the help/usage and calls (Exiter).Exit() with
// ExitOK (0). If no UsageFunc was set, it will not print anything.
// It is recommended to use this when responding to help arguments.
func (e *Exiter) ExitWithUsageOK() {
// ExitWithError calls (Exiter).Exit() with ExitError (1).
// It is recommended to use this when no other exit code makes sense.
func (e *Exiter) ExitWithError(err ...error) {
e.Exit(ExitError, err...)
// ExitWithUsageErr prints the help/usage and calls (Exiter).Exit() with
// ExitUsage (64). If no UsageFunc was set, it will not print anything.
// It is recommended to use this when bad arguments are passed.
func (e *Exiter) ExitWithUsageErr(err ...error) {
e.Exit(ExitUsage, err...)
// ExitWithDataErr calls (Exiter).Exit() with ExitDataErr (65).
// It is recommended to use this when data provided through any means
// is invalid but NOT when an argument fails basic validation
// (though schema errors in complex arguments could be appropriate UNLESS
// they are configuartion settings, in which case you should use
// (Exiter).ExitWithConfigErr()).
func (e *Exiter) ExitWithDataErr(err ...error) {
e.Exit(ExitDataErr, err...)
// ExitWithNoInputErr calls (Exiter).Exit() with ExitNoInput (66).
// It is recommended to use this only when an input channel (such as
// a pipe, os.STDIN, or virtual device) cannot be opened or read when
// needed.
// Permissions errors should use (Exiter).ExitWithNoPermErr() instead.
func (e *Exiter) ExitWithNoInputErr(err ...error) {
e.Exit(ExitNoInput, err...)
// ExitWithNoUserErr calls (Exiter).Exit() with ExitNoUser (67).
// It is recommended to use this only when attempting to address data to
// a local or network user, and no suitable match can be found. Mostly
// useful for multi-user machines or intranet communication not using
// a protocol that has its own suitable statuses for this.
func (e *Exiter) ExitWithNoUserErr(err ...error) {
e.Exit(ExitNoUser, err...)
// ExitWithNoHostErr calls (Exiter).Exit() with ExitNoHost (68).
// It is recommended to use this when a provided hostname cannot be resolved.
func (e *Exiter) ExitWithNoHostErr(err ...error) {
e.Exit(ExitNoHost, err...)
// ExitWithUnavailableErr calls (Exiter).Exit() with ExitUnavailable (69) (nice).
// It is recommended to use this for client programs which cannot communicate
// with another process or remote service.
func (e *Exiter) ExitWithUnavailableErr(err ...error) {
e.Exit(ExitUnavailable, err...)
// ExitWithSoftwareErr calls (Exiter).Exit() with ExitSoftware (70).
// It is recommended to use this as a more meaningful alternative to
// ExitWithError() or for more graceful exits in the event of a Panic.
// For the later case consider deferring (Exiter).ExitOnPanic() which
// will call this function in that event.
func (e *Exiter) ExitWithSoftwareErr(err ...error) {
e.Exit(ExitSoftware, err...)
// ExitWithOSErr calls (Exiter).Exit() with ExitOSErr (71).
// It is recommended to use this only when unable to continue due to
// encountering a generalized system error.
func (e *Exiter) ExitWithOSErr(err ...error) {
e.Exit(ExitOSErr, err...)
// ExitWithOSFile calls (Exiter).Exit() with ExitOSFile (72).
// It is recommended to use this only when unable to find a file or directory
// not owned by this or any othe program but is part of the general
// system configuration. Such as a standard FHS directory, or a device file
// in /dev.
func (e *Exiter) ExitWithOSFile(err ...error) {
e.Exit(ExitOSFile, err...)
// ExitWithCantCreateErr calls (Exiter).Exit() with ExitCantCreate (73).
// It is recommended to use this only when the creation of a user output
// file is impossible for any reason and the program is unable to continue.
func (e *Exiter) ExitWithCantCreateErr(err ...error) {
e.Exit(ExitCantCreate, err...)
// ExitWithIOErr calls (Exiter).Exit() with ExitIOErr (74).
// It is recommended to use this only when unable to interact with I/O
// hardware, failure to open or write to an output stream, or when
// encountering an interuption from an already open input stream
// (otherwise use (Exiter).ExitWithNoInputErr()).
// Permissions errors should use (Exiter).ExitWithNoPermErr() instead.
func (e *Exiter) ExitWithIOErr(err ...error) {
e.Exit(ExitIOErr, err...)
// ExitWithTempFailErr calls (Exiter).Exit() with ExitTempFail (75).
// It is recommended to use this when the program chooses (by design) to
// terminate instead of retrying some operation that is expected to have
// failed merely intermittently.
func (e *Exiter) ExitWithTempFailErr(err ...error) {
e.Exit(ExitTempFail, err...)
// ExitWithProtocolErr calls (Exiter).Exit() with ExitProtocol (76).
// It is recommended to use this only when some communication with a
// process or network location fails due to a protocol violation from
// the other communication participant. And example would be receiving
// a response that is not inline with the protocol (like a SYN or ACK
// in response to the same instead of a SYN/ACK when performing a TCP
// handshake).
func (e *Exiter) ExitWithProtocolErr(err ...error) {
e.Exit(ExitTempFail, err...)
// ExitWithNoPermErr calls (Exiter).Exit() with ExitNoPerm (77).
// It is recommended to use this whenever user or credential Permissions
// do not allow you to continue.
func (e *Exiter) ExitWithNoPermErr(err ...error) {
e.Exit(ExitNoPerm, err...)
// ExitWithConfigErr calls (Exiter).Exit() with ExitConfig (78).
// It is recommended to use this whenever a schema validation is encountered
// in a config file or other serialiezed configuarion source.
func (e *Exiter) ExitWithConfigErr(err ...error) {
e.Exit(ExitConfig, err...)
// ExitWithConfigErr exits with the given ExitCode, and prints the
// first error provided (if any).
func (e *Exiter) Exit(code ExitCode, err ...error) {
switch code {
case ExitOK:
e.RegisterPostTask(func() {
e.writeExitMsg(code, e.exitInfoMsgWriteFunc)
case ExitUsage:
e.RegisterPostTask(func() {
e.writeExitMsg(code, e.exitErrMsgWriteFunc, err...)
e.RegisterPostTask(func() {
e.writeExitMsg(code, e.exitErrMsgWriteFunc, err...)
// Wait blocks till (Exiter).Exit() is called.
// It is recommended to call this function in a select block case in
// all goroutines to ensure they are properly terminated.
func (e *Exiter) Wait() {
// GetCancelableContext returns the underlying cancelable context
// used by the Exiter.
func (e *Exiter) GetCancelableContext() context.Context {
return e.ctx
// GetSignalCatcher returns the underlying *sigar.SignalCatcher
// used by the Exiter.
func (e *Exiter) GetSignalCatcher() *sigar.SignalCatcher {
return e.sigar

go.mod Normal file
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go 1.21.3
require ( v0.0.4 v0.0.0-20231030111337-e540ad5f924d

go.sum Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ v0.0.4 h1:fvbM0UMdYxhHSE19GyIFuGly/hM9UT3Pw3E1urHKt1I= v0.0.4/go.mod h1:eaZtqJCLikd8gegTlbxaOvo8623mHhIoOySY00RfrZQ= v0.0.0-20231030111337-e540ad5f924d h1:IFka+eC3Lg37om6B1HhLHbfQz4mH4lZLPWJoyjbb76I= v0.0.0-20231030111337-e540ad5f924d/go.mod h1:mO4P1lmhXLqZabOJqebyTj2cYE3ul2r8l4EKoSnvVCI=