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Major Changes

Sticky Notes

Easily add text to a map with the new Notes tool.

  • Select the Notes tool and click and drag to place a note on a map.
  • Add text, change colours or if you're the GM lock/hide them.

Network Rewrite

This update brings a complete rewrite of the network layer used to connect players together. We now use a hybrid server/peer model compared to the fully peer-peer connection model used previously. This has a few benefits:

  • Connections should be more reliable as the server reduces the load on the players internet connection.
  • Better support for larger player groups.
  • Lessens the chance that the game state gets out of sync between players.

Fog Workflow Changes

In this update the fog tool has been changed to hopefully help work better with fog cutting workflows.

  • Add and subtract fog options have been replaced with a single fog cut option.
  • Fog cutting works similarly to the previous fog subtraction however the cut shape is no longer automatically deleted. This allows you to draw a large fog shape then cut out sections but still allows you to toggle them back on if needed.
  • New rectangle tool for drawing fog shapes.
  • Fog has been heavily optimised to limit performance issues.
  • Fog now has a new look with a more paper-like black colour and a drop shadow to visually separate it from the map.

Minor Changes

  • New edit flag for maps to disable note editing.
  • Sliders now have a label above them when dragged which show the current value of the slider.
  • Token sizes no longer need to be integers and can now be decimal numbers.
  • Token resizing on map is now handled in 0.5 increments and allows going down to 0.5x size.
  • Added decimal support to ruler scale.
  • Added precision support to ruler scale. For example a scale of 5ft will limit the measurements to integers whereas a scale of 5.0ft will limit to decimal measurements with one decimal place.
  • New alternating diagonals measurement option for the ruler. This works by alternating diagonal distances between 1x and 2x allowing D&D 3.5 edition style measurements. (Thanks to /u/pspeter3 on Reddit for the suggestion and example code)
  • Changed loading indicator for maps and tokens to be more visible.
  • Changed local storage to use the persistent storage API. This means that on FireFox the hidden 2GB storage limit will no longer be an issue.
  • Added an indicator to how much storage is being used in the settings screen for browsers that support it.
  • Added multi-threading to initial map and token loading which should help remove lag with large amounts of data.
  • Changed line height of body text to be more readable.
  • Added a getting started modal to the home screen that should help with basic usage of the site.
  • Added saving to use password option for starting a game.
  • Added support for dragging and dropping images into the map or token screens that originate from a website. This is useful for dragging tokens from the Avrae Discord bot into the token select screen.
  • Added support for a larger layout for map/token selection and editing for bigger displays.
  • Changed map automatic quality options to better represent map details.
  • Updated automatic grid detection model to be more accurate and better handle lower resolution images.
  • Updated FAQ to actually have frequently asked questions.
  • Fixed crash when sometimes interacting with the page while it is loading.
  • Fixed crash when sometimes zooming out too far with a custom token on the map.
  • Fixed a bug where the drawing erase tool could still be used outside of the drawing tool.
  • Fixed a bug causing the colour of the glass and gemstone dice to be wrong.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause custom tokens to not load until a refresh.

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Jan 20 2021