
2.5 KiB


Major Changes

Dice Rolling

Added a physically simulated dice tray and dice with a bunch of features.

  • Single click dice rolling, simply click the icon for the type of dice you want to roll and it will roll it.
  • Reroll all the dice in the tray by clicking the reroll icon or reroll an individual dice by picking it up and throwing it.
  • Automatic dice total and roll breakdown.
  • Physically based rendering for beautiful metal, plastic, glass, wood and stone dice.
  • Two dice tray sizes, a small one for rolling while still seeing the map or a large one for when you have a lot of dice to roll.
  • Intelligent rendering to allow the dice to only be drawn when there is movement, this allows there to be almost zero cost on battery life while the dice are inactive.

Custom and New Default Tokens

Along with the ability to add your own custom tokens there are new default tokens. The new tokens offer a wider variety of monster types as well as cover all official classes in D&D 5E. Replacing the token size input is a new add token button, clicking this will allow you to add and manage tokens. When adding a custom token there are a few options available.

  • Default Size, select the default number of grid cells that the token will take up (for non square tokens this is the number of horizontal tiles).
  • Is Mount / Vehicle, marking a token as a mount / vehicle does two things: first this token will always be shown below other tokens, second when moving this token any other token on top of the mount / vehicle will automatically be moved with it.
  • Hide in Sidebar, marking this as true will hide the token in the main token bar on the side of the screen.

Overhauled Map and Interaction System

Map, tokens, drawing and fog have all been unified into one system which leads to a lot of positives.

  • Tokens can now be hidden by the fog of war allowing for more options when setting up a game in advance.
  • Less bugs when interacting between map systems.
  • Drawings and fog can now extend past the map.
  • Tokens now have exact hit registration for dragging which is great for tokens with a lot of transparent parts.

Minor Changes

  • New size and rotation options for tokens once they've been placed on the map.
  • Increased character limit for token labels.
  • Token movement is now animated for other party members.
  • A new visual display and method for deleting tokens from the map.


May 29 2020