2021-10-21 19:59:06 +11:00

1.5 KiB

Owlbear Rodeo supports a physically simulated 3D dice tray and dice. To access these features click the Show Dice Tray icon in the top left of the map view.

Open Dice Tray

Rolling and Rerolling

To roll dice with the dice tray open simply click the Add Dice icon for the type of dice you wish to add.

A running total of how many dice you have added will show up above each dice icon.

Once your dice have been rolled a calculated total of the dice can be seen on the bottom of the dice tray.

To reroll all your dice you can click the Reroll Dice icon in the bottom right of the dice tray if you wish to reroll a single die you can simply grab the dice and throw it in the dice tray.

Dice Rolling


To clear the dice in your dice tray you can click the Clear Dice button in the bottom left of the dice tray.

Sharing Dice Rolls

To share dice rolls with other party members you can click the Share Dice Rolls button when the dice tray is open. Others can then see your dice roll total as well as a breakdown of each dice rolled updated in real time.

Dice Sharing

Styling Your Dice

Owlbear Rodeo has a bunch of varying dice styles to choose from. To change your dice style click the Select Dice Style button in the top left of the dice tray.

Dice Styles

Expanding Your Dice Tray

The dice tray comes in two different sizes. To change the size click the Expand Dice Tray button in the top right of the dice tray.

Dice Tray Size