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2017-03-09 18:16:08 +00:00
var assign = require('object-assign');
var colorDiff = require('color-diff');
var formatter = require('./formatter');
var postcss = require('postcss');
var pipetteur = require('pipetteur');
var reporter = require('postcss-reporter');
function convertToLab (clr) {
clr = clr.rgb();
try {
return colorDiff.rgb_to_lab({
R: Math.round(clr.red() * 255),
G: Math.round(clr.green() * 255),
B: Math.round(clr.blue() * 255)
} catch (e) {
throw new Error('Error converting color ' + clr.hex() + ' to lab format.');
// returns correct column number of the color declaration
// pipetteur finds the position from the beginning of value declaration,
// we need line position instead
function getColumnPositionRelativeToLine (position) {
var decl = position.declaration;
return decl.source.start.column + position.column + decl.prop.length;
function getWhitelistHashKey (pair) {
pair = pair.sort();
return pair[0] + '-' + pair[1];
function getDiff (a, b) {
return Math.min(colorDiff.diff(convertToLab(a), convertToLab(b)), 100);
var stripUrl = /url\(['|"]?.*?['|"]?\)/;
var colorguard = postcss.plugin('css-colorguard', function (opts) {
opts = assign({
ignore: [],
threshold: 3
}, opts);
var whitelistHash = {};
if (opts.whitelist) {
opts.whitelist.forEach(function (pair) {
if (!Array.isArray(pair)) {
throw new Error('The whitelist option takes an array of array pairs. ' +
'You probably sent an array of strings.');
whitelistHash[getWhitelistHashKey(pair)] = true;
return function (css, result) {
var colors = {};
css.walkDecls(function (decl) {
var cleanValue = decl.value.replace(stripUrl, '');
var matches = pipetteur(cleanValue);
matches.forEach(function (match) {
// FIXME: This discards alpha channel
var name = match.color.hex();
// Just bail if we want to ignore the color
if (opts.ignore.indexOf(name) > -1) {
match.declaration = decl;
if (!(name in colors)) {
colors[name] = colors[name] || [];
Object.keys(colors).forEach(function (color) {
var cached = colors[color];
if (cached[0] === match || cached[0].match === match.match) {
var diffAmount = getDiff(cached[0].color, match.color);
// If colors are the same (no diff) but have a different representation
// (e.g. #000 and #000000 and black), do not complain
if (opts.allowEquivalentNotation && diffAmount === 0) {
var whitelisted = getWhitelistHashKey([color, name]);
if (diffAmount < opts.threshold && !whitelistHash[whitelisted]) {
var message = (
match.match +
' collides with ' +
cached[0].match +
' (' +
cached[0].declaration.source.start.line +
':' +
getColumnPositionRelativeToLine(cached[0]) +
decl.warn(result, message, {
secondColor: match.match,
firstColor: cached[0].match
colorguard.process = function (css, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
var processor = postcss([ colorguard(opts), reporter({formatter: formatter}) ]);
return processor.process(css, opts);
module.exports = colorguard;