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2017-03-09 18:16:08 +00:00
"description":"Method of accessing DOM elements using CSS selectors",
"title":"MDN article on querySelector"
"title":"MDN article on querySelectorAll"
"title":"Blog post"
"title":"WebPlatform Docs"
"description":"iOS 8.* contains a [bug](https://github.com/jquery/sizzle/issues/290) where selecting siblings of filtered id selections are no longer working (for example #a + p)."
"8":"a #1",
"1":"Partial support in IE8 is due to being limited to [CSS 2.1 selectors](/#feat=css-sel2) and a small subset of [CSS 3 selectors](/#feat=css-sel3) (see notes there). Additionally, it will have trouble with selectors including unrecognized tags (for example HTML5 ones)."
"keywords":"query,selectors,selectors api,document.queryselector",