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<h1 class="post__title">Costs</h1>
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<p>Subs is £30 a school term and is expected to be paid at the start of the term. This is to cover the group running costs which includes:</p>
<li>Scout Association membership dues</li>
<li>Meeting place rental</li>
<li>Camping equipment storage rental</li>
<li>Activity materials</li>
<p>You may notice there is no mention of staff or leader costs. This is because all leaders and members of the executive committee are volunteers and do not receive any remumeration. Often, leaders are also contributing to fees.</p>
<p>On top of subs, there is also a cost for each activity. This is always something which the leaders try to keep to a minimum.</p>
<p>For first joiners, there is also a £5 fee to cover the cost of the necker/scarf which each member of the group wears and the initial badges.</p>
<p>Subs and event fees can be paid in cash to a leader on a Tuesday or through bank transfer. The group bank details are below:</p>
<p>Account Name: 219th Birmingham Scout Group<br>
Account Number: 04271596<br>
Sort Code: 30-97-78</p>
<p>If you are struggling and need assistance with costs for subs or events then please talk to a leader. We fully understand that sometimes money can be tight. We are discrete and can offer extended payment plans, paying weekly or other such assistance on a case by case basis.</p>
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