The earlier Makefile assumed GNU tooling in the following ways: 1. install having a -t target directory argument. 2. make having an internal rule to make a target based only on... ansi2text: ansi2text.o 3. man pages go to /usr/local/share/man, which is not the location on OpenBSD Made a note about installation, pointing out the use of the MANDIR variable to correct the man page destination. Added an uninstall target.
18 lines
468 B
18 lines
468 B
A program to strip ansi codes from text files
I found this in NetBSD Problem Report #48092, a change request from
Nathanial Sloss where he included its source. See
netbsd_gnat_change_request.origin which was saved from
sudo make install
Note: on some systems you may want to set MANDIR, e.g. ...
sudo make install MANDIR=/usr/local/man
The default is to put the man page under /usr/local/share/man.
See Makefile. |