
158 lines
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Executable File

# This is a hardware file for control of a rig using the Hamlib rigctld daemon.
# This hardware will not start the daemon rigctld, so you must start it yourself.
# This hardware will connect to rigctld, and rigctld connects to the rig. You can test
# rigctld with the command rigctl. See the hamlib documentation for rigctld and rigctl.
# If you change the frequency in Quisk, the change is sent to rigctld. This hardware
# will query (poll) rigctld for its frequency at intervals to see if the rig changed
# the frequency. If it did, the change is sent to Quisk.
# These are the attributes we watch: Rx frequency, mode
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
import socket, time, traceback
import _quisk as QS
from quisk_hardware_model import Hardware as BaseHardware
class Hardware(BaseHardware):
def __init__(self, app, conf):
BaseHardware.__init__(self, app, conf)
self.hamlib_rigctld_port = 4532 # Standard rigctld control port
self.hamlib_poll_seconds = 0.2 # Time interval to poll for changes
self.hamlib_connected = False
self.radio_freq = None
self.radio_mode = None
self.quisk_freq = None
self.quisk_vfo = None
self.quisk_mode = 'USB'
self.received = ''
self.toggle = False
self.time0 = 0
def open(self):
ret = BaseHardware.open(self)
self.hamlib_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
return ret
def close(self):
self.hamlib_connected = False
return BaseHardware.close(self)
def ConnectRigctld(self):
if self.hamlib_connected:
return True
self.hamlib_socket.connect(('localhost', self.hamlib_rigctld_port))
return False # Failure to connect
self.hamlib_connected = True
if DEBUG: print("rigctld connected")
return True # Success
def ChangeFrequency(self, tune, vfo, source='', band='', event=None):
self.quisk_freq = tune
self.quisk_vfo = tune
if DEBUG: print('Change', source, tune)
return self.quisk_freq, self.quisk_vfo
def ReturnFrequency(self):
# Return the current tuning and VFO frequency. If neither have changed,
# you can return (None, None). This is called at about 10 Hz by the main.
return self.quisk_freq, self.quisk_vfo
def ChangeMode(self, mode): # Change the tx/rx mode
# mode is a string: "USB", "AM", etc.
if mode == 'CWU':
mode = 'CW'
elif mode == 'CWL':
mode = 'CW'
elif mode[0:4] == 'DGT-':
mode = 'USB'
self.quisk_mode = mode
if DEBUG: print('Change', mode)
def ChangeBand(self, band):
# band is a string: "60", "40", "WWV", etc.
def HeartBeat(self): # Called at about 10 Hz by the main
if not self.hamlib_connected: # Continually try to connect
self.hamlib_socket.connect(('localhost', self.hamlib_rigctld_port))
self.hamlib_connected = True
if DEBUG: print("rigctld Connected")
if time.time() - self.time0 < self.hamlib_poll_seconds:
self.time0 = time.time()
if self.quisk_mode != self.radio_mode:
self.HamlibSend("|M %s 0\n" % self.quisk_mode)
elif self.quisk_freq != self.radio_freq:
self.HamlibSend("|F %d\n" % self.quisk_freq)
elif self.toggle:
self.toggle = False
self.HamlibSend("|f\n") # Poll for frequency
self.toggle = True
self.HamlibSend("|m\n") # Poll for mode
def HamlibSend(self, text):
if DEBUG: print('Send', text, end=' ')
except socket.error:
def ReadHamlib(self):
if not self.hamlib_connected:
try: # Read any data from the socket
text = self.hamlib_socket.recv(1024)
except socket.timeout: # This does not work
except socket.error: # Nothing to read
else: # We got some characters
self.received += text
while '\n' in self.received: # A complete response ending with newline is available
reply, self.received = self.received.split('\n', 1) # Split off the reply, save any further characters
reply = reply.strip() # Here is our reply
if reply[-6:] != 'RPRT 0':
if DEBUG: print('Reject', reply)
if reply[0:9] == 'set_freq:': # set_freq: 18120472|RPRT 0
freq, status = reply[9:].split('|')
freq = int(freq)
if DEBUG: print(' Radio S freq', freq)
self.radio_freq = freq
elif reply[0:9] == 'get_freq:': # get_freq:|Frequency: 18120450|RPRT 0
z, freq, status = reply.split('|')
z, freq = freq.split(':')
freq = int(freq)
if DEBUG: print(' Radio G freq', freq)
if self.quisk_freq == self.radio_freq:
self.radio_freq = freq
self.ChangeFrequency(freq, self.quisk_vfo, 'hamlib')
elif reply[0:9] == 'set_mode:': # set_mode: FM 0|RPRT 0
mode, status = reply[9:].split('|')
mode, z = mode.split()
if DEBUG: print(' Radio S mode', mode)
self.radio_mode = mode
elif reply[0:9] == 'get_mode:': # get_mode:|Mode: FM|Passband: 12000|RPRT 0
z, mode, passb, status = reply.split('|')
z, mode = mode.split()
if DEBUG: print(' Radio G mode', mode)
if self.quisk_mode == self.radio_mode:
if self.radio_mode != mode: # The radio changed the mode
self.radio_mode = mode
self.quisk_mode = mode
if mode in ('CW', 'CWR'):
mode = 'CWU'
self.application.OnBtnMode(None, mode) # Set mode
if DEBUG: print('Unknown', reply)
if DEBUG: traceback.print_exc()