
551 lines
18 KiB
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#include <Python.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <complex.h> // Use native C99 complex type for fftw3
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "quisk.h"
#include "freedv.h"
int DEBUG;
typedef struct { // from comp.h
float real;
float imag;
struct freedv; // from freedv_api.h
typedef void (*freedv_callback_rx)(void *, char);
typedef char (*freedv_callback_tx)(void *);
/* Protocol bits are packed MSB-first */
/* Called when a frame containing protocol data is decoded */
typedef void (*freedv_callback_protorx)(void *, char *);
/* Called when a frame containing protocol data is to be sent */
typedef void (*freedv_callback_prototx)(void *, char *);
/* Data packet callbacks */
/* Called when a packet has been received */
typedef void (*freedv_callback_datarx)(void *, unsigned char *packet, size_t size);
/* Called when a new packet can be send */
typedef void (*freedv_callback_datatx)(void *, unsigned char *packet, size_t *size);
/* advanced freedv open options required by some modes */
struct freedv_advanced { // from freedv_api.h
int interleave_frames;
#include <windows.h>
#define GET_HANDLE1 hLib = LoadLibrary(".\\freedvpkg\\libcodec2.dll")
#define GET_HANDLE2 hLib = LoadLibrary(".\\freedvpkg\\libcodec2_32.dll")
#define GET_HANDLE3 hLib = LoadLibrary(".\\freedvpkg\\libcodec2_64.dll")
#define GET_HANDLE4 hLib = LoadLibrary("libcodec2.dll")
#define GET_ADDR(name) (void *)GetProcAddress(hLib, name)
#define CLOSE_LIB FreeLibrary(hLib)
#include <dlfcn.h>
void * hLib;
#define GET_HANDLE1 hLib = dlopen("./freedvpkg/libcodec2.so", RTLD_LAZY)
#define GET_HANDLE2 hLib = dlopen("./freedvpkg/libcodec2_32.so", RTLD_LAZY)
#define GET_HANDLE3 hLib = dlopen("./freedvpkg/libcodec2_64.so", RTLD_LAZY)
#define GET_HANDLE4 hLib = dlopen("libcodec2.so", RTLD_LAZY)
#define GET_ADDR(name) dlsym(hLib, name)
#define CLOSE_LIB dlclose(hLib)
static int requested_mode = -1; // requested mode
int freedv_current_mode = -1; // the current running mode
static int quisk_freedv_squelch;
static int interleave_frames = 1;
static int freedv_version = -1;
static int quisk_set_tx_bpf = 1;
#define SPEECH_BUF_SIZE 3000 // speech buffer size
static struct _rx_channel{
struct freedv * hFreedv;
COMP * demod_in;
int rxdata_index;
short speech_out[SPEECH_BUF_SIZE]; // output buffer
int speech_available; // number of samples in output buffer
int playing; // are we currently returning speech samples?
} rx_channel[MAX_RECEIVERS] ;
// freedv_version is the library version number, or
// -1 no library was found
// -2 a library was found, but freedv_get_version is missing
// FreeDV API functions:
// open, close
struct freedv * (*freedv_open)(int mode);
struct freedv * (*freedv_open_advanced)(int mode, struct freedv_advanced *adv);
void (*freedv_close)(struct freedv *freedv);
// Transmit
void (*freedv_tx)(struct freedv *freedv, short *, short *);
void (*freedv_comptx)(struct freedv *freedv, COMP *, short *);
// Receive
int (*freedv_nin)(struct freedv *freedv);
int (*freedv_rx)(struct freedv *freedv, short *, short demod_in[]);
int (*freedv_floatrx)(struct freedv *freedv, short *, float demod_in[]);
int (*freedv_comprx)(struct freedv *freedv, short *, COMP demod_in[]);
// Set parameters
void (*freedv_set_callback_txt) (struct freedv *freedv, freedv_callback_rx rx, freedv_callback_tx tx, void *callback_state);
void (*freedv_set_test_frames) (struct freedv *freedv, int test_frames);
void (*freedv_set_smooth_symbols) (struct freedv *freedv, int smooth_symbols);
void (*freedv_set_squelch_en) (struct freedv *freedv, int squelch_en);
void (*freedv_set_snr_squelch_thresh) (struct freedv *freedv, float snr_squelch_thresh);
void (*freedv_set_tx_bpf) (struct freedv *freedv, int val);
// Get parameters
int (*freedv_get_version)(void);
void (*freedv_get_modem_stats)(struct freedv *freedv, int *sync, float *snr_est);
int (*freedv_get_test_frames) (struct freedv *freedv);
int (*freedv_get_n_speech_samples) (struct freedv *freedv);
int (*freedv_get_n_max_modem_samples) (struct freedv *freedv);
int (*freedv_get_n_nom_modem_samples) (struct freedv *freedv);
int (*freedv_get_total_bits) (struct freedv *freedv);
int (*freedv_get_total_bit_errors) (struct freedv *freedv);
int (*freedv_get_sync) (struct freedv *freedv);
void (*freedv_set_callback_protocol) (struct freedv *freedv, freedv_callback_protorx rx, freedv_callback_prototx tx, void *callback_state);
void (*freedv_set_callback_data) (struct freedv *freedv, freedv_callback_datarx datarx, freedv_callback_datatx datatx, void *callback_state);
/* Called when a new packet can be sent */
void my_datatx(void *callback_state, unsigned char *packet, size_t *size) {
*size = 0;
static void GetAddrs(void)
if (DEBUG) printf("Try handle 1\n");
if (hLib) { // check the first library name
freedv_version = -2;
freedv_get_version = GET_ADDR("freedv_get_version");
if (freedv_get_version != NULL)
freedv_version = freedv_get_version();
if (freedv_version < 10) { // try the next library
if (hLib)
if (DEBUG) printf("Try handle 2\n");
if (hLib) {
freedv_version = -2;
freedv_get_version = GET_ADDR("freedv_get_version");
if (freedv_get_version != NULL)
freedv_version = freedv_get_version();
if (freedv_version < 10) { // try the next library
if (hLib)
if (DEBUG) printf("Try handle 3\n");
if (hLib) {
freedv_version = -2;
freedv_get_version = GET_ADDR("freedv_get_version");
if (freedv_get_version != NULL)
freedv_version = freedv_get_version();
if (freedv_version < 10) { // try the next library
if (hLib)
if (DEBUG) printf("Try handle 4\n");
if (hLib) {
freedv_version = -2;
freedv_get_version = GET_ADDR("freedv_get_version");
if (freedv_get_version != NULL)
freedv_version = freedv_get_version();
if (DEBUG) printf("freedv_version is %d\n", freedv_version);
if (freedv_version < 10) {
if (hLib)
// open, close
freedv_open = GET_ADDR("freedv_open");
freedv_open_advanced = GET_ADDR("freedv_open_advanced");
freedv_close = GET_ADDR("freedv_close");
// Transmit
freedv_tx = GET_ADDR("freedv_tx");
freedv_comptx = GET_ADDR("freedv_comptx");
// Receive
freedv_nin = GET_ADDR("freedv_nin");
freedv_rx = GET_ADDR("freedv_rx");
freedv_floatrx = GET_ADDR("freedv_floatrx");
freedv_comprx = GET_ADDR("freedv_comprx");
// Set parameters
freedv_set_callback_txt = GET_ADDR("freedv_set_callback_txt");
freedv_set_callback_protocol = GET_ADDR("freedv_set_callback_protocol");
freedv_set_callback_data = GET_ADDR("freedv_set_callback_data");
freedv_set_test_frames = GET_ADDR("freedv_set_test_frames");
freedv_set_smooth_symbols = GET_ADDR("freedv_set_smooth_symbols");
freedv_set_squelch_en = GET_ADDR("freedv_set_squelch_en");
freedv_set_snr_squelch_thresh = GET_ADDR("freedv_set_snr_squelch_thresh");
freedv_set_tx_bpf = GET_ADDR("freedv_set_tx_bpf");
// Get parameters
freedv_get_modem_stats = GET_ADDR("freedv_get_modem_stats");
freedv_get_test_frames = GET_ADDR("freedv_get_test_frames");
freedv_get_n_speech_samples = GET_ADDR("freedv_get_n_speech_samples");
freedv_get_n_max_modem_samples = GET_ADDR("freedv_get_n_max_modem_samples");
freedv_get_n_nom_modem_samples = GET_ADDR("freedv_get_n_nom_modem_samples");
freedv_get_total_bits = GET_ADDR("freedv_get_total_bits");
freedv_get_total_bit_errors = GET_ADDR("freedv_get_total_bit_errors");
freedv_get_sync = GET_ADDR("freedv_get_sync"); // requires version 11
static int quisk_freedv_rx(complex double * cSamples, double * dsamples, int count, int bank) // Called from the sound thread.
{ // Input digital modulation is cSamples; decoded voice is dsamples. Each "bank" is a stream of audio.
int i, nout, need, have, sync;
int n_speech_samples;
complex double cx;
double scale = (double)CLIP32 / CLIP16; // convert 32 bits to 16 bits
struct freedv * hF;
struct _rx_channel * pCh;
if (cSamples == NULL) { // shutdown
for (i = 0; i < MAX_RECEIVERS; i++) {
if (rx_channel[i].demod_in) {
rx_channel[i].demod_in = NULL;
return 0;
if (bank < 0 || bank >= MAX_RECEIVERS)
return 0;
hF = rx_channel[bank].hFreedv;
if ( ! hF)
return 0;
pCh = rx_channel + bank;
n_speech_samples = freedv_get_n_speech_samples(hF);
nout = 0;
need = freedv_nin(hF);
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
cx = cRxFilterOut(cSamples[i], bank, 0);
if (rxMode == FDV_L) // lower sideband
cx = conj(cx);
#if 0
pCh->demod_in[pCh->rxdata_index].real = creal(cx) / scale;
pCh->demod_in[pCh->rxdata_index].imag = cimag(cx) / scale;
pCh->demod_in[pCh->rxdata_index].real = (creal(cx) - cimag(cx)) / scale;
pCh->demod_in[pCh->rxdata_index].imag = 0;
if (pCh->rxdata_index >= need) {
if (pCh->speech_available + n_speech_samples < SPEECH_BUF_SIZE) { // check for buffer space
have = freedv_comprx(hF, pCh->speech_out + pCh->speech_available, pCh->demod_in);
if (freedv_version > 10)
sync = freedv_get_sync(hF);
freedv_get_modem_stats(hF, &sync, NULL);
if (freedv_current_mode == 0) { // mode 1600
if (sync) // throw away speech if not in sync
pCh->speech_available += have;
else if (pCh->speech_available < SPEECH_BUF_SIZE * 2 / 3) {
pCh->speech_available += have; // keep speech if there is space
else {
if (DEBUG) printf("Close to maximum in speech output buffer\n");
else { // no space in buffer
if (DEBUG) printf("Overflow in speech output buffer\n");
pCh->rxdata_index = 0;
need = freedv_nin(hF);
if ( ! pCh->playing) {
if (pCh->speech_available >= 2 * n_speech_samples) {
pCh->playing = 1;
else { // return zero samples
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
dsamples[i] = 0;
//if (DEBUG) printf("Rx buffer playing %d available %d\n", pCh->playing, pCh->speech_available);
return count;
for (nout = 0; nout < pCh->speech_available && nout < count; nout++)
dsamples[nout] = pCh->speech_out[nout] * scale * 0.7;
if (nout) {
pCh->speech_available -= nout;
memmove(pCh->speech_out, pCh->speech_out + nout, (pCh->speech_available) * sizeof(short));
if ( ! pCh->speech_available) {
pCh->playing = 0;
while (nout < count)
dsamples[nout++] = 0;
//if (DEBUG) printf("Rx buffer playing %d available %d\n", pCh->playing, pCh->speech_available);
return nout;
static int quisk_freedv_tx(complex double * cSamples, double * dsamples, int count) // Called from the sound thread.
{ // Input voice samples are dsamples; output digital modulation is cSamples.
int i, nout;
int n_speech_samples;
int n_nom_modem_samples;
static COMP * mod_out = NULL;
static short * speech_in = NULL;
static int speech_index=0, mod_index=0;
if (dsamples == NULL) { // shutdown
if (mod_out)
mod_out = NULL;
if (speech_in)
speech_in = NULL;
return 0;
if ( ! rx_channel[0].hFreedv)
return 0;
n_speech_samples = freedv_get_n_speech_samples(rx_channel[0].hFreedv);
n_nom_modem_samples = freedv_get_n_nom_modem_samples(rx_channel[0].hFreedv);
if (mod_out == NULL) { // initialize
mod_out = (COMP *)malloc(sizeof(COMP) * n_nom_modem_samples);
memset(mod_out, 0, sizeof(COMP) * n_nom_modem_samples);
speech_in = (short*)malloc(sizeof(short) * n_speech_samples);
nout = 0;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
speech_in[speech_index++] = (short)dsamples[i];
if (speech_index >= n_speech_samples) {
// Calculate a new block, but first write out the rest of the old block
for ( ; mod_index < n_nom_modem_samples; mod_index++)
cSamples[nout++] = mod_out[mod_index].real + I * mod_out[mod_index].imag;
freedv_comptx(rx_channel[0].hFreedv, mod_out, speech_in);
mod_index = 0;
speech_index = 0;
else { // write out samples slowly
if (mod_index < n_nom_modem_samples) {
cSamples[nout++] = mod_out[mod_index].real + I * mod_out[mod_index].imag;
if (rxMode == FDV_L)
for (i = 0; i < nout; i++)
cSamples[i] = conj(cSamples[i]);
return nout;
#define TX_MSG_SIZE 80
static char quisk_tx_msg[TX_MSG_SIZE];
static char get_next_tx_char(void * callback_state)
char c;
static int index = 0;
c = quisk_tx_msg[index++];
if (index >= TX_MSG_SIZE)
index = 0;
if ( ! c) {
index = 0;
c = quisk_tx_msg[index++];
return c;
#define RX_MSG_SIZE 80
static char quisk_rx_msg[RX_MSG_SIZE + 1];
static void put_next_rx_char(void * callback_state, char ch)
if (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r')
ch = ' ';
if (ch < 32 || ch > 126) // printable characters
if (strlen(quisk_rx_msg) < RX_MSG_SIZE)
strncat(quisk_rx_msg, &ch, 1);
PyObject * quisk_freedv_get_rx_char(PyObject * self, PyObject * args) // Called from the GUI thread.
PyObject * txt;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, ""))
return NULL;
txt = PyString_FromString(quisk_rx_msg);
quisk_rx_msg[0] = 0;
return txt;
static void CloseFreedv(void) // Called from the GUI thread or sound thread
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_RECEIVERS; i++) {
if (rx_channel[i].hFreedv) {
rx_channel[i].hFreedv = NULL;
if (rx_channel[i].demod_in) {
rx_channel[i].demod_in = NULL;
quisk_freedv_rx(NULL, NULL, 0, 0);
quisk_freedv_tx(NULL, NULL, 0);
freedv_current_mode = -1;
static int OpenFreedv(void) // Called from the GUI thread or sound thread
int i, n_max_modem_samples;
struct freedv * hF;
if ( ! hLib)
GetAddrs(); // Get the entry points for funtions in the codec2 library
if (DEBUG) printf("freedv_open: version %d\n", freedv_version);
if (freedv_version < 10) {
requested_mode = -1;
return 0; // failure
if (requested_mode == FREEDV_MODE_700D && freedv_open_advanced) {
struct freedv_advanced adv;
adv.interleave_frames = interleave_frames;
hF = freedv_open_advanced(requested_mode, &adv);
else {
hF = freedv_open(requested_mode);
if (hF == NULL) {
requested_mode = -1;
return 0; // failure
rx_channel[0].hFreedv = hF;
quisk_dvoice_freedv(&quisk_freedv_rx, &quisk_freedv_tx);
if (quisk_tx_msg[0])
freedv_set_callback_txt(hF, &put_next_rx_char, &get_next_tx_char, NULL);
freedv_set_callback_txt(hF, &put_next_rx_char, NULL, NULL);
if (freedv_set_callback_protocol)
freedv_set_callback_protocol(hF, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (freedv_set_callback_data)
freedv_set_callback_data(hF, NULL, my_datatx, NULL);
freedv_set_squelch_en(hF, quisk_freedv_squelch);
if (freedv_set_tx_bpf)
freedv_set_tx_bpf(hF, quisk_set_tx_bpf);
n_max_modem_samples = freedv_get_n_max_modem_samples(hF);
for (i = 0; i < MAX_RECEIVERS; i++) {
rx_channel[i].rxdata_index = 0;
rx_channel[i].speech_available = 0;
rx_channel[i].playing = 0;
if (rx_channel[i].demod_in)
rx_channel[i].demod_in = (COMP *)malloc(sizeof(COMP) * n_max_modem_samples);
if (i > 0) {
rx_channel[i].hFreedv = freedv_open(requested_mode);
if (rx_channel[i].hFreedv)
freedv_set_squelch_en(rx_channel[i].hFreedv, quisk_freedv_squelch);
if (DEBUG) printf("n_nom_modem_samples %d\n", freedv_get_n_nom_modem_samples(rx_channel[0].hFreedv));
if (DEBUG) printf("n_speech_samples %d\n", freedv_get_n_speech_samples(rx_channel[0].hFreedv));
if (DEBUG) printf("n_max_modem_samples %d\n", n_max_modem_samples);
freedv_current_mode = requested_mode;
return 1; // success
void quisk_check_freedv_mode(void)
{ // see if we need to change the mode
if (requested_mode == freedv_current_mode)
if (DEBUG) printf("Change in mode to %d\n", requested_mode);
if (requested_mode >= 0)
requested_mode = -1;
PyObject * quisk_freedv_open(PyObject * self, PyObject * args) // Called from the GUI thread before freedv is open
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, ""))
return NULL;
return PyInt_FromLong(OpenFreedv());
PyObject * quisk_freedv_close(PyObject * self, PyObject * args) // Called from the GUI thread.
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, ""))
return NULL;
requested_mode = -1; // request close
Py_INCREF (Py_None);
return Py_None;
PyObject * quisk_freedv_set_options(PyObject * self, PyObject * args, PyObject * keywds) // Called from the GUI thread.
{ // Call with keyword arguments ONLY to change parameters. Call before quisk_freedv_open() to set an initial mode.
int mode=-1; // Call again to change the mode.
int bpf=-1;
char * ptMsg=NULL;
static char * kwlist[] = {"mode", "tx_msg", "DEBUG", "squelch", "interleave_frames", "set_tx_bpf", NULL} ;
struct freedv * hFreedv;
if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords (args, keywds, "|isiiii", kwlist, &mode, &ptMsg, &DEBUG, &quisk_freedv_squelch, &interleave_frames, &bpf))
return NULL;
if (ptMsg)
strncpy(quisk_tx_msg, ptMsg, TX_MSG_SIZE);
if (bpf != -1) {
quisk_set_tx_bpf = bpf;
if (freedv_set_tx_bpf && rx_channel[0].hFreedv)
freedv_set_tx_bpf(rx_channel[0].hFreedv, quisk_set_tx_bpf);
if (mode == -1)
else if (freedv_current_mode < 0) // not started
requested_mode = mode;
else if (freedv_version == 10 && mode == 0)
requested_mode = mode;
else if (freedv_version == 11 && mode <= 2)
requested_mode = mode;
else {
hFreedv = freedv_open(mode); // test new mode
if (hFreedv != NULL) {
requested_mode = mode;
return PyInt_FromLong(requested_mode); // Return the mode
PyObject * quisk_freedv_get_snr(PyObject * self, PyObject * args) // Called from the GUI thread.
float snr_est = 0.0;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, ""))
return NULL;
if (rx_channel[0].hFreedv)
freedv_get_modem_stats(rx_channel[0].hFreedv, NULL, &snr_est);
return PyFloat_FromDouble(snr_est);
PyObject * quisk_freedv_get_version(PyObject * self, PyObject * args) // Called from the GUI thread.
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, ""))
return NULL;
if ( ! hLib)
GetAddrs(); // Get the entry points for funtions in the codec2 library
return PyInt_FromLong(freedv_version);