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2020-04-30 03:09:06 +00:00
# This is the hardware file to support radios accessed by the PerseusSDR interface.
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
import socket, traceback, time, math
import _quisk as QS
from perseuspkg import perseus
perseus = None
print ("Error: Perseus package not found.\n")
from quisk_hardware_model import Hardware as BaseHardware
# Define the name of the hardware and the items on the hardware screen (see quisk_conf_defaults.py):
################ Receivers PerseusSDR, The PerseusSDR interface to multiple hardware SDRs.
## hardware_file_name Hardware file path, rfile
# This is the file that contains the control logic for each radio.
#hardware_file_name = 'perseuspkg/quisk_hardware.py'
## widgets_file_name Widget file path, rfile
# This optional file adds additional controls for the radio.
#widgets_file_name = 'perseuspkg/quisk_widgets.py'
class Hardware(BaseHardware):
def __init__(self, app, conf):
BaseHardware.__init__(self, app, conf)
self.rf_gain_labels = ('RF +0', 'RF -10', 'RF -20', 'RF -30')
self.antenna_labels = ('Wide Band', 'Band Filter')
self.vardecim_index = 0
self.fVFO = 0.0 # Careful, this is a float
print ("__init__: %s" % conf)
self.rates = [ 48000, \
95000, \
96000, \
125000, \
192000, \
250000, \
500000, \
1000000, \
1600000, \
2000000 \
self.current_rate = 192000
self.att = 0;
self.wb = 0
def __del__(self):
# try to clear hardware
if perseus:
def get_hw (self):
return perseus
def pre_open(self):
print ("pre_open")
def set_parameter(self, *args):
def open(self): # Called once to open the Hardware
if not perseus:
return "Perseus module not available"
txt = perseus.open_device("perseus",2,3)
print ("perseus hardware: open")
return txt
def close(self): # Called once to close the Hardware
print ("perseus hardware: close")
if perseus:
def ChangeGain(self, rxtx): # rxtx is '_rx' or '_tx'
if not perseus:
print ("perseus hardware: ChangeGain", rxtx)
def OnButtonRfGain(self, event):
#btn = event.GetEventObject()
n = event.GetEventObject().index
self.att = n * -10
print ("perseus hardware: OnButtonRfGain: %d new attenuation: %d" % (n, self.att))
perseus.set_attenuator (self.att)
def ChangeFrequency(self, tune, vfo, source='', band='', event=None):
fVFO = float(vfo)
if self.fVFO != fVFO:
self.fVFO = fVFO
return tune, vfo
def ReturnFrequency(self):
# Return the current tuning and VFO frequency. If neither have changed,
# you can return (None, None). This is called at about 10 Hz by the main.
# return (tune, vfo) # return changed frequencies
return None, None # frequencies have not changed
def ReturnVfoFloat(self):
# Return the accurate VFO frequency as a floating point number.
# You can return None to indicate that the integer VFO frequency is valid.
return self.fVFO
# def OnBtnFDX(self, fdx): # fdx is 0 or 1
# pass
# def OnButtonPTT(self, event):
# pass
# def OnSpot(self, level):
# # level is -1 for Spot button Off; else the Spot level 0 to 1000.
# pass
# def ChangeMode(self, mode): # Change the tx/rx mode
# # mode is a string: "USB", "AM", etc.
# pass
# def ChangeBand(self, band):
# pass
# def HeartBeat(self): # Called at about 10 Hz by the main
# pass
def ImmediateChange(self, name, value):
print ("perseus hardware: ImmediateChange: perseus: name: %s value: %s" % (name, value))
if name == 'perseus_setSampleRate_rx':
value = int(value)
self.curren_dec = value
def VarDecimGetChoices(self): # Not used to set sample rate
print ("perseus hardware: VarDecimGetChoices")
return list(map(str, self.rates)) # convert integer to string
def VarDecimGetLabel(self): # Return a text label for the decimation control.
return 'Sample rates: '
def VarDecimGetIndex(self): # Return the index 0, 1, ... of the current decimation.
for i in range(len(self.rates)):
if self.rates[i] == self.current_rate:
return i
return 0
def VarDecimSet(self, index=None): # Called when the control is operated; if index==None, called on startup.
print ("perseus hardware: VarDecimSet: index: %s" % (index))
if index == None:
print ("perseus hardware: VarDecimSet: current sampling rate: %d" % self.current_rate)
2020-04-30 03:26:41 +00:00
new_rate = self.current_rate = self.application.vardecim_set
2020-04-30 03:09:06 +00:00
new_rate = self.rates[index]
print ("perseus hardware: VarDecimSet: New sampling rate: %d" % new_rate)
2020-04-30 03:26:41 +00:00
self.current_rate = int(new_rate)
2020-04-30 03:09:06 +00:00
return int(new_rate)
def VarDecimRange(self): # Return the lowest and highest sample rate.
print ("perseus hardware: VarDecimRange: %s" % self.rates)
return (self.rates[0], self.rates[-1])
def OnButtonAntenna(self, event):
btn = event.GetEventObject()
self.wb_filter = n = btn.index
print ("OnButtonAntenna: %d" % n)
perseus.set_input_filter (self.wb_filter)
# def StartSamples(self): # called by the sound thread
# print("perseus hardware: StartSamples")
# def StopSamples(self): # called by the sound thread
# print("perseus hardware: StopSamples")