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# Please do not change this widgets module for Quisk. Instead copy
# it to your own quisk_widgets.py and make changes there.
# This module is used to add extra widgets to the QUISK screen.
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
import wx, time
import _quisk as QS
class BottomWidgets: # Add extra widgets to the bottom of the screen
def __init__(self, app, hardware, conf, frame, gbs, vertBox):
#self.config = conf
#self.hardware = hardware
#self.application = app
#start_row = app.widget_row # The first available row
#start_col = app.button_start_col # The start of the button columns
#b = app.QuiskCycleCheckbutton(frame, self.OnAntTuner, ('Antenna', 'Ant 0', 'Ant 1'))
#bw, bh = b.GetMinSize()
#gbs.Add(b, (start_row, start_col), (1, 2), flag=wx.EXPAND)
#b = app.QuiskPushbutton(frame, self.OnAntTuner, 'L+')
#gbs.Add(b, (start_row, start_col + 2), (1, 2), flag=wx.EXPAND)
#b = app.QuiskPushbutton(frame, self.OnAntTuner, 'L-')
#gbs.Add(b, (start_row, start_col + 4), (1, 2), flag=wx.EXPAND)
#b = app.QuiskPushbutton(frame, self.OnAntTuner, 'C+')
#gbs.Add(b, (start_row, start_col + 6), (1, 2), flag=wx.EXPAND)
#b = app.QuiskPushbutton(frame, self.OnAntTuner, 'C-')
#gbs.Add(b, (start_row, start_col + 8), (1, 2), flag=wx.EXPAND)
#b = app.QuiskPushbutton(frame, self.OnAntTuner, 'Save')
#gbs.Add(b, (start_row, start_col + 10), (1, 2), flag=wx.EXPAND)
#self.swr_label = app.QuiskText(frame, 'Watts 000 SWR 10.1 Zh Ind 22 Cap 33 Freq 28100 (7777)', bh)
#gbs.Add(self.swr_label, (start_row, start_col + 2), (1, 10), flag=wx.EXPAND)
#b = app.QuiskCheckbutton(frame, None, text='')
#gbs.Add(b, (start_row, start_col + 25), (1, 2), flag=wx.EXPAND)
# Example of a horizontal slider:
# lab = wx.StaticText(frame, -1, 'Preamp', style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
# gbs.Add(lab, (5,0), flag=wx.EXPAND)
# sl = wx.Slider(frame, -1, 1024, 0, 2048) # parent, -1, initial, min, max
# gbs.Add(sl, (5,1), (1, 5), flag=wx.EXPAND)
# sl.Bind(wx.EVT_SCROLL, self.OnPreamp)
# def OnPreamp(self, event):
# print event.GetPosition()
self.num_rows_added = 0
#def OnAntTuner(self, event):
# btn = event.GetEventObject()
# text = btn.GetLabel()
# self.hardware.OnAntTuner(text)
#def UpdateText(self, text):
# self.swr_label.SetLabel(text)