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@ -1,34 +1,24 @@
# Gqrx Panadapter (uBITX panadapter version)
# Gqrx Panadapter
- Original version: Alexander Fasching, OE5TKM
- uBITX version: Rob French, KC4UPR
A [Gqrx]( to [Hamlib]( interface that
keeps the frequency displayed in Gqrx synchronized with the frequency settings
on your radio.
A [Gqrx]( to [Hamlib]( interface that keeps
the frequency displayed in Gqrx synchronized with the frequency settings on your
radio. This version allows for bidirectional control: if the frequency is changed
on the radio, then it will be updated in Gqrx, and if a new frequency is selected
in Gqrx, then the radio will be tuned to that frequency.
The IF output of the radio should be connected to a SDR, which is then received by
Gqrx. This script continuously reads the frequency of the radio from ```rigctld```
and sets the LNB and frequency settings in Gqrx. In addition, if a new frequency
is selected in Gqrx by clicking on the waterfall, then the script will command a
new frequency to ```rigctld``` to update the radio's frequency.
The IF output of the radio should be connected to a SDR, which is then received by Gqrx.
This script continuously reads the frequency of the radio from ```rigctld```
and sets the LNB setting Gqrx.
## Usage
``` [-h] [-ga A] [-gp P] [-ra A] [-rp P] [-i T] [-f F] [-h] [-g P] [-r P] [-i T] [-f F]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-ga A, --gqrx-address A address that Gqrx is listening on
-gp P, --gqrx-port P remote control port configured in Gqrx
-ra A, --rigctld-address A address that rigctld is listening on
-rp P, --rigctld-port P listening port of rigctld
-i T, --interval T update interval in milliseconds
-f F, --ifreq F intermediate frequency in MHz
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-g P, --gqrx-port P remote control port configured in Gqrx
-r P, --rigctld-port P listening port of rigctld
-i T, --interval T update interval in milliseconds
-f F, --ifreq F intermediate frequency in MHz
Make sure you configure [remote control]( in Gqrx.

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@ -23,138 +23,11 @@ import argparse
import socket
import time
import Tkinter
from Tkinter import *
delay_secs = 0.05 # 50 msec delay
timeout = 0.0
usb_if_offset = 0 #-3000 # 0 #-2250
lsb_if_offset = 0 #3000 # -1000 #0
rs = 0
gs = 0
#class TmpSettings:
# def __init__(self):
# self.RIG_TO_GQRX = IntVar(1)
# self.GQRX_TO_RIG = IntVar(1)
def freq_to_string(freq):
freq_str = str(freq).rjust(9)
return freq_str[0:3] + "." + freq_str[3:6] + "." + freq_str[6:9]
#MHz = int(freq/1000000)
#kHz = int(freq/1000)-(MHz*1000)
#Hz = freq - ((MHz*1000000)+(kHz*1000))
#return str(MHz) + "." + str(kHz) + "." + str(Hz)
class MainWindow:
def __init__(self, root, rig_name="uBITX"):
self.__root = root
self.__root.title("Gqrx Panadapter - " + rig_name)
self.rig_to_gqrx = IntVar()
self.gqrx_to_rig = IntVar()
self.rig_freq = StringVar()
self.gqrx_freq = StringVar()
self.rig_mode = StringVar()
self.__rig_frame = Frame(self.__root, relief=GROOVE, bd=3)
self.__rig_frame.grid(row=0, column=0)
self.__rig_freq_lbl = Label(self.__rig_frame, text="Rig Freq: ")
self.__rig_freq_lbl.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=5)
self.__rig_freq_val = Label(self.__rig_frame, textvariable=self.rig_freq)
self.__rig_freq_val.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=5)
self.__rig_mode_lbl = Label(self.__rig_frame, text="Mode: ")
self.__rig_mode_lbl.grid(row=0, column=2, padx=5)
self.__rig_mode_val = Label(self.__rig_frame, textvariable=self.rig_mode)
self.__rig_mode_val.grid(row=0, column=3, padx=5)
self.__r2g_ctrl = Checkbutton(self.__rig_frame, text="Rig-to-Gqrx", variable=self.rig_to_gqrx)
self.__r2g_ctrl.grid(row=0, column=4, padx=5)
self.__gqrx_frame = Frame(self.__root, relief=GROOVE, bd=3)
self.__gqrx_frame.grid(row=0, column=1)
self.__gqrx_freq_lbl = Label(self.__gqrx_frame, text="Gqrx Freq: ")
self.__gqrx_freq_lbl.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=5)
self.__gqrx_freq_val = Label(self.__gqrx_frame, textvariable=self.gqrx_freq)
self.__gqrx_freq_val.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=5)
self.__g2r_ctrl = Checkbutton(self.__gqrx_frame, text="Gqrx-to-Rig", variable=self.gqrx_to_rig)
self.__g2r_ctrl.grid(row=0, column=2, padx=5)
#self.__hw_freq = Entry(self.__gqrx_frame, text=H
def calc_lnb_lo(freq, ifreq, isusb=True):
print('Freq: ' + str(freq))
print('IF Freq: ' + str(ifreq))
if isusb:
print('USB IF: ' + str(ifreq + usb_if_offset))
#return - freq - (ifreq - usb_if_offset)
#return freq + usb_if_offset - (ifreq + (129600*2)) # need to make this configurable; would be great to get it from Gqrx
return freq - (ifreq + 129600*2 + usb_if_offset)
print('LSB IF: ' + str(ifreq + lsb_if_offset))
#return - freq - (ifreq + lsb_if_offset)
#return freq + lsb_if_offset - (ifreq + (129600*2)) # need to make this configurable; would be great to get it from Gqrx
return freq - (ifreq + 129600*2 + lsb_if_offset)
def get_rig_freq(rs):
is_usb = True if rs.recv(1024).splitlines()[0] == "USB" else False
return (int(rs.recv(1024)), is_usb)
def set_rig_freq(rs, freq):
print('Set Rig freq: {}'.format(freq).encode())
rs.send(b'F ' + str(freq) + '\n')
def get_gqrx_freq(gs):
return int(gs.recv(1024)) #* -1
def set_gqrx_freq(gs, freq):
print('Set GQRX Freq: {}'.format(freq).encode())
gs.send('F {}'.format(freq).encode())
def set_gqrx_lnb_lo(gs, freq, ifreq, isusb):
lnb = calc_lnb_lo(freq, ifreq, isusb)
print('Set LNB Freq: {}'.format(lnb).encode())
gs.send('LNB_LO {}'.format(lnb).encode())
def reset_gqrx(gs, ifreq):
set_gqrx_lnb_lo(gs, 0, 0, True)
set_gqrx_freq(gs, 28800000)
set_gqrx_freq(gs, ifreq)
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-ga', '--gqrx-address', type=str, default='localhost',
metavar='A', help='address that Gqrx is listening on')
parser.add_argument('-gp', '--gqrx-port', type=int, default=7356,
parser.add_argument('-g', '--gqrx-port', type=int, default=7356,
metavar='P', help='remote control port configured in Gqrx')
parser.add_argument('-ra', '--rigctld-address', type=str, default='localhost',
metavar='A', help='address that rigctld is listening on')
parser.add_argument('-rp', '--rigctld-port', type=int, default=4532,
parser.add_argument('-r', '--rigctld-port', type=int, default=4532,
metavar='P', help='listening port of rigctld')
parser.add_argument('-i', '--interval', type=int, default=1000,
metavar='T', help='update interval in milliseconds')
@ -165,100 +38,29 @@ def main():
rs = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
rs.connect((args.rigctld_address, args.rigctld_port))
rs.connect(('', args.rigctld_port))
except Exception as e:
print('Connection to rigctld failed:', e, file=sys.stderr)
return 1
gs = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
gs.connect((args.gqrx_address, args.gqrx_port))
gs.connect(('', args.gqrx_port))
except Exception as e:
print('Connection to Gqrx failed:', e, file=sys.stderr)
return 1
if_freq = int(args.ifreq * 1e6)
#reset_gqrx(gs, if_freq)
old_is_usb = False
old_rig_freq = -1 # force initial update
old_gqrx_freq = -1 # force initial update
(rig_freq, is_usb) = get_rig_freq(rs)
gqrx_freq = get_gqrx_freq(gs)
tk = Tk()
window = MainWindow(tk)
while True:
allow_rig_to_gqrx = window.rig_to_gqrx.get()
allow_gqrx_to_rig = window.gqrx_to_rig.get()
(rig_freq, is_usb) = get_rig_freq(rs)
gqrx_freq = get_gqrx_freq(gs)
rigfreq = int(rs.recv(1024))
lnbfreq = rigfreq - int(args.ifreq * 1e6)
# Update the GUI, if the freqs/modes have changed.
if rig_freq != old_rig_freq or is_usb != old_is_usb:
if is_usb:
if gqrx_freq != old_gqrx_freq:
gs.send('LNB_LO {}'.format(lnbfreq).encode())
# Update the Rig and/or Gqrx, as applicable
# Regardless of anything else, if the rig freq changes, the
# LNB LO frequency must be updated (even if allow_rig_to_gqrx is
# false).
if rig_freq != old_rig_freq or is_usb != old_is_usb:
#if abs(rig_freq - old_rig_freq) > 500000:
# reset_gqrx(gs, if_freq)
print("\nRig freq changed -- update LNB LO\n")
set_gqrx_lnb_lo(gs, rig_freq, if_freq, is_usb)
set_gqrx_freq(gs, gqrx_freq)
if allow_rig_to_gqrx and (rig_freq != old_rig_freq or is_usb != old_is_usb):
print("\nRig freq to Gqrx freq\n")
set_gqrx_lnb_lo(gs, rig_freq, if_freq, is_usb)
set_gqrx_freq(gs, rig_freq)
elif allow_gqrx_to_rig and gqrx_freq != old_gqrx_freq:
print("\nGqrx freq to Rig freq\n")
# First set the rig frequency,then wait to ensure it takes.
set_rig_freq(rs, gqrx_freq)
# Now grab the rig frequency and use it to re-set the Gqrx
# frequency. This is due to the fact that tuning steps on
# the rig may prevent the actual Gqrx frequency from being
# set, so Gqrx will use whatever the rig accepted.
(rig_freq, is_usb) = get_rig_freq(rs)
set_gqrx_lnb_lo(gs, rig_freq, if_freq, is_usb)
set_gqrx_freq(gs, rig_freq)
time.sleep(args.interval / 1000.0)
old_is_usb = is_usb
old_rig_freq = rig_freq
old_gqrx_freq = gqrx_freq
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except Exception as e: