mirror of https://github.com/rfivet/uemacs.git synced 2024-12-18 15:26:23 -05:00

339 lines
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/* spawn.c -- implements spawn.h */
#include "spawn.h"
/* Various operating system access commands.
* Modified by Petri Kutvonen
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "buffer.h"
#include "defines.h"
#include "display.h"
#include "exec.h"
#include "file.h"
#include "flook.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "terminal.h"
#include "window.h"
#if USG | BSD
#include <signal.h>
/* Create a subjob with a copy of the command intrepreter in it. When the
* command interpreter exits, mark the screen as garbage so that you do a full
* repaint. Bound to "^X C".
BINDABLE( spawncli) {
#if USG | BSD
char *cp;
/* don't allow this command if restricted */
if (restflag)
return resterr();
#if USG | BSD
movecursor(term.t_nrow, 0); /* Seek to last line. */
TTclose(); /* stty to old settings */
TTkclose(); /* Close "keyboard" */
if ((cp = getenv("SHELL")) != NULL && *cp != '\0')
ue_system( cp) ;
#if BSD
system("exec /bin/csh");
ue_system( "exec /bin/sh") ;
sgarbf = TRUE;
usleep( 2000000L) ;
* This fools the update routines to force a full
* redraw with complete window size checking.
* -lbt
chg_width = term.t_ncol;
chg_height = term.t_nrow + 1;
term.t_nrow = term.t_ncol = 0;
return TRUE;
#if BSD | SVR4
/* suspend MicroEMACS and wait to wake up */
BINDABLE( bktoshell) {
int pid;
pid = getpid();
kill(0, SIGTSTP);
return TRUE;
void rtfrmshell(void)
curwp->w_flag = WFHARD;
sgarbf = TRUE;
/* Run a one-liner in a subjob. When the command returns, wait for a single
* character to be typed, then mark the screen as garbage so a full repaint is
* done. Bound to "C-X !".
BINDABLE( spawn) {
int s ;
char *line ;
/* don't allow this command if restricted */
if( restflag)
return resterr();
#if USG | BSD
s = newmlarg( &line, "!", 0) ;
if( s != TRUE)
return s ;
TTclose(); /* stty to old modes */
ue_system( line) ;
free( line) ;
fflush(stdout); /* to be sure P.K. */
if (clexec == FALSE) {
mlwrite( "(End)") ; /* Pause. */
while ((s = tgetc()) != '\r' && s != ' ');
mlwrite( "\r\n") ;
sgarbf = TRUE;
return TRUE;
/* Run an external program with arguments. When it returns, wait for a single
* character to be typed, then mark the screen as garbage so a full repaint is
* done. Bound to "C-X $".
BINDABLE( execprg) {
int s ;
char *line ;
/* don't allow this command if restricted */
if( restflag)
return resterr() ;
#if USG | BSD
s = newmlarg( &line, "$", 0) ;
if( s != TRUE)
return s ;
TTputc('\n'); /* Already have '\r' */
TTclose(); /* stty to old modes */
ue_system( line) ;
free( line) ;
fflush(stdout); /* to be sure P.K. */
mlwrite( "(End)") ; /* Pause. */
while ((s = tgetc()) != '\r' && s != ' ');
sgarbf = TRUE;
return TRUE;
/* Pipe a one line command into a window
* Bound to pipe-command ^X @
BINDABLE( pipecmd) {
window_p wp ; /* pointer to new window */
char *mlarg ;
const char filnam[] = "command" ;
/* don't allow this command if restricted */
if( restflag)
return resterr() ;
/* get the command to pipe in */
int s = newmlarg( &mlarg, "pipe-command: ", 0) ;
if( s != TRUE)
return s ;
char *cmdline = malloc( strlen( mlarg) + strlen( filnam) + 4) ;
if( cmdline == NULL) {
free( mlarg) ;
return FALSE ;
strcpy( cmdline, mlarg) ;
free( mlarg) ;
strcat( cmdline, " > ") ;
strcat( cmdline, filnam) ;
/* get rid of the command output buffer if it exists */
buffer_p bp = bfind( filnam, FALSE, 0) ;
if( bp != NULL) {
/* try to make sure we are off screen */
for( wp = wheadp ; wp != NULL ; wp = wp->w_wndp) {
if( wp->w_bufp == bp) {
if( wp == curwp)
delwind( FALSE, 1) ;
onlywind( FALSE, 1) ;
break ;
onlywind( FALSE, 1) ;
break ;
if( zotbuf( bp) != TRUE) {
free( cmdline) ;
return FALSE ;
#if USG | BSD
TTclose(); /* stty to old modes */
ue_system( cmdline) ;
free( cmdline) ;
sgarbf = TRUE;
s = TRUE;
if( s != TRUE)
return s;
/* split the current window to make room for the command output
** and read the stuff in */
if( splitwind( FALSE, 1) == FALSE
|| getfile( filnam, FALSE) == FALSE)
return FALSE ;
/* make this window in VIEW mode, update all mode lines */
curwp->w_bufp->b_mode |= MDVIEW ;
for( wp = wheadp ; wp != NULL ; wp = wp->w_wndp)
wp->w_flag |= WFMODE ;
/* and get rid of the temporary file */
unlink( filnam) ;
return TRUE ;
/* filter a buffer through an external DOS program
* Bound to ^X #
BINDABLE( filter_buffer) {
int s ; /* return status from CLI */
buffer_p bp ; /* pointer to buffer to zot */
char *mlarg ;
char *line ; /* command line send to shell */
fname_t tmpnam ; /* place to store real file name */
static char bname1[] = "fltinp" ;
static char filnam1[] = "fltinp" ;
static char filnam2[] = "fltout" ;
/* don't allow this command if restricted */
if( restflag)
return resterr() ;
assert( !(curbp->b_mode & MDVIEW)) ;
/* get the filter name and its args */
s = newmlarg( &mlarg, "#", 0) ;
if( s != TRUE)
return s ;
line = malloc( strlen( mlarg) + 16 + 1) ;
if( line == NULL) {
free( mlarg) ;
return FALSE ;
strcpy( line, mlarg) ;
free( mlarg) ;
/* setup the proper file names */
bp = curbp;
strcpy(tmpnam, bp->b_fname); /* save the original name */
strcpy(bp->b_fname, bname1); /* set it to our new one */
/* write it out, checking for errors */
if( writeout( filnam1) != TRUE) {
mlwrite( "(Cannot write filter file)") ;
strcpy( bp->b_fname, tmpnam) ;
free( line) ;
return FALSE ;
#if USG | BSD
TTputc('\n'); /* Already have '\r' */
TTclose(); /* stty to old modes */
strcat(line, " <fltinp >fltout");
ue_system( line) ;
free( line) ;
sgarbf = TRUE;
s = TRUE;
/* on failure, escape gracefully */
if (s != TRUE || (readin(filnam2, FALSE) == FALSE)) {
mlwrite( "(Execution failed)") ;
strcpy(bp->b_fname, tmpnam);
return s;
/* reset file name */
strcpy(bp->b_fname, tmpnam); /* restore name */
bp->b_flag |= BFCHG; /* flag it as changed */
/* and get rid of the temporary file */
return TRUE;
/* end of spawn.c */