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Linus Torvalds 3c7bd9a7d2 Make kbd macro save area use 'int' instead of short
I'm starting to expand the input value from 'short' (with flags in the
upper eight bytes) to 'int' (with negative values having flags).

Small baby steps.

Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <torvalds@linux-foundation.org>
2012-07-10 17:42:19 -07:00

136 lines
5.5 KiB

#include "estruct.h"
#include "edef.h"
/* initialized global definitions */
int fillcol = 72; /* Current fill column */
int kbdm[NKBDM]; /* Macro */
char *execstr = NULL; /* pointer to string to execute */
char golabel[NPAT] = ""; /* current line to go to */
int execlevel = 0; /* execution IF level */
int eolexist = TRUE; /* does clear to EOL exist */
int revexist = FALSE; /* does reverse video exist? */
int flickcode = FALSE; /* do flicker supression? */
char *modename[] = { /* name of modes */
char *mode2name[] = { /* name of modes */
"Wrap", "Cmode", "Spell", "Exact", "View", "Over",
"Magic", "Crypt", "Asave", "utf-8"
char modecode[] = "WCSEVOMYAU"; /* letters to represent modes */
int gmode = 0; /* global editor mode */
int gflags = GFREAD; /* global control flag */
int gfcolor = 8; /* global forgrnd color (white) */
int gfcolor = 7; /* global forgrnd color (white) */
int gbcolor = 0; /* global backgrnd color (black) */
int gasave = 256; /* global ASAVE size */
int gacount = 256; /* count until next ASAVE */
int sgarbf = TRUE; /* TRUE if screen is garbage */
int mpresf = FALSE; /* TRUE if message in last line */
int clexec = FALSE; /* command line execution flag */
int mstore = FALSE; /* storing text to macro flag */
int discmd = TRUE; /* display command flag */
int disinp = TRUE; /* display input characters */
struct buffer *bstore = NULL; /* buffer to store macro text to */
int vtrow = 0; /* Row location of SW cursor */
int vtcol = 0; /* Column location of SW cursor */
int ttrow = HUGE; /* Row location of HW cursor */
int ttcol = HUGE; /* Column location of HW cursor */
int lbound = 0; /* leftmost column of current line
being displayed */
int taboff = 0; /* tab offset for display */
int metac = CONTROL | '['; /* current meta character */
int ctlxc = CONTROL | 'X'; /* current control X prefix char */
int reptc = CONTROL | 'U'; /* current universal repeat char */
int abortc = CONTROL | 'G'; /* current abort command char */
int quotec = 0x11; /* quote char during mlreply() */
int tabmask = 0x07; /* tabulator mask */
char *cname[] = { /* names of colors */
, "HIGH"
struct kill *kbufp = NULL; /* current kill buffer chunk pointer */
struct kill *kbufh = NULL; /* kill buffer header pointer */
int kused = KBLOCK; /* # of bytes used in kill buffer */
struct window *swindow = NULL; /* saved window pointer */
int cryptflag = FALSE; /* currently encrypting? */
int *kbdptr; /* current position in keyboard buf */
int *kbdend = &kbdm[0]; /* ptr to end of the keyboard */
int kbdmode = STOP; /* current keyboard macro mode */
int kbdrep = 0; /* number of repetitions */
int restflag = FALSE; /* restricted use? */
int lastkey = 0; /* last keystoke */
int seed = 0; /* random number seed */
long envram = 0l; /* # of bytes current in use by malloc */
int macbug = FALSE; /* macro debuging flag */
char errorm[] = "ERROR"; /* error literal */
char truem[] = "TRUE"; /* true literal */
char falsem[] = "FALSE"; /* false litereal */
int cmdstatus = TRUE; /* last command status */
char palstr[49] = ""; /* palette string */
int saveflag = 0; /* Flags, saved with the $target var */
char *fline = NULL; /* dynamic return line */
int flen = 0; /* current length of fline */
int rval = 0; /* return value of a subprocess */
int nullflag = FALSE; /* accept null characters */
int justflag = FALSE; /* justify, don't fill */
int overlap = 0; /* line overlap in forw/back page */
int scrollcount = 1; /* number of lines to scroll */
/* uninitialized global definitions */
int currow; /* Cursor row */
int curcol; /* Cursor column */
int thisflag; /* Flags, this command */
int lastflag; /* Flags, last command */
int curgoal; /* Goal for C-P, C-N */
struct window *curwp; /* Current window */
struct buffer *curbp; /* Current buffer */
struct window *wheadp; /* Head of list of windows */
struct buffer *bheadp; /* Head of list of buffers */
struct buffer *blistp; /* Buffer for C-X C-B */
char sres[NBUFN]; /* current screen resolution */
char pat[NPAT]; /* Search pattern */
char tap[NPAT]; /* Reversed pattern array. */
char rpat[NPAT]; /* replacement pattern */
/* The variable matchlen holds the length of the matched
* string - used by the replace functions.
* The variable patmatch holds the string that satisfies
* the search command.
* The variables matchline and matchoff hold the line and
* offset position of the *start* of match.
unsigned int matchlen = 0;
unsigned int mlenold = 0;
char *patmatch = NULL;
struct line *matchline = NULL;
int matchoff = 0;
/* directive name table:
This holds the names of all the directives.... */
char *dname[] = {
"if", "else", "endif",
"goto", "return", "endm",
"while", "endwhile", "break",
/* vars needed for macro debugging output */
char outline[NSTRING]; /* global string to hold debug line text */